
Lost in the Mirror

Light. I could see a fading light through the very left side of my peripheral vision. Was this reality? Turning my head, I began to follow the source of light allowing the rays to embrace me. Had someone heard my cries? No, I had stop calling for help a long time ago. This was probably another curious crusader exploring the depths of this old forgotten home. I was a phantom these days. Jumping from mirror to mirror dealing with this curse.

My name was Cosmo, at least this was the name I decided on when I had spent the first several years locked within this place.

During that time, it was just me and my thoughts. It was a lonely time, but did give me a chance to figure myself out. While alone, I had gone through a number of possible names ranging from a variety of dialects. Finally, I decided on Cosmo. It sounded exciting and made my presence far more interesting to those who would finally find me.

With a name like Cosmo, others would assume I had been locked within these mirrors because of some Great War. Interesting people always did have interesting names.

Living by one's self does have a particular charm to it during the first years. You can do whatever it is you like. Unfortunately, this appealing notion tends to drift when the insanity begins to fester. But as my mother would often say, I was an optimistic sort of guy. So as insanity grew I saw the various added voices as people to keep me company opposed to rising alarm about my fleeting sanity.

So on this particular day as I marched towards the light, I was not sure whether the voices I heard were real or my imagination.

Hearing a woman's voice in my head was different. Either I was getting desperate in my solitude, and had finally resorted to making a fictional girlfriend, or this Mia was real. Her tone was flowery yet stern as if she was masking her true attachment to the siren song.

The man's voice, on the other hand, was direct. Obviously, he demanded a room or two. I never liked people like that. Although, I must admit that was partially due to my own envious nature.

I could see that the man had sensed me. He had the crimson eyes of a hunter. So I did the only thing I could think of doing. I attempted to stretch my arm out to grab the woman as a means to escape my prison. My hand moved forward and shattered against her head breaking the mirror I was captivated in.

"Freedom!" I announced only to find myself locked within another cage.

"Mia!" Called the man. I could hear movement, but had no idea where I was or what had happened.