
The Dance Of The Wolves

What do you think could possibly happen should a mortal begin to take a liking to a cute stranger? A stranger was he, she knew. But she knew not that he was a forbidden existence, one hated by nature so much. A Werewolf was he and also was he a Vampire.

Michael_Millan · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Meeting

(Morien Morningstar)

That comical history lecturer really distracted me, granting a chance of escaping my sight to the other wolf. I finally got rid of him by jamming my deadly claws into him, I already knew he had seen through me for I was nervous. That journal could be a key to my downfall and I knew I had to get it back.

And fast was I as I raced after her. I was not a normal creature, I was a hybrid. Might have lost a part of me but I could not be underestimated. I sighted a white streak racing ahead of me and I knew it was she. A wolf and a large white one at that was it that I visioned as I got closer to it.

Urged my legs to move on fast and I finally got it. A kick sent it flying to a nearby abandoned bus. The white wolf whimpered as it arose, there was a lot of force within that kick. Before it could even think of racing away, I had it's neck within the grip of my right hand claws.

I snatched the journal from it, the little wolf had the gut to make use of it's canines to hold it. On getting the journal, I tossed the wolf away. No one needed to tell it to leave my absence lest I got angered. The wind howled and gone was it.

I went back to my mansion and of course I did make use of my speed so I arrived within few seconds. My sitting room was really a mess, a big one at that. Blood was everywhere but the owners were missing. No one needed to tell me that Williams had taken care of that.

I could have killed Williams and the she wolf but I didn't. It wasn't about me being pitiful or merciful, I just saw no need to kill them. I had to know why they knew nothing about the oldest creatures to ever exist. I knew there was so much mystery I had to uncover within Bitter End.

Even with my speed, it still took me minutes to beautify my sitting room and making it regain it's beauty. 'If I was Williams and I managed to get my enemy to exit his home? Would I not try to make use of that chance to create a scheme? But, what could he have done while I was away?' So many words ran through my mind.

I felt unsettled but I banished that feeling. I was a powerhouse and I was fully aware I could not die like normal supernatural creatures did. I slept through the night, the sleep was sure a great one. Dreamt about some past events, sweet memories that I could never think of letting go.

Wasted no time with cleaning my body before heading to the school, I sighted the comical Williams when it was his time to teach the humans but he pretended like he didn't see me, he had his sight away from me but on an empty seat. I gazed at the empty seat and finally realized that the human girl, Rebekah Willsford, was absent.

And the next day, she still was not present and I really knew the issue was alarming. I asked her seatmate about her and her reply was sober. 'She's missing, her parents reported to the station. There are pictures of her all over town, did you not sight them?' How would I have known if I rarely walked like a human would on a daily basis?

I wasn't the only worried person, I could see a worried expression on Williams's face but I could not think of why he was so bothered about a human. Did she have something to do with their Pack? I knew not but I knew I had to find her, I liked her. A reason as such was outrageous. One as ancient as I would not bother to deal with affairs of mundanes but I wanted to get involved since I liked her, I knew I was a straightforward person. I did outrageous things for simple reasons.

I left the high school after the day ran out with the intention of seeing if I could help find the girl. I knew I might have liked her but the feeling wasn't deep cause if it was, I would have exited the school at that exact moment I heard about the issue. I decided to walk to the mansion just like a human would and I did sight a lot of posters about her case. Just when I was still thinking about her, dozens of bulky men and beautiful ladies had me in a big circle.

An ambush, I could sense their aura and I knew they were wolves. They made way for three figures and all three were clad in black robes. And among the trio, I sighted Williams and that female wolf who suffered at my hands, twice. There was also a new face, he looked handsome but very roguish. I sensed his powerful aura and I knew he was their Alpha but I wasn't bothered. They did not know what they were dealing with, I doubted if any creature within the town could dream of killing me.

'It's my pleasure having the chance to meet you, how are you faring?' I chuckled as he spoke in a sarcastic tone. I could lay waste to the army he brought but that was stressful and I was the type that hated too much bloodshed. 'Hello, friend.'