
The Dance Of The Wolves

What do you think could possibly happen should a mortal begin to take a liking to a cute stranger? A stranger was he, she knew. But she knew not that he was a forbidden existence, one hated by nature so much. A Werewolf was he and also was he a Vampire.

Michael_Millan · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A Man Of Wits

(Williams Woods)

That man was sure a monster, he got rid of four wolves within four seconds. I could not even catch a glimpse of his body movement. He mentioned a name but I knew not who the man was. I knew he was surprised. He also did mention a thing about his origin, he said all of us would scurry away if we were to know his name. Was his name not Morien Morningstar?

I believed we might be able to hold him at bay should we transform. No one needed to tell the transformed wolves to get him. I knew he was a Vampire after accessing the way he fought but what baffled me was the strength he possessed. Or were the rumours true?

My wolves all lunged at him as all vital parts of his were targeted. A blur was it that flashed past them and some heads fell off. Blurry was he as I sighted him cutting off their heads, snapping their necks, tossing their hearts away. None could touch him, he was just too fast.

Finally, a wolf managed to give a nasty bite to his arm and glad was I for a wolf's bite was enough to kill a Vampire after some hours of being bitten. There was no cure to it and so did I relax thinking we've gotten our prey. He was weakened not for the massacre was not put to a stop.

The bite injury on his arm vanished after some seconds and I was just so shocked. How was that possible or was he not a Vampire? If he was not so what was he? I got angered after realizing that I and Anastasia were the only ones alive. We visited the monster in hopes of capturing him but the expected scenario did not issue.

I looked around and I was furious. The scene was gory for heads and hearts filled the room. I sighted the devil resuming his sitting posture after laying waste to many wolves. I waited no more and transformed, I knew I was no match of his if I did not undergo a full transformation. My red eyes focused on his body, I knew I was no longer in control of myself, my wolf had already taken control of our entire being. Pissed was my wolf but it was still wary of the devil. I lunged at him and lucky was I for I managed to get his right leg.

He moved not even after my fangs sunk into his flesh. I was already on the verge of damaging his leg but I was flung away. I shook my head as I focused my gaze on his right leg but it had already healed. How did he heal so fast? All claw attacks of mine were dodged, none was able to get him. I knew he was probably as strong as Syrel was. He kept on sending me to different positions with his light punches, I was aware he was not planning on killing me.

Even a powerful person could as well be fooled. While he was in a heated battle with my wolves, I had already whispered to Anastasia to get that journal lying on the table the moment I got him distracted. A blur flashed past us both and gone was she, with the journal. He felt worried and raced after her but I stopped him. I made use of that moment to gain the upper hand.

My fang sunk into his leg and I sent his body flying to a huge shelf. The shelf crumbled as his body kissed it and glad was I. Not even giving him a second to relax, I ran towards him and clawed his cute face. Seconds passed and I was still in control of the battle. Finally thinking I could change the pattern of the battle, a yelp escaped my mouth.

His claws jammed into my neck, the weakened monster finally regained his composure, taking control of the battle. His tuxedo suit was in a mess for it was tattered and that was due to my claw attacks. His injuries healed but his face expression was one of nervousness, I guessed it was because of the journal. There must have been some secrets within it, I hoped Anastasia got it to Syrel.

'You're right. There are secrets of my origin right in that journal so if she manages to get it back to your Pack and the secrets are revealed, I promise to lay waste to your Pack.' He vanished right after he spoke, his tone was gentle but I could feel the danger in it. I knew he had gone after Anastasia, things were messed up. I was truly a man of wits but I was scared of the outcome of the plan I created on spur. Anastasia was a Beta Wolf and she was not as fast as I was. If I could not be as fast as Morningstar, does that not mean Anastasia was much slower than the devil?

A smile found it's way to my face as I transformed back to my humane form and naked was I. I made my way into a room and got myself a black robe to cover my nakedness. I walked back to the sitting room as I searched for the bag I came with which I had already kept it in hiding after our entry. I was sure Morningstar could not have noticed the subtle movement I made some minutes ago.

The bag was filled with explosives, I had already planted some of them within the exterior of the mansion some days ago and that was when he was at the high school. Seeing an opportunity to plant some within the interior, glad was I. This was another way of killing him, no one was indestructible. I looked around and sighed, the scene was really gory.