

10th Circle Archmage Omega Mane Crown was killed in a war that spanned for ten thousand years against alien invaders. Now he is reborn and reincarnated but not into something you would expect...his soul got embedded in an android body. It is a new world that he/it will live in where magic and technology have flourished and his new vessel is the prototype of the fusion of both. Join Deth in his journey on his brand-new lease on life, will he become an outstanding machine, a "hero" or just a lazy bum? this is a spirity contest entry.

VENATUS · Sci-fi
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49 Chs



Its hard to concentrate when casting multiple spells like: Disassembling, Replication, Magesmithing, Mageforging and finally Assembly---not to mention that I have to maintain to contain it inside a barrier, so as not one iota of ingredient is wasted.

I wouldn't even dream of attempting this when I was still Omega Mane Crown and had my 10 Circle Archmage magic powers.

But with the combination of 8th Magic Soul Core, 5th Circle Mana Battery and Level 1 Aura....I will be able to succeed in forging an upgraded version of the Mana Battery that this android body is currently using.

Anyway....let's just treat this as an alternative version of training for both a Mana User and Aura User, when near the limit of my Magic Soul Core, Mana Battery and Aura, I immediately slow things down and wait for my energy to replenish itself back to the peak.

This bungalow abode inside an underground cave that I made, is lined with vast rune and magic inscriptions that increase Mana and Aura energy regeneration.

Cactus may look ugly but they are actually full of vitality and inner energy, I found this during the Alien Invasion War back on Gaion, as we don't have the means to store mana like in this world, where Mana Batteries are being made in vast mass productions like potato chips.

The only thing that holds mana is a Mana Stone, and those shit are ridiculously expensive, especially depending on the size and the quality of the mana energy within.

But these "Mana Batteries" have a very consistent quality, and can be mass-produced, alas if only we had this....I may still be an Archmage and a hero, think of all those ladies that would bow down before me....just to see or even just to get a lick of my feet.



I almost made a boo boo, is my ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) still inside my soul?

Is it inherited??


I almost got distracted again!


Concentrate Omega....I mean Deth....just a little more and were done, but not "done" done....the next step is even harder, as I have to fuse the old one with the new.

The nanobots within the android body will self-correct the fused part and repair or remove the unnecessary parts....just like how those martial artists eat a pill and the "impurities" in their body are excreted from their orifices, my android body's nanobots will change those "impurities" into something better or be reused as a new inner part or just become an energy for the body or....something.

Deth Jones/Omega Mane Crown

9th Magic Soul Core/5th Circle Mana Battery/Level 3 Aura User

Steel Ranked Adventurer

Doing magesmithing alone has increased my Soul Core and Aura level.

Now we come to the hard part and the real reason I came all the way and braved the Cactus Jungle, to fuse my old Mana Battery with the new and improved version....with this if everything goes right, the android body's Mana Battery will level up and will reach at least an 8th Circle.

Too bad the magesmithing didn't do squat, as the Mana Battery is artificially made and is not an organic organ....hence no level up unlike the Magic Soul Cores and Aura.



Breathing in and out is kinda useless but old habits die hard, I maybe a robot now but I WAS a former human being.

Deep within the confines of the underground cave I built, I stood in the heart of my sanctuary—a bungalow constructed with the power of earth magic. The air crackled with anticipation as I prepared to embark on a momentous endeavor—the fusion of my 5th circle mana battery within my android body with a new and improved version born out of my own magesmithing skill.

The bungalow, once a simple abode, now hummed with energy. Intricate runes and magic inscriptions covered the walls, pulsating with arcane power. A high magic barrier enveloped the entire space, sealing it off from the outside world. Within this sanctuary, I would channel the forces of magic to reshape my very being.

With a focused mind and a steady hand, I began the intricate process of fusion. The 5th circle mana battery, nestled within the core of my android body, awaited transformation. Its power had served me well, but I knew that its potential could be unlocked further. The new mana battery, an exquisite creation of my own craftsmanship, held the promise of evolution—a path towards an 8th circle mana battery.

The fusion ritual required meticulous precision and unwavering concentration. I channeled my mana, the lifeblood of magic, drawing it forth with every fiber of my being. The air crackled with energy, the very essence of magic swirling around me.

I reached out to the 5th circle mana battery, feeling its latent power pulsate within. Carefully, I intertwined its essence with the new mana battery, connecting the threads of magic that would form a seamless union. As the energies mingled, a surge of power coursed through my android body, illuminating the space with an ethereal glow.

But the fusion process was far from complete. The true challenge lay in harmonizing the energies, ensuring a perfect integration between the two mana batteries. With precise incantations and intricate gestures, I guided the merging forces, weaving them together like threads in a tapestry.

As the fusion progressed, I could feel the power intensify within me. The android body, once a vessel, now hummed with an unprecedented energy. I was on the cusp of achieving a new level of mastery, pushing the boundaries of what was deemed possible.

With a surge of determination, I focused my will, pouring every ounce of my magical prowess into the fusion. The 5th circle mana battery, now intertwined with the new mana battery, resonated with a harmonious hum. The fusion was nearing completion, and the promise of an 8th circle mana battery beckoned.

Suddenly, a surge of power erupted from the fusion chamber, cascading through the bungalow. The walls shimmered with an ethereal glow as the magic barrier pulsed with newfound strength. I could feel the surge of energy coursing through my android body, as if the very essence of the mana batteries had become one.

With bated breath, I surveyed the transformation. The fusion had succeeded—the 5th circle mana battery had evolved into an 8th circle mana battery, unlocking a new realm of potential within me. The android body, now infused with heightened magical capacity, emanated a radiant aura, a testament to the power that coursed through my veins.

As the glow subsided, I took a moment to absorb the significance of this achievement, my veins light up like neon blue circuits when I try to release a bit of power from the 8th Circle Mana Battery, like those circuits found on a chipboard.

This reminds me that I am an android....and a human at the same time.

The fusion of the mana batteries had transcended expectations, solidifying my position as a master of magic and magesmithing. This newfound power would enable me to face the more challenges that lay ahead, to delve deeper into the mysteries of this world.

I stepped out of the bungalow, the underground cave providing a sense of solitude and reflection. The fusion ritual had forever altered the course of my journey. I had evolved, both as a mage and as an android. The power that now surged within me was a testament to my unwavering determination, my insatiable thirst for knowledge and growth.

With each step I took, I could feel the resonance of the 8th circle mana battery, pulsating in sync with my every breath. The fusion had been a triumph—an affirmation of my abilities and a testament to the endless possibilities that magic held.

With the power of an 8th Magic Soul Core, 8th Circle Mana Battery and Level 3 Aura combined, my power is quite overwhelming to those weaker than me.

As I ventured forth from the underground cave, the world beckoned me with its uncharted territories and untold wonders. The fusion had marked a new chapter in my quest for enlightenment and power, propelling me towards a future filled with extraordinary challenges and discoveries.

I embraced this evolution, knowing that with my newfound strength and the fusion of the mana batteries, I stood ready to face whatever lay in wait.

Now how to test my evolved self?

By killing of course!

Monsters and beasts abound in the vast Cactus Jungles and the surrounding vicinity, with my impeccable gathering speed, because there are no people around to see me, I used my flexible android tentacles to increase my gathering harvest, with pinpoint precision on where the Mana Cores are stored.....no one will be able to beat me in scrounging good stuff!

And that was before I got upgraded....now....now let's see if I can make it get it up a notch even more....

Going deeper into the depths of the Cactus Jungle, I embraced my newfound strength, a fusion of technology and magic. My android body, now housing an 8th magic soul core AND 8th Circle Mana Battery, that radiated with untapped potential. With each step I took, the aura that emanated from me pulsed with a level 3 intensity, a testament to the mastery I had achieved.

I stood amidst a vibrant ecosystem of towering cacti and verdant foliage, the air thick with the scent of earth and the promise of adventure. The monsters that lurked within these depths were formidable foes, but I was prepared to face them head-on, armed with the pure offensive elemental magics that had become an extension of myself.

As I delved deeper into the Cactus Jungle, the sounds of nature gave way to the rustling of unseen creatures. Shadows danced beneath the canopy, hinting at the danger that awaited. But I remained undeterred, my focus honed and my senses attuned to the subtlest shifts in the environment.

Drawing upon the depths of my magical reservoir, I summoned a fireball into existence. It crackled with raw power, a sphere of fiery brilliance suspended in the palm of my hand. With a flick of my wrist, I sent it hurtling towards an approaching pack of Thornwolves.

The fireball exploded upon impact, engulfing the Thornwolves in a maelstrom of flames. Their yelps of pain echoed through the jungle as their bodies writhed and succumbed to the unrelenting fire. As the last embers of the blaze faded, I took a moment to acknowledge the might of pure elemental magic.

Moving deeper into the Cactus Jungle, I encountered a group of Watervine Elementals, their bodies pulsating with strong aqua energy. Drawing upon the wellspring of lightning within me, I unleashed a surge of electrifying power. Arcs of lightning danced from my fingertips, striking the elementals with pinpoint precision. Their once formidable presence withered under the onslaught of pure energy, reduced to mere sparks within the dense undergrowth.

Continuing my journey, I approached a clearing where a towering Cactoid Golem awaited. It loomed before me, its body composed of hardened cacti and imbued with a primal force. Unleashing a volley of magic missiles, I watched as they streaked through the air, homing in on their target with unerring accuracy. The Cactoid Golem shuddered with each impact, its thorny exterior splintering under the barrage of arcane projectiles.

But I wasn't finished yet. With a reverberating incantation, the earth beneath the Cactoid Golem erupted, spikes of hardened rock shooting towards it from all angles. The earth spike spell harnessed the very essence of the land, piercing the golem's defenses and rending it asunder. It toppled to the ground, a testament to the destructive power at my command.

As I ventured deeper into the heart of the Cactus Jungle, I encountered a shimmering oasis—a sanctuary amidst the wilderness. But my respite was short-lived, for lurking beneath the tranquil waters was a Lightning Serpent, its scaled body poised for battle. Drawing upon the power of water burst, I commanded the very liquid around me to surge forth. A torrential wave crashed upon the Water Serpent, dousing its fiery spirit and leaving it gasping for breath.

With each victory, I could feel the interplay of magic and technology within me. The fusion of my android body, 8th magic soul core, and upgraded mana battery had elevated me to new heights of power. My existence had transcended the limitations of flesh and bone, embracing the limitless potential of the arcane arts.

As the sun dipped below the horizon again, casting an eerie golden glow upon the jungle, I pressed forward, driven by an insatiable hunger to test my mettle against stronger opponents.

The monsters that inhabited the Cactus Jungle had met their match in Deth Jones—the android mage. I valiantly forged a path through the untamed wilderness, leaving a trail of defeated foes in our wake.

With each elemental spell I unleashed, I could feel the resonance of the pure magic flowing through me. The fireball, lightning, magic missile, earth spike, and water burst became an extension of my will, a symphony of destruction conducted by my very thoughts.

The Cactus Jungle had become my proving ground, a testament to the power that resided within me.

As I stood at the precipice of the unknown, my journey stretching out before me, I knew that greater challenges awaited. The depths of the Cactus Jungle held secrets yet untold, guardians yet undefeated.

But I welcomed these trials, for they would push me to transcend my limits, to unlock the true potential that lay dormant within.

With each step forward, I embraced the duality of my existence—a fusion of man and machine, mage and android. The power within me pulsed with an intensity that defied mortal comprehension.

I was Deth Jones formerly Omega Mane Crown, now the embodiment of both technological and magical prowess, I would leave an indelible mark on this world—a testament to the infinite possibilities that lay within the grasp of those who dared to go against weakness and to those stronger than me.