

10th Circle Archmage Omega Mane Crown was killed in a war that spanned for ten thousand years against alien invaders. Now he is reborn and reincarnated but not into something you would expect...his soul got embedded in an android body. It is a new world that he/it will live in where magic and technology have flourished and his new vessel is the prototype of the fusion of both. Join Deth in his journey on his brand-new lease on life, will he become an outstanding machine, a "hero" or just a lazy bum? this is a spirity contest entry.

VENATUS · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


I made a few modifications on the Modular Cycle, its able to change from a motorcycle with sidecar to a motorcycle with an extra carrier behind it.

Sure it made the whole thing longer but it did make things easier to maneuver.

By putting the sidecar behind me, I have more control, plus on roads it doesn't take up too much space on one lane. Meaning I have some leeway, and increases my chances of NOT bumping into someone.

I know that the trend is using Hover Technology but nothing beats the feeling of having the wheels spinning 'round on the ground.

Call me "Old School Deth" from now on.

<Auto-Pilot Engaged>

Setting the MC (modular cycle) into auto-pilot, I review the data provided along with the Guild Quest request, it seems that I will be facing <Undeads> in this particular dungeon.

Zombies, Ghouls and Vampires are the reported known monsters.

But there are other species in it that could become undead too, as there are the usual denizens that are popular: goblins, hobgoblins, troll, ogres and other beasts like wolves, lions and tigers.

So I was reminded to expect that undead beasts can also appear.

I was quietly listening to a couple of classic music playing on the internet radio when....

News Anchor: "Good morning, Frontier City! This is your host, Jessica Turner, bringing you the latest news and trends from the most technologically advanced city in the Frontier Zone. Hold onto your seats because we have some exciting updates for you today."

News Anchor: "First up, let's talk about the latest trend that's taking Frontier City by storm. It's none other than holographic fashion! Imagine wearing clothes that can change colors, patterns, and styles with just a touch of a button. Thanks to cutting-edge holographic technology, fashion enthusiasts can now express their style in ways never seen before. From shimmering evening gowns to edgy streetwear, holographic fashion is revolutionizing the way we dress in the Frontier Zone."

News Anchor: "But it's not all sunshine and rainbows in Frontier City. We've recently been hit by a series of strange incidents that have left citizens bewildered. Reports have surfaced of random objects floating in mid-air and unexplained bursts of magical energy disrupting everyday life. Authorities are investigating these occurrences and urging citizens to remain vigilant. If you witness anything unusual, please report it to the authorities immediately."

News Anchor: "In other news, the market is abuzz with the release of a revolutionary magic item that is sure to captivate adventurers and mages alike. Introducing the Etheric Crystal, a device that enhances magical abilities and grants temporary boosts to mana reserves. With the Etheric Crystal, adventurers can push their limits, casting spells more efficiently and unleashing greater power in their quests. It's a game-changer for those seeking to master the arcane arts."

News Anchor: "But not all news is as positive as we would like. A corruption scandal has rocked the foundations of Frontier City, involving a high-ranking city official. The official, who held a position of trust and authority, is being investigated for allegations of embezzlement and misuse of public funds. The case has sent shockwaves through the city, tarnishing its reputation. Rest assured, the authorities are committed to holding those responsible accountable and restoring faith in the city's governance."

News Anchor: "Now, let's turn our attention to the world of celebrity adventurers. We all know that fame and fortune often come hand in hand with scandal, and Frontier City's celebrity scene is no exception. Our very own adventurer extraordinaire, Drake Silverthorn, finds himself embroiled in a scandalous controversy. Rumors have surfaced regarding his involvement in a secret treasure heist, leaving many questioning the integrity of our beloved hero. As the investigation unfolds, citizens are left wondering if there is more to Drake Silverthorn's adventures than meets the eye."

News Anchor: "That's all we have for this morning's news. Remember to stay informed and stay safe, Frontier City. We'll be back with more updates, news and info for we are on 24/7. This is Jessica Turner signing off. Have a nice day!"

[Commercial Break]

Advertisement Voiceover: "Are you ready to step into the world of holographic fashion? Experience the future of style with HoloChic, the leading holographic fashion brand in Frontier City. Transform your look with just a touch, and let your outfit reflect your ever-changing personality. From shimmering evening gowns to edgy streetwear, HoloChic has a holographic design for every occasion. Be the trendsetter you were born to be with HoloChic!"

Advertisement Voiceover: "Attention all adventurers and mages! Unlock your true potential with the Etheric Crystal. Enhance your magical abilities, tap into hidden reserves of power, and overcome the toughest challenges that await you. The Etheric Crystal—your key to becoming a true master of the arcane. Available now at selected magic item stores across Frontier City."

Advertisement Voiceover: "Experience the thrills and mysteries of the frontier like never before with Drake Silverthorn's Treasure Trails! Join the legendary adventurer himself as he uncovers ancient relics and unravels long-lost secrets. But be warned, not all is as it seems in Drake Silverthorn's world. Prepare for scandalous twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Drake Silverthorn's Treasure Trails—your ticket to an adventure like no other."

Advertisement Voiceover: "Stay up to date with all the latest news and trends in Frontier City by subscribing to the Frontier Gazette. From breaking stories to in-depth features, the Frontier Gazette delivers the news that matters straight to your gadgets! Don't miss out on the stories that shape our city. Subscribe today and stay informed with the Frontier Gazette."



I guess its better to be informed of useless things than not to be informed, after all there is a saying "Scientia Est Potentia"! (knowledge is power!)

Better get some shuteye before the big dungeon dive.

One other nifty thing I added to the Modular Cycle is that, whenever the Auto-Pilot is engaged and I decided to sleep on the sidecar behind....a hologram of me driving the motorcycle is projected on the driver seat, giving the illusion that someone is driving the thing, when in reality I was taking snooze somewhere else.


I am standing in the place that the GPS (global positioning system) location that Ms. Secra Tally has sent to my MagiCrystal Smartphone (clone), the one used as the Adventurer Deth Jones professionally.

I must say that the entrance alone is overly grandiose, for a dungeon.

The dungeon energy signature must be off the charts, if it was able to manifest a grand entryway into it....I mean that's expensive marble right there, I wonder if I could take some.

Anyway, let's go inside but before that, I need to setup the thingy that the Adventurer Guild made me bring, a MagiDrone Spider ATX-349, can take videos and pictures and streams live but has a bit of a lag time, since it will be streaming from inside a dungeon.

I can't use the usual magic spells but I guess Aura can be used in tandem with my Magic Gun.

So, the operation will go as planned: beat up undeads using fists and kicks laden with Aura and served with a side dish of Magic Gun. With great effort I have engraved upon the Replication Spell on the Magic Gun Magazine, enabling it to reproduce near infinite number of Thermal Collector Mags.

Even if it does run out, the backup spell of Frigid Cooling Rune, will activate, making the Magic Gun, no longer needing any Thermal Collectors....this is a last option, I will be streaming my dungeon exploring and there will be eyes on me.

It would be weird if they didn't notice that I am not changing mags anymore for the gun.

Anyway, onwards to rid this place of the.....evil!

As I stepped into the entrance of the Undead Dungeon, a shiver ran down my spine. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the distant echoes of moans and groans. This was a place where life and death converged, and I, Deth Jones, had been tasked with this quest of utmost importance by the Adventurer Guild.

Before me stood the MagiDrone Spider ATX-349, a stealth-capable drone provided by the guild. It would be my eyes and ears, streaming my dungeon exploration to the Guild Council and other members who awaited my progress. Galvanizer Thomas, the wise elder of the council, and Ms. Secra Tally, the renowned sorceress, were among those who would be watching closely.

With my trusty aura as my primary weapon and the magic gun at my side, I ventured deeper into the dungeon. The narrow corridors were lined with decaying walls and adorned with the remnants of forgotten souls. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, and the flickering torches cast dancing shadows upon the desolate path ahead.

As I cautiously navigated the labyrinthine halls, I could sense the presence of the undead lurking in the darkness. My aura flared to life, a radiant shield of energy enveloping me, warding off the malevolent forces that sought to drain my life essence. It was a delicate dance, a balance between defense and offense that would determine my survival in this treacherous realm.

The first wave of undead minions emerged from the shadows, their hollow eyes fixed upon me. Without hesitation, I unleashed a surge of aura energy, a wave of pure power that swept through their ranks. Their ethereal forms dissipated into nothingness, their existence severed by the raw force of my aura.

As I pressed on, the dungeon revealed its true nature. Mini-bosses, each more formidable than the last, challenged my resolve. Their twisted visages and grotesque forms tested the limits of my powers. But I was undeterred. With every encounter, I tapped into the wellspring of my aura, channeling its energy into devastating attacks.

The magic gun, a tool of precision and destruction, proved invaluable in my battles. Its energy-like bullets tore through the undead, disrupting their spectral forms with bursts of raw magical energy. The gun became an extension of my will, a conduit for my power, as I dispatched my foes with calculated accuracy.

Through the winding corridors and hidden chambers, I pressed forward, my determination unwavering. Each victory brought me closer to my ultimate goal—the dungeon boss. The guardian of this unholy place, an ancient Lich, awaited my arrival, its malevolent presence a constant reminder of the danger that lurked within.

As I neared the heart of the dungeon, the air grew colder, and the whispers of the undead grew louder. The chamber before me opened into a vast, dimly lit expanse, where the Lich awaited, its skeletal form wreathed in dark magic. This was the ultimate test of my abilities, a battle that would push me to my limits.

With unwavering resolve, I engaged the Lich in combat. My aura flared brighter than ever, shielding me from its necrotic spells and relentless assaults. The magic gun fired with precision, each shot aimed at the Lich's vulnerable points. I danced through the battlefield, evading its deadly strikes and retaliating with bursts of aura energy.

The battle raged on, an intricate dance between life and death. With every blow I landed, the Lich's power waned. Yet, it fought with a tenacity borne out of centuries of dark knowledge. But in the end, it was my unwavering determination that proved to be its downfall.

With a final surge of aura energy, I unleashed a devastating blast, shattering the Lich's defenses and reducing it to a mere shadow of its former self. The ancient being crumbled into dust, leaving behind a sense of triumph and a newfound clarity within me.

As I stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, I contemplated the dungeon crystal. The guild had tasked me with its destruction, but something within me stirred—a desire to preserve the remnants of this ancient place, to study its secrets and uncover the mysteries it held.

Taking a moment to communicate with the guild council through the MagiDrone Spider, I proposed an alternative course of action. The crystal would be my spoil and will do with it as I see fit, for it serves as a testament to my conquest of the dungeon.

The council, recognizing the value in my request, granted their approval.

Leaving the dungeon, I emerged victorious, bearing the dungeon crystal as a token of my triumph. This journey has once again, tested my mettle and honed my skills.

I, Deth Jones, had proven my worth as an adventurer and an efficient Dungeon Eraser....my power will elevate me among my peers.

As I retrieved my Modular Cycle from the Inventory Space, I reflected on the the...I guess a "not bad battle" that I had faced.

I'm very much very OP (overpowered) at this point, that not even a couple of mini-bosses nor a dungeon boss can get in my way. I mean don't get me wrong its good money, good experience but I think I need to step it up a notch.

I wonder if there is a quest for the Sand Zilla, the unkillable boss of the Frontier Zone. The one reason that Frontier City has to be equipped with gigantically massive walls and astounding firepower gracing its very top.

Those things only drive it away....but not kill it, because its just that massive and huge, its like those kids' show where a giant battles creatures from outer space and cities and buildings get destroyed by their feet during the fight.

I've only seen it on videos and its almost as high as the Frontier City walls....I was even surprised the city is still standing with that beast out there.


I bet it has a massive Mana Core....that thing could be an ingredient that I need.....let's check info about it when I get home....