
the cute little zombie: the black-bellied emperor, come to your door!

Exploding cute little zombie: the black-bellied emperor, come to the door! Author: Nan Sheng Wushuang Fantasy Romance brief introduction Mother, there is a handsome uncle looking for you outside. He also said that it was my father, and a certain evildoer outside said: Madam, you slept with me. Be responsible for me! Mo Qingcheng is speechless: What are your specialties? A certain evildoer: I will warm the bed. roll! She was originally a gold-medal killer in the 21st century, unparalleled in medicine and poison. But was calculated by the beloved! Traveling back to ancient times, Mo Qingcheng, the third young lady of the waste wood of the Mo residence. Brothers and sisters made things difficult, uncles and aunts didn't love her, and her opponent wanted to put her to death. Pregnant before marriage! How can people be better than dead people! Poison proficiency! Peerless genius! A lot of artifacts! Hades detoured when he saw it. Beautiful men come to sleep, kings come to pet, all don't! A certain evildoer said domineeringly: Madam, this deity gives you two choices! One is to marry me, and the other is that I marry you. pick one of two! Mo Qingcheng: Can you choose the third one? qidian44/book/99889287

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50 Chs

Chapter 31 Mei Dan

This breaks Dan is not what they can, because Mo Xueshi is here. They couldn't get the family's resources at all, and now there are a silly scholar who gives the breakthrough Dan to themselves.

But they are somewhat doubtful because it is impossible for anyone to give such precious elixir for no reason.

"The son is so good to give us such a valuable elixir?" Mo Mengxin asked carefully.

"Two girls are afraid that the niche has a bother with you? The niche is just a pharmacist, and she dare not think about the two girls." Mo Qingcheng knew Mo Mengxin's doubt, and she did not show a panic look. Instead, they said lightly.

Mo Mengxin and Mo Qingliu heard that Mo Qingcheng was a pharmacist, and completely eliminated the doubts.

You know, there are too few pharmacists. There are really few, and the pharmacist is a supreme position. If the pharmacist is stabbed, it will make a lot of money.

Mo Mengxin's tone was a lot better at Mo Qingcheng. "Lingzi, I don't mean that." Mo Mengxin was afraid that he would not be able to get into Mo Qingcheng.

"The niche gave these two breakthroughs to the two girls. The niche hopes to form a friend with the two girls. I wonder if the two girls can face a face?" Mo Qingcheng looked respectful.

This time, when Mo Mengxin said, Mo Qingliu hurriedly said: "It is the honor of being a friend with Leng Gongzi." Mo Qingliu looked elegant.

Mo Qingcheng handed two breakthroughs to Mo Mengxin and Mo Qingliu, and the two were holding through Dan in their hands. There was greedy in his eyes, and Mo Qingcheng had a gentle smile.

As everyone knows, Mo Qingcheng's smile is a bad smile. How can she send breakthrough Dan to Mo Mengxin and Mo Qingliu. That is just Meidan, they did not see the real breakthrough.

This makes Mo Qingcheng's plan easier to implement it. In this way, Meidan has a strong layer of spiritual power, and Meidan is similar to the appearance of breaking through Dan.

Even if the pharmacist couldn't recognize it, Mo Mengxin and Mo Qingliu thanked Mo Qingcheng. Mo Qingcheng told them that she had to deal with it, and turned away after a while.

As everyone knows, Mo Qingcheng was actually watching them slowly behind, with a smirk on his face. When she waited at night, she started to act.

At night, there was a black figure in the night. Quietly came to Mo Mengxin's room, at this time Mo Mengxin took out Meidan.

After a bite, she felt heated up after a while. The mouth is particularly dry, and the hotter the later. She took off the clothes one by one, and Mo Qingcheng suddenly appeared behind her.

A knife knocked her, and then she threw it in a man. The man was also stunned by Mo Qingcheng and served Mei Dan. After she finished her, she went to the room in Mo Qingliu.

In the same way, she went to Mo Mengxin's room again. There was a moaning of men and women, and Mo Qingcheng smiled and knew that the medicine had begun to attack.

Next, she just waited for a good scene tomorrow morning, and Mo Qingcheng returned to the room. As if she was not doing it, she didn't know that there was a pair of eyes watching Mo Qingcheng's every move from head to toe.

Until tomorrow morning, a scream came from the peaceful morning. Mofu rushed to the source of the source of the sound, which was the place of Mo Mengxin.

The crowd came and saw a gray ring panic, and his hands trembled forward.

Everyone looked inside ...