
the cute little zombie: the black-bellied emperor, come to your door!

Exploding cute little zombie: the black-bellied emperor, come to the door! Author: Nan Sheng Wushuang Fantasy Romance brief introduction Mother, there is a handsome uncle looking for you outside. He also said that it was my father, and a certain evildoer outside said: Madam, you slept with me. Be responsible for me! Mo Qingcheng is speechless: What are your specialties? A certain evildoer: I will warm the bed. roll! She was originally a gold-medal killer in the 21st century, unparalleled in medicine and poison. But was calculated by the beloved! Traveling back to ancient times, Mo Qingcheng, the third young lady of the waste wood of the Mo residence. Brothers and sisters made things difficult, uncles and aunts didn't love her, and her opponent wanted to put her to death. Pregnant before marriage! How can people be better than dead people! Poison proficiency! Peerless genius! A lot of artifacts! Hades detoured when he saw it. Beautiful men come to sleep, kings come to pet, all don't! A certain evildoer said domineeringly: Madam, this deity gives you two choices! One is to marry me, and the other is that I marry you. pick one of two! Mo Qingcheng: Can you choose the third one? qidian44/book/99889287

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50 Chs

Chapter 30 The mouth Is wrong

"Then you thank the girls for your younger brothers." Leng Jian said respectfully.

"Xiao Hanhan, you must not eat so many dishes alone. Let me help you share some, girl, sit down and eat together." Chen Yaoshi ran over shamelessly.

Chen Yaoshi sat down, first tasted a pork ribs, and took another sip of shrimp. Then I started to eat constantly, for fear that she would not have to eat, Huang Fuyuhan was full of evil spirits on the side.

The last meal was eating. Both Mo Qingcheng and Huang Fuyu did not eat anything. Chen Yaoshi touched his belly and said, "Girl, your cooking skills are so good, the dishes are really delicious."

"Well, I should go. You talk slowly, I hope you are happy to talk." Chen Yaoshi finished, and hurried away.

Mo Qingcheng knows that in fact, Chen Yaoshi was afraid of Huang Fuyu. That's why I made excuses to run away, Mo Qingcheng was speechless to Chen Yaoshi.

Mo Qingcheng had to do another meal, namely Huang Fuyuhan, and Leng Jian's. Each dish was made of two dishes. Mo Qingcheng first sent Huang Fuyu's Han to Huangfu Yuhan.

Then I went to the cold sword to send them to them. In fact, Huang Fuyu's heart was very uncomfortable to cook the cold sword.

But he couldn't say that because he didn't eat the vinegar of Mo Qingcheng, otherwise he admitted that he liked Mo Qingcheng. He didn't like Mo Qingcheng. He didn't even know what it was. Why did he like Mo Qingcheng.

Huang Fuyu's heart told himself that he did not like Mo Qingcheng. But he didn't know that his heart was belonged to Mo Qingcheng a little bit.

Huangfu Yuhan originally asked Leng Jian to send Mo Qingcheng back to Mo Fu, but Mo Qingcheng said that she could go back to Huangfu Yuhan and did not reject her.

Mo Qingcheng returned to Mofu and changed clothes. This time, she changed her gender. She was easy to become a man in Yushu, and she hugged the jade fan in white.

She could faint when she saw it, and she still came to the black market. When I came to the medicinal store, I bought some medicinal materials and went shopping in the black market.

However, she did not expect that she could meet acquaintances here. The acquaintance was Mo Mengxin and a Mo Qingliu. Although Mo Qingliu was not impressed by Mo Qingcheng, she knew that Mo Qingliu had not bullied Mo Qingcheng.

The two were not as friendly on the surface, secretly in the corner. Mo Qingcheng decided to play with them and tease them first. After all, Mo Qingcheng will not make them so easy to die.

Since they like the medicine so much, let them taste the taste of the medicine.

Mo Qingcheng stepped forward and said to her politely: "Two beautiful ladies, the niche named densely. I don't know what the two ladies called it."

Mo Mengxin and Mo Qingliu saw Mo Qingcheng so handsome, and could not help but throw a wink to Mo Qingcheng. If it is someone else, I am afraid they will be fascinated.

But Mo Qingcheng was different. This wink made her disgusting. Mo Mengxin said in a shy look: "The little girl is Mo Mengxin, Miss Qianjin of Mo Fu"

"Mo Mengxin? Really a good name, let the niche be obsessed." Mo Qingcheng said softly.

"What is the name of this lady?" Mo Qingcheng said to Mo Qingliu.

"The little girl's name is Mo Qingliu, Mo Mengxin is my sister." Mo Qingliu's weak expression made people see good sympathy, and she couldn't wait to treat her as a treasure.

"The niche saw the two ladies fate, and the girl sent the two to the two ladies to break through Dan." Mo Qingcheng looked like a white scholar.

Mo Mengxin and Mo Qingliu saw their eyes straight ...