
The Cursed Ice Dragon

Note: cover art is not my own. Please let me know if it needs to be removed. Rejected by his clan and family, hurt by those who were supposed to care for and protect him, his one goal in life is to get revenge against those who rejected him and cast him out. Eriwin Zohar is an Ice Dragon, one of the rarest species of dragons to walk the face of the earth. One of the most elegant as well. There's one slight problem however- his family was cursed generations ago so that the next ice dragon who was born into their lineage would never develop into a full fledge dragon. Such a secret is one that can never get out to those who would interested in seeing him fail in his endeavor to reach the pinnacle of success in the business world, lift the curse on him, and get back at those who looked down at him. How hard could it to be to keep such a secret?

DameButterfly · Fantasy
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23 Chs


Following the mixing of humans and what used to thought of fantastical creatures, not much changed beyond making minor accommodations to city and the homes and business that would allow for these creatures coexist with humans. As most were well adept at being able to shapeshift into human forms, it was easy for them to blend in with and work well together with humans with incidents.

One didn't have to look very hard to tell though that those who were walking across the sidewalk or driving their cars weren't all humans even though they took on a human form. There was also an aura or distinct feature about each one that if one were to pay close enough attention they would be able to tell what type of creature the person was.

Day cares and caretakers where the only areas that required major modifications as human shape shifting was a skill that few species knew at birth. It was something that took time to learn. Thus, various institutes had to be developed in order to accommodate infants of various in order to decrease the risk of human children from being heart and to cater to the needs and abilities of these various creatures along with allowing them a safe space to coexist and be taken care of by their kind in order to learn correct socialization.

Certain larger, more dangerous species determined that it would be better if no interspecies mixing occurred until offspring were fully grown and could understand what was happening in the world around them. One of these species were dragon, perhaps deemed one of the strongest creatures in the world with few being able to compare to them in strength and power.

This decision coupled with how long it took for a dragon to mature to adulthood which was near a hundred years old meant that very few dragons walked the earth among humans. Most of the older generation determining that it wasn't a safe choice to trust humans and young dragons taking over a hundred years to get the age where they could determine whether they wanted to stick with the tradition and stay in the shadows or adapt to the new life of living and experience what it was like to have complete freedom by coexisting with the human species that one feared them.

Of course, certain events also had determined whether a dragon would stay with their thunder and living out their lives with them or if they would either leave by choice or forced out due to unfortunate circumstances. Some dragons due to events and matters that weren't their fault were shunned from their thunder and left to either fend for themselves or perish because they were unable to.

The chance of such an event causing a dragon to perish had decreased with the peace treaty that had been forged between humans and other species. As long as dragons knew how to interact with humans or managed to keep their true identity a secret, there was no objection to them living their centuries of life out among humans.

One such dragon that was fortunate to find himself in a situation where he could take advantage of this treaty for protection and the chance to rise above the odds and obstacles that faced him after being rejected and kicked out of his thunder for a curse that wasn't his fault. This is his story of revenge.

I do apology for those who already read the book. I realized that I needed to include a prologue that would explain the basis of things that are going on in this book. A bit late I know, but I hope you continue to enjoy the book.

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