
The Cursed Ice Dragon

Note: cover art is not my own. Please let me know if it needs to be removed. Rejected by his clan and family, hurt by those who were supposed to care for and protect him, his one goal in life is to get revenge against those who rejected him and cast him out. Eriwin Zohar is an Ice Dragon, one of the rarest species of dragons to walk the face of the earth. One of the most elegant as well. There's one slight problem however- his family was cursed generations ago so that the next ice dragon who was born into their lineage would never develop into a full fledge dragon. Such a secret is one that can never get out to those who would interested in seeing him fail in his endeavor to reach the pinnacle of success in the business world, lift the curse on him, and get back at those who looked down at him. How hard could it to be to keep such a secret?

DameButterfly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 20

When Eirwin had talked about having a client, she assumed it was going to be someone who was human because he used the term 'person'.

However, went was sitting in front of her and discussing cyber security and protection for his company had a mark and nails that indicated that he indeed wasn't human at all.

If she had to guess by his size, height and slight red glow to his eyes paired with his impatient nature and long nails, she would presume that he was a werebear or something similar.

He didn't pay her much heed however as he really did seem intent on striking a deal with the dragon's in order to use their services.

Did Eirwin really have such a great team collected that allowed him to hold so much power in IT sector? It was hard but to believe it with the current conversation that they having.

When Heather didn't have to take notes, she only half paid attention to the conversation and put most of it towards make sense of everything that was on the tablet that she had been given.

There was a rather long stretch when it came to negotiating the price where Heather felt like she would be on the side of the client with price that Eirwin was naming.

Twenty thousand dollars was nothing to scoff at after all. The dragon was trying to be reasonable with the price breakdown since what the other creature was asking for would take a lot of time and work to accomplish.

A month was what Eirwin guessed for getting everything in order but longer than that because of troubleshoot and setting up servers around that.

"I'm not pushing you into anything, I just think you can trust the quality of my work with the price that I'm putting forward." Eirwin reasoned as he kept a calm expression on his face in order to not give away how much he wanted to snag the deal in front of him.

"You're pushing a high number on me though for what I'm wanting." the other argued. It was a fine line when it came to dealing with werebears as they had notoriously horrible temperaments when they didn't get what they want.

"If you're still worried about it, we can wait another week until you have a chance to ask around?" the dragon suggested. He was fairly certain he wouldn't lose the client simply because he waited another week.

"I don't want to put it off any longer. Too many other people have been dealing with problems recently and I don't want to be the next one on the list." the man grumbled as he picked up the piece of paper that had all the billing information and prices on it again.

"Do I have to pay everything straight up?" he asked as he scanned everything over.

"No, it is advised to do it in order to keep interest low and debt for companies down, but there's also options for payment plans." Eirwin replied as he reached into his top left draw to retrieve the payment plan paperwork. He handed the stapled together stack of papers to the others.

Eirwin glanced over at Heather who was more focused on what she was doing than the argument that was going on between the dragon and his client while other grumbled under his breath as he reviewed the payment options.

"Fine." the creature finally said as he set the piece papers down though his face showed that he still wasn't pleased about the decision that he was going to make.

"I will go with the second payment plan and if things work out better then expected, I will pay the rest up front and save on the interest." he decided though it wasn't the option that he had been hoping for. While he had a fairly decent sized company that was fairly successful and made a decent amount of money, he hated spending more than what he had to.

"Wise decision. We can sign the papers now and figure out what time later this week or next you would like them to come over and start setting everything up?" Eirwin suggested motion discreetly to Heather to pay attention to what was going to be said next. He needed her to jot down the dates and times the other mentioned so that he could make sure that it would work with the schedules of everyone who would be involved with the process.

She reluctantly pulled her attention away from an interesting document that she found saved on the tablet that might give some insight on some of the mysteries of the time key and she didn't want to stop reading it even though the other part of her job was just as important.

The figuring out of the dates and signing of the contract only took an additional fifteen minutes as much of the pre-work had been done ahead of time by Eirwin who knew that the other wasn't likely going to step away from the deal that he was offering him even if he did think the pricing was a bit high.

For Eirwin, the price he was offering the other was actual low compared to what he normally charged. However, since he knew that the other was struggling and this was his first time trying to get a successful business up and off the ground, he decided to cut him a deal and bring the price down quite a bit compared to his usual rate. It was still a win for him either way so long as he got all the money.

"What is going to be on the schedule next after this?" Heather asked once the client had left and Eirwin had a few moments to organize everything that was in front of him.

"I have a few other meetings that I need to attend to and other things along those lines that will need my attention, but that you won't have to be a part of as it's mostly just talking matters through with dealings come along later." The dragon replied as he checked what was on his schedule.

"I would like you to make sure you keep your schedule free this Saturday as there is somewhere I need to visit and it would be a great inconvenience if you couldn't come with me and lend a hand."

Heather gave him a confused look as he said this. What trip was he planning already that she needed to be part of?