
The Curse of Blue Star

In Galeadon, there was no one could be survived from being the decoy of the dragon more than three times. Laurent of Vienga flying ship is the first one who could! Until the fifth time of being the decoy, she found 'Red Blood', the first speaking dragon which she never met any of them speaking before. Everyone in Galeadon knew that the dragons are just animals, even though they are clever, tricky, and could give magic power to humans...but they were just a kind of animal. Not only speaking, but Red Blood also cursed Laurent and everyone in Vienga flying ship to the death! Hi there, thanks for reading and sorry for any errors for my English

Lindenni_Rodicas · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Laurent of Vienga

The light wind blew the smell of coal smoke to the little perky nose of the girl, Laurent. Her face was full with small drops of sweat even the weather in the cave was quite cold. It wasn't because she was tired, but some sort of creature in this cave she has to find for her mission.

If she could success for this mission, this would be the fifth time to be the Fire Feet or the decoy for the phlegm of the dragon. She would be esteemed as the first five life Fire Feet in Galaedon Realm.

Fire Feet was just a name to call a decoy for the dragon. Even the Fire Feet could get a lot of golds after the missions. The truth for this job was not the good job but to risk a life by being the decoy.

Laurent was still nervous more than any times because this time she would be the decoy for the Red Blood, the ancient dragon which she had been heard that it was twice as big from the normal size that she has ever seen.

In the magic realm, Galeadon, there were no one could be survived from being the Fire Feet more than three times, that's why Laurent was widely known as Four life Fire Feet in Galeadon, everyone in Galeadon know her as Laurent of Vienga; the flying ship which could fly faster than the dragons.

But the sky pirates believed that women brought bad luck to the flying ship, so Laurent was the only one girl on flying ships by hiding her real identity, except CaptainUhezga, who she counted that he is a part of her family knew she is a gill. Though, he left her to grow up in the fisherman village with Anna and Henry, a spouse which couldn't have a child.

But the truth is never changed. Uhezga sent a lot of golds to them to grow her up, not the money of Anna and Henry who spent all golds from Uhezga for themselves. For a girl who has been growing up in the fisherman village with the tales of flying ships, it made Laurent want to be a sky pirate when she grew up. And more than anything, she just wanted to see Uhezga who sent golds to the spouse to raise her up once in her life.

The easiest way to see him once was working in Vienga flying ship; the flying ship which had Uhezga as a captain. But yes...woman brought bad luck to flying ship. She had no ways to get close to that guy. However, she tried to meet him, every time the Vienga ship docked at Erba-in, she went to ask the sailors to meet him but every time he was rejected.

Laurent never gave up. She kept trying to meet him again and again...until one day captain Uhezga passed messages with a sailor to her; "If you are the winner of Fire Feet Tournament, I will let you work as Fire Feet of Vienga."

The sky pirates never take back their words!

After that she has been practice running every day after that day until when she was thirteen, she joined the Fire Feet Runner Tournament.

Fire Feet Tournament was a part of summer festival in Erba-In. It was a tournament to choose the best decoy to work as Fire Feet on flying ship. The fire Feet need to be a decoy for the dragons. By making the dragon angry and chase after the Fire Feet and blow out the fire until the dragon almost run out of fires, they will throw or the phlegm of the dragon out of their throat which called 'Salcica' ; a turbid translucent white stone glittered seven color in the sunlight, one of the precious things in Galaedon Realm.

Her attempts was not wasted. She won and she got a change to be Fire Feet in Vienga ship!

Laurent joined the Fire Feet Runner Tournament that day and won the first place by her own attempt. She didn't know that Uhezga was just set up an impossible condition for her, but since she won the first place, Uhezga couldn't going back on his word. He allowed her to work on Vienga flying ship but she has to hide her identity and disguised herself as a boy.

That was how Laurentia from fisherman village became a famous Fire Feet.

Laurent of Vienga.