
The Curse Book

"In order to know the importance of light, we first need to experience the darkness" Hey, I'm Serena Hamsler. Things took a big turn in my life three years back when my uncle Benjamin suddenly dissapeared, no one knew what happened to him. But now suddenly I recieved a letter from my missing uncle leading me and my group of friends and enemies to a path which no one could have imagined where friend become foes and foes turned into friends, where supernatural meets the terror of horror, where they follow only one law that is to either sacrifice people or get sacrificed yourself. What to do you think how did Serena get the letter from a person who went missing three years? is her uncle still alive or ...? will a 18 year old girl will be able to do what's directed in the letter or get lost forever in a world where humanity doesn't exist and mainly will our girl be able to find her true love or again experience betrayal like her past. To know more read "The cursed book" , A story of mystery, fantasy, true friendship and unconditional love. A tale which has no bound for love wherever it might be family or romantic. A tale full of horror and suspense. if you are looking forward fr a tale full of suspense and thrillers having elements of horror and supernatural, this book is definitely for you. Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction and doesn't promote any rituals or believe mentioned in the story. It doesn't even intend to hurt any community believe. The characters are totally fictional and doesn't claim that any people like whole existed within the past or the present or even doesn't claim that this happen will happen in future. This is my first ever book to be written. Thanks for giving time to read this means alot. would highly appreciated if you all review it and comment it.

Serena_Adrian · Fantasy
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Everything and Anything For You

Everyone looked pale after I ended up reading the letter.

"The book which Uncle Ben gaved you on your birthday, you still have it?" Tom Asked

"Ofcourse" I replied

"What is the book about?" Jared asked

"It about two lovers, one who was the king of the kingdom who had to fight up his biggest enemy " The God of all evils" to save his land but to kill up his biggest enemy, he had to kill his lover first." I said

"What the hell?" Alan said

"I ain't understanding anything that is going on?" Aphrodite said

"The book seems so irrelevant to the topic." Jason said.

"How are we supposed to find anything from that book?" I asked

"Chill guys" Tom said "Maybe we can examine the book and maybe if Serena tells us the story page by page, maybe we could understand something or atleast find a clue."

"Yeah Tom is perfectly right, let's go to my place." I said

"Yes" Jared agreed

" wait guys, I don't want to get you involved In any troubles."

"Shut up Serena, we are not leaving you alone in such mess anyways" Jared said and smile to me. That smile of his reminded me of our good old days, when he always holded me when I cried, got me flowers and books to cheer me up.

"let's go, I will join you in the bike" Aphrodite said. Her voice was something that brought me back into reality away from my dreams.

"By the way what's the book's name?" Jared asked


I and Aphrodite sat in my bike, it was almost 3 am now. We chatted a bit on the way. The road was almost empty, the rest of the group went with Tom while some going in their own vehicle. Aphrodite was admiring the moon which was shinning bright in the sky. I was thinking about uncle Ben. As the road was clear I was driving really fast and rest all the friends were behind. Suddenly I saw a figure of a man standing on the road in between, the figure had come out of nowhere. I applied the brakes.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly stop?" Aphrodite asked.

"Umm, there was a figure of a man..." I said

"What sought of figure?" Aphrodite asked

"Nevermind, probably I'm hallucinating things" I said and started my bike.

"Happens, it's already late night." She said

I agreed and continued up the journey but somewhere out I could had sensed being watched by someone.