
The Curious Case of Parnassus

In the secluded town of Parnassus, the Parnassus Manor stands as a fading testament to enigmatic tales of apparitions and hidden treasures. Nina Harper, a curious young woman, inherits her grandmother's journal, kindling her fascination with the mansion's mysteries. The journal hints at unusual occurrences and secrets surrounding the mansion, sparking Nina's determination to unveil the truth. With the help of her skeptical friend Alex, Nina delves into the journal's cryptic entries. Together, they embark on a journey to decode the whispers of the wind and the echoes of the past. As they navigate hidden passages and hidden rooms, they uncover a legacy of forgotten stories and reveal the mansion's enigmatic history. Their quest unravels the boundary between reality and legend, confirming that behind every tale lies an element of truth waiting to be discovered.

IseKai · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 15: One way

"I am you? What does that mean?" Nina asked perplexed by the statement.

"There is much to explain Nina, but for now, let me tell you a story" the old woman cleared her throat. "Long ago, Me and friend traversed dimensions, seeking knowledge about my family, my past, Eternal life. I needed to know. But, I realized we could have more. To reshape the realms themselves. Create new realms better than they were. But, he tried to stop all that. He couldn't understand who we are, he only thought to maintain the already broken realities, He couldn't see the absurdity of it all. So, we fought, I won and sealed him away."

Nina's eyes widened as she absorbed her grandmother's words. The profound realization struck her like a chord that resonated across the dimensions. "But why did you want to reshape the realms?" Nina asked, her voice a mixture of curiosity and confusion.

The old woman's gaze held a mixture of regret and determination. "I sought to reshape the realms because I believed that by doing so, we could create a better existence for ourselves. I craved knowledge, power, and a chance to redefine reality. The one I fought against was a close friend, a companion who held onto the belief that maintaining the existing order, no matter how broken, was the only way to keep the dimensions from being destroyed, and losing all our memories."

Nina's brows furrowed as she tried to grasp the implications. "So, you fought against each other because of differing beliefs about how to handle the realms?"

Her grandmother nodded. "Yes, my dear. Our opposing ideologies led to a conflict that shook the very foundations of the dimensions. Our battle disrupted the harmony, leading to the second convergence—an event that threatened to tear apart the fabric of existence."

Nina's heart ached as she thought about the consequences of such a conflict. "And the artifacts... were they a result of this conflict?"

The old woman's face held some sadness. "Yes, the artifacts were born from the realization that harmony and balance were essential to maintaining the coexistence of the new dimensions I crafted. They were meant to harmonize the energies and keep the realms from descending into chaos. I asked the civilizations through all the dimensions to create that remedy, to mend what was braking."

For Nina, the revelation of her grandmother's role in the events that led to the convergence had shaken her, bringing back memories of a time she had tried to forget.

You said second convergence, Was there one before that? Nina asked trying to understand what she was saying.

"This was the first Nina." The old woman said, "we are trapped in a loop a constant battle. "And the only way to fix it is to... kill Alex."

Nina's mind reeled from the weight of the revelation. The gravity of the situation was almost too much to comprehend. Her grandmother's confession had unveiled a tapestry of history and conflict that spanned across dimensions and time itself. The idea that they were trapped in a cycle of battles and convergences was both staggering and distressing.