
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · Fantasy
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95 Chs

It's a Sabotage!

It was the early morning, and Lieutenant Cleatus and his soldiers were ready to leave the Kron border. With their bags packed and set on their shoulders.

Even though all of the soldiers held relatively heavy bags for the occasion, three particular soldiers were holding bags massive enough to dwarf a torso.

They seemed almost punishingly big, but one of the soldiers didn't mind it and was instead having his mind preoccupied with another thought as he looked at the carriage.

Anthony looked at the carriage he was going to ride before him and he sighed helplessly with a heavy heart.

'Guess this is goodbye, Mari...' Anthony thought as he closed his eyes to remember the time he had with her together.

Even if he met her for only one night, he had never seen someone who could be more fit for him. She seemed like the other part of his soul. She was the missing piece that he had unknowingly been missing his whole life.

He loved her...

But unfortunately, after enjoying their first night together, Mari suddenly disappeared from his world as if she was a dream. He was alone when he woke up in the forest.

With this, he regretted deeply not asking her out. He should've just proposed to marry her right then and there.

But no! He had to be stupid enough to fall asleep right after spending a night with her. Not even asking if she was fine after they were done, or even asking if he could find her again. No! He just had to be the dumbass like he always was!

Michael saw Anthony's depressed state and raised a brow at his demeanour. But then, he patted his shoulder and tried to cheer him up instead of asking unnecessary questions.

"Don't worry, there are always more fish in the sea. Even if you found a girl you fancied here, there are always more out there for you to find," Michael said in a low voice so the Lieutenant couldn't hear their conversation.

But Anthony didn't relent and continued sighing depressively like before. "What if that girl was exactly the one you were looking for?" Anthony said as he patted Michael's hand a few times to tell him to stop patting him.

Michael brought his hand away from Anthony as he listened to his friend. But just as before he was going to counter Anthony's argument...


Suddenly, the carriage they were going to ride on collapsed as the first few bags were placed on the carriage floor.

"What in the world is going on here!?" Lieutenant Cleatus shouted angrily as he made over to the front of the line and reached over to see what happened to the carriage they were going to ride on.

A nervous soldier quickly responded as he gulped in the presence of the man before him.

"We don't know sir! The wheels suddenly collapsed when some bags were placed on them, sir!" The soldier said with a shaky but firm voice. Trying his best to appear confident even though he was shitting his pants right at the moment.

Lieutenant Cleatus grabbed the soldier's collar and held him close to his face and growled, "What do you mean the wheels just 'collapsed' private," Lieutenant Cleatus said slowly as he gave a deathly stare at the trembling man before him.

But before the soldier could give an answer, the Lieutenant threw him to the side and instead, crouched to the floor to have a better look at the wheels.

He brought his hand to the indents around the wheels and dragged his hands across them as he tried to feel for what had happened during the time he wasn't here.

His eyes glowed green for a split second before dimming once again to his pale brown eye.

And all he heard was pain...

'Please, don't cut me! It hurts! Please...'

Voices suddenly started to sound in the Lieutenant's head as he heard the pain the inanimate object had been through the night before.

It spoke to him... the wheels seemed to have come to life as they spoke to him in his mind.

"Who did this to you," The Lieutenant lightly whispered to the wheel so the soldiers wouldn't hear his words.

'It... it was... a man... draped in a black cloak and beastly eyes... he brought out a small axe from his back pouch and... cut me with it. He did the same with the others... as well...' The voice said in the Lieutenant's mind before slowly fading away.

The Lieutenant's eyes flashed red this time and the wheel had lost all sentience. Back to being a dead object... forever.

But the Lieutenant had a smirk on his face as he held his chin in thoughtful amusement. "Interesting..." He said in a low voice before getting up to address the soldiers behind him.

"These wheels seemed to be tampered with. Someone has sabotaged us," He said slowly as he let the information sink in.

"I want everyone in the perimeter to know that a Beastial Demi-human has done this. I have some clues about him, but not much that we could search and track him down with it," He said.

"So, everyone is going to follow in a group of two and keep a lookout during the nighttime for any suspicious individuals you see."

"Bring them to me, and I'll handle them."

"As for the wheels, I want a group of five men in four groups to go North, East, South, and West, to find the wood for the wheels. While we're at it, we'll upgrade the carriages and make them sturdier so next time, they won't break as easily as now," The Lieutenant said as he looked at the collapsed carriage and broken wheels to illustrate his point.

The Lieutenant then finally looked back at the soldiers and ended the small meeting with a few 'gentle' words.

"Now get out of my sight and get to work!"


In the middle of the night, a young woman was walking around the camp of Kron. Hiding from the sight of the patrolling soldiers as she didn't want to get caught when she found a victim.

'Fuck me! How did that bastard know who did it!?' Sarah grumbled in frustration.

'It must be his special ability as a cultivator. I didn't even know what law he uses. Hopefully, I'll know when I seduce the next Hated Target,' Sarah thought as she walked around the camp slightly crouching.

'But first, gotta find a guy alone and try out this skill,' Sarah thought as she took a turn and found a duo of guards. Only to find them walking right towards her location.

[Seductress's Aroma Lvl 2: This skill converts Law Qi into poison magic, allowing the user to emit an aphrodisiac-like aroma around their body. Will affect all genders and species (granted they don't have minor poison resistance.)

'I can't find a single man who isn't alone... will I have to take two instead?' Sarah eventually decided as she hadn't seen a single man that was patrolling without a partner in the entire camp.

Sarah sighed as she kept a lookout for the guards, 'I don't really want to do it... it's tiring, and annoying, and before any of that, I don't know how exactly the skill works. Will it just make them hornier, or will it make them harder for longer?' She thought while going into a corner to hide from the approaching guards.

"Nah you got to be lying dude..."

Sarah heard the guards talking to each other from the distance as they slowly approached where she was hiding.

Sarah peeked out of her corner to have a look at the guards. They weren't really that close to her yet, but she was still somehow able to hear them despite the distance between her and them.

'Must be a cause of my cultivation,' Sarah concluded as she started slowly becoming more superhuman compared to before.

But Sarah saw the guards approach closer and closer. And now, Sarah was really combating with the idea of doing a threesome right now just to test out her skill.

'Should I...?' Sarah thought. But the guards were already close enough to reach her location in the next few seconds.

After seeing that the guards were about to reach her, Sarah decided to ultimately 'yolo' it.

'Fine! I'll get double the Life Essence if I do this. Let's do this!' Sarah hyped herself up as she slowly walked out of her corner and finally presented herself to the soldiers.

"No, like I'm sayi- WTF!?" As the guard was talking to his friend, he suddenly jumped in shock when he saw Sarah appear in front of him out of nowhere.

Fortunately, his friend wasn't like him and didn't freeze up when Sarah appeared.

"Identify yourself! Who are you, and what are you doing here!"

The other guard drew his sword as he separated the distance between him and Sarah. His friend soon followed his lead after he got out of his stupor.

"Yeh, What's a nurse like you doing in the middle of the night?" The previously shocked guard said as he gave a mean eye to Sarah for unnecessarily scaring him.

Sarah saw the distrust in their eyes. She immediately got to work as she started stammering and acting like a scared child.

"S-sir! There was n-noise coming from outside my tent. They sounded like growls. Please I n-need your help," Sarah said with a fear-stricken expression. She held her hands and rubbed them together as if what she had experienced was truly chilling.

The guards looked at each other for a moment, then lowered their swords. Putting them back into the sheath as the first guard looked at Sarah with evidently less hostility compared to before.

"Lead us to your tent then. We'll try and help if there's anything wrong," He said as his hostility had been reduced to close to zero.

After hearing what the first guard said, the second guard nodded along and gestured for Sarah to lead them ahead.

Sarah gave an outward sigh of relief and thanked the guards profusely when they agreed.

"Thank you, oh thank you so much, sirs," Sarah said as she went closer to the men and held their hands in gratitude.

Then... she started her operations.

[Seductress's Aroma has been used!]

[-150 MP!]

Soz for not releasing a chapter yesterday. But I'm going to make up for it by releasing two 'steamy' chapters tomorrow.

Anyway, send a powerstone if you think the book deserves it, and add this book to you collection if you haven't done that already. Also, comments help so do that if you feel like it.

See ya guys on the next one!

Spartan_Wolfcreators' thoughts