
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Fenrir's Child

Jonah was sitting next to the goods carriage on the forest floor. Staring at the crescent moon and the twinkiling night sky.

Jonah had blond hair, with blood brown eyes. He had a beard that looked well groomed but at the same time a bit wild.

His physique was muscular but not too muscular. He seemed to have perfect proportions, while his face had a young look to it. He looked like he was one of the greek gods of war with his sword cradled in-between his arms.

Jonah was always unlucky.

He always faced suffering no matter where he went.

He tried to make sense of his suffering, but it never seemed to make much sense except that it was maybe his bad luck.

But it eventually all made sense.

He knew exactly what suffering is...


Jonah had a family out in the woods. It was a stupid decision on his part but he wanted to hide away from society's soul-crushing grip.

He wanted to run away.

But when he was about to leave the village, his wife and children wanted to come along with him.

He was frightened, he didn't want his family to live a long life of solitude all because of him.

His three children were still growing. One was a teenage girl, while the other two were fraternal twins. One was a boy and the other was a girl. They were around 9 years old.

Jonah tried his best to convince them, telling them it was dangerous no matter what!

But his wife looked at him, staring deeply into his eyes, her eyes seemingly hiding an intense resolve to follow him through life and death.

The eyes of a loved one.

Jonah froze at his wife's deep gaze. Was she willing to go so far for him, even in the face of danger?

Jonah was starting to feel his heart squeeze from his lover's expression.

He wanted to turn away from her gaze, so he looked away only to be met with his eldest daughter's gaze.

She had the eyes of a grief-strucken banshee. Willing to cry out for her father's inevitable, and lonely demise. And his children's tear-streaken face made his heart feel cold from guilt.

His eldest daughter was right, but at the same time she was wrong. He wouldn't die immediately. Just after a few years...

But to them, he would be as good as a deadman walking to his own personal hell.

Because he would never see them again.

This was Jonah's suicide note to the world.

His last remaining family.

He wanted to give a final 'fuck you' to society before he left, by leaving his descendents behind.

But he didn't want to leave his family.

He might not long to be in in this world, but he still longed to be with his family.

He was slowly starting to realise how stupid he was.

Wanting to live alone because he wanted to run from society? Pfft- how laughable.

Family is what makes life worth living in the first place!

It was because he found his wife, and had his children that he could even have a good dream at night.

It was because of his family he didn't have to think about his suffering.

Maybe his past suffering was still lingering around him.

Maybe his past was still affecting his present.

Jonah had a gentle smile as he saw the expressions of his family.

Willing to never part with him.

Feeling grief at his leave.

He wanted to take them with him.

He didn't want his past to control him any longer!

So he made his choice.

He would regret this choice till the day he died.




He took them along.


A few years later...

Jonah was walking with a skip to his step, his brown hair flowing wildly in the air.

He was carrying a boar over his shoulder as he walked through the woods. His newly located family was now in the forest between Morrowl and Alron.

He successfully escaped society's grasp!

Sure there were wolves sometimes that came around their abode but his family could always handle them.

His son was a fighter. So he trusted him to protect his two sisters and mother.

Jonah was so happy today! His wife was pregnant with another one of his children.

He was going to bring new life to this world!

So to celebrate this happy occasion, Jonah went outside longer then he normally would to get a boar for today's dinner.

Oh the children would probably be so happy!

His eldest daughter was already a beautiful young woman, while his two other children were starting to go through puberty at the moment.

Jonah walked towards his home, hoping to see his wife by the door, welcoming him with open arms as she always does.

But his hopes were soon to be crushed.

Jonah started slowing down.

Sniff sniff...

He could smell the stench of blood.

Jonah's eyes widened as he ditched the corpse over his shoulder and started sprinting at full speed.

Jonah always kept his sword with him during a hunt. An arrow won't do any good if a predator catches you off guard.

He throws his bow and arrows to the side and unsheaths his sword from his left hip, he rushes into his home hoping everyone was still safe.

'Everybody, please be okay! I'm coming to help!' Jonah shouted in his mind hoping his bad luck didn't affect his family as well.

As he got closer he started hearing moans coming from inside the house.

He quickly reaches the door and kicks it open.

He saw bandits inside.

His wife was on the floor with a bloodied neck, while a naked muscular man was standing above her, a knife dripping with blood in his grip.

His daughter was being raped by two men, screaming her family's name in sorrow. Truly sounding like a banshee.

His two other children were already dead, with dismembered arms and legs. Their faces twisted in agony.

Jonah's heart went cold.

Right before it started again with new-found vigor.

With unbelievable anger!

Jonah's heart pumped. Giving him the momentary power and speed to kill these three disgusting bastards!

"AAH!" Jonah strikes the man using his daughter's mouth, he shouted a warcry filled with a thousand years of pain, and discombobulating the bandit's head of his neck.

The man only had a moment to see who kicked open the door before his eyes widened in horror. His head already flying by the time his thoughts were finished.

The other man standing over his wife's corpse quickly swerved and saw his accomplice's head flying.

His eyes widened.

He didn't care about his friend dying. It was normal, they always got new friends anyway.

But instead, what shocked him was Jonah's incredible speed when striking his mate's neck.

The man didn't miss a beat and immediately threw his knife towards Jonah's heart.

Jonah sees this and makes a cut with the tip of his blade. Perfectly parrying the knife. The strike was fast, it seemed to be made out of pure instinct.

The bandit using his daughter realised a person had arrived while they were having their fun.

The bandit immediately grabs his sword laying by his side and swings it towards Jonah, hoping for Jonah to back off for long enough so he could take his dick out.

Jonah didn't care about the strike and let bandit strike his leg.

The bandit struck Jonah's leg fully expecting it to fly off, but then he realised his sword had stopped at the bone.

The bandit tries to take his sword back but his sword was now fully wedged in-between Jonah's muscles.

Jonah's eyes started glowing blood-red as he spears his sword right through the bandit's skull. Instantly killing him.

The bandit standing over his wife had already grabbed his sword to fight off Jonah, trying to run away.

But he was unfortunately trapped. Jonah was blocking the exit.

Essense was flowing impercetibly all around Jonah in the form of wild winds. Representing his awakening.

Jonah doesn't realise this as he sprints at the last bandit. Making full use of his current adrenaline.

The bandit had no other direction to run to, so he sprints at Jonah as well, hoping to use his superior strength to block off Jonah's adrenaline filled blow.

Both their swords clashed in the mid-air, with Jonah making a vertical strike while the bandit was making a horizontal slash.

Both of their swords stopped, making a plus sign in the air.

They started gritting their teeth, trying to push the other off so they could prepare their next strike.

Jonah starts to grow fur over his arms and his strength suddenly surged to an enormous magnitude.

The bandit didn't even have a chance, he was squished like a bug. Meat and bone fragments flying everywhere.

The sun was setting in the west, while the ominous blue moon was rising from the east.

Jonah starts to cry out loud. Crying his sorrow out of his heart.

He was stupid! He was an idiot! Why! Just why!


He shouts in the end constantly shouting "why!" while carrying his weak daughter in his arms.

Shouting again and again.


He raised his head in a mad rage. Continously shouting his question to the world with a hoarse voice.

His eyes started glow more and more sinister as his questioning continued.

Suffering. Oh so much suffering!

He understands it. He understands it all!

You just suffer for the sake of it.

To feel your happiness slipping away from your grasp.

While the despair slowly sneaks in.

To give pleasure to some sick World!

His questions soon come to an end.

And it instead, became a howl.


Jonah's blood-red eyes started to twitch madly. Brown coloured fur growing from everywhere. His clothes ripping to accomodate his new muscle-mass.

His back was arching, his neck growing outwards while his snout followed suit.

Jonah's nails were growing longer at a rapid pace. His claws ejecting out of his fingertips.

Jonah has essense flying wildly all around him, trying to see if what he has learned was acceptable by the World.

The World accepted Jonah's understanding, and then the wild essense all around him, suddenly flocks towards Jonah's transforming body.

Jonah's lifespan was rapidly decreasing while his mind was reaching a primal state.

The Lycan God, Fenrir has given his blessings to his child. Jonah had started transforming into a werewolf.

But he was soon to realise he wouldn't be part of his bretheren.

He would become something beyond them.

Fenrir has given Jonah his pity. But also awards Jonah for his sufferings, and makes him one of his children.

But this was a curse much more then a blessing.

It was Fenrir's mistake with the World.

Werewolves exist in this world. They exist alongside the Dragonewts and the Igneous species. Both the descendents of Dragons and Pheonixes.

But then how did a common race like wolves reach such a state of power rivalling the Dragons and Pheonixes?

Well that is because Fenrir gives a choice to recieve something, to every werewolf that has lost it's pack and has awakened an abstract law.

The choice to recieve a blessing.

These blessed werewolves were called Fenrir's children.

They were blessed with immense power after awakening their law, their fur changes colour to suit their chosen law, having a closer connection with it.

But the World requires a sacrifice. An equal cost for the immense power Fenrir gives to his descendents.

This cost was the cost of lifespan.

Every single one of Fenrir's Children were cursed with only ten percent of their original lifespans.

Even if they cultivated they would only get the increase of their lifespans proportional to ten percent of what they should have gotten eace realm.

For example: If a human cultivates to the second realm: The Law Accumulation Realm, then they would get a hundred years increase in lifespan.

A normal human's lifespan would double for every major realm brokethrough!

But for a child of Fenrir, they would get only 10 more years.

Yes, it was still double but there is a reason why you get another hundred years for the second realm.

It takes a long time for each major realm.

It takes a long time to breakthrough!

Unless you had a Divine Inheritence, it was almost impossible to breakthrough that quicklly for each realm!

So what did Fenrir ask in return?

He asked to allow his chosen children, to eat flesh to increase their lifespans.

But the World would not allow for such an easy way out.

So it gave a condition along with this.

A Condition of Sacrifice.

A condition that they were allowed to increase their lifespans if they eat the flesh of other beings.

But the flesh has to be the flesh of their loved ones.

For each loved one the World would increase their lifespans by 10 years.

Fenrir was shocked by this condition. But before he could quickly refuse, the World had already made the changes to the world.

Fenrir just wanted his descendents to live in peace! If they lost their pack then it could only be because of their lack of power!


Fenrir had realised the biggest mistake he had ever made, so he changed the rules.

He had forced the blessed into solitude...

He had given every single werewolf in this world an inherent disgust towards his children!

He had spread rumours and information to the other races about how dangerous these werewolves were!

Fenrir's heart ached with guilt and pain everytime he felt a new blessed born in this world.

His heart ached.

His heart ached knowing the great mistake he had made.

(Read the author's notes for extra lore behind the werewolves and also explaining in simple terms what essense is.)

Essense is the energy filled in the world.

Essense is the basic building blocks of all matter and life, and that's where humans learn the laws of the World from.

Humans convert essense into qi, so they could use their laws. And they convert that qi into mana so they could use magic as well.

Werewolves awaken their bloodlines when they awaken their law.

They aren't like the blessed, where their fur colour changes to fit their law.

No they just get enhanced strength and superior instincts, with night vision along with it. They are just more powerful then normal humans. They don't have a specific affinity towards any laws unless you add the laws related to The Wolf.

Before their awakening they just have superior strenght to normal humans.

So werewolf off-springs are usually superior to every single human out there even without a law.

They are usually very good at hunting, so they become hunters if they can't cultivate.

But they still pass on the werewolf bloodline to their offsprings even if they don't awaken.

And that is how Jonah became a werewolf.

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