
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · Fantasy
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95 Chs

A Morning Breakfast (18+ Long)

There were two long seats opposite of each other in a carriage. They had leather padding and were long enough for two people to use as beds during their travel.

Sarah slept on one side of the carriage as an awake Damian was trying to hold his desires back from waking Sarah during the night.

But alas, life does not go according to plan. His mind was slipping and he knew the night sky would disappear in a little while

'I need an energizer.' Damian thought as he looked at Sarah's sleeping figure.

He didn't want to do this during the trip, but he really needed to get some energy to function.

And unfortunately, the nights with Sarah in bed was the only way for his tired mind to recover.

Damian had always found this particular trait about himself very strange. He usually heard men getting tired after a night of sex.

But for him, it was the exact opposite...

Sarah felt her cheek being poked and moaned in opposition.

"Mmm, stop it~," Sarah said drowsily as she rolled around in her sleep.

With Sarah's backside now facing him, Damian slowly went from poking her cheek to sliding his finger across Sarah's shoulder until it reached the small of her back.

"Mmh, just let me sleep for five more minutes, Damian~," Sarah said again in a lazy tone.

But Damian ignored her as he started poking again. He moved from Sarah's back to her ass and felt his finger sink into it at every poke.

He soon moved his pokings from her ass to her crotch where Sarah's first real moan was heard.


Damian stopped at that point and moved to Sarah's ear as he softly whispered a revealing comment.

"Are you still going to continue acting?" Damian asked as he poked Sarah's face once again.

Sarah's eyes widened when she heard Damian say that.

'When did he kno-'

"Ahh~" Sarah moaned in shock as she pursed her lips and tried to hide the moan away from Damian's perception.

Unfortunately, Damian clearly heard Sarah's moan and decided to push Sarah's moans to a louder level.

"Mmh~ Damian, what are you doing~!" Sarah moaned out as she tried to control her moans.

"I thought you said, not to have fun during the trip~," Sarah said as Damian pushed a second finger inside her while talking.

"Nnh~" Sarah bit her bottom lip as she tried to stop her moans from leaking out.

Nonetheless, Sarah continued moaning while Damian stirred her honeypot as he fingered her.

Soon he found Sarah's moans to be too loud, so he brought his free hand up to Sarah's lips and kept them shut while fingering her.

"I did, but someone clearly broke the rules, didn't they?" Damian said as he made up an excuse.

Damian didn't want to tell her the truth behind why he needed it right now.

He was too embarrassed to say that he stayed late into the night worrying about unimportant things.

Wasn't that so embarrassing?


Well, for Damian it was.

Sarah had her moans stifled with Damian's hand, so she grabbed her melons and started kneading them in a circular motion while Sarah felt Damian fingering her at the same time.

Soon, Damian takes his fingers out of Sarah and spreads them to check how wet she was right now.

"Seems like your ready," Damian said as he took off his shirt and lowered his pants as his muscles gleamed in the moonlight as it reflected off his glistening skin.

Sadly, many scars had ruined Damian's perfect body and flawless skin. The gang fights had shown their toll through the marks across his body. But Damian didn't show his body to that many people in the first place, so it was fine.

As Damian was undressing, Sarah decided to follow his lead and slipped her dress right off. Her naked body was now perfectly visible to her little brother.

Damian walked up to Sarah and embraced her as he placed his lips upon hers. Both of their tongues having a war with each other as Damian gripped Sarah's ass and slowly moved towards the seats.

Sarah sat down on the long seat as Damian pushed her to lie down on her back.

Soon Damian separated from Sarah as he gave a few last pecks on her lips as he spread her legs apart.

Sarah gave a small smile as she stroked Damian's cock and guided it into her pussy.

Damian pushed himself onto Sarah as he penetrated deep inside her.

Damian grabbed Sarah's thighs as support and started to thrust back and forth inside her as her moans leaked to the outside world.

"Mmh~ Why did -ah- decide now was- the best time~," Sarah asked as she tried to control her moans from leaking out.

"Because I felt tired..." Damian said softly as he started to thrust harder so she couldn't hear what he said over her moans.

"Ah- Stop~ I'm trying to be serious here~," Sarah said as she knocked on his arm a few times.

Damian ignored Sarah's pleas as he went in and kissed Sarah to shut her questions down.

'Hopefully, she'll forget about the reason now...' Damian thought as he felt Sarah's moans through their connected lips.

Sarah continued knocking on Damian's arms a bit longer before she gave up and decided the answers weren't worth ruining what they were doing right now.

'But I won't forget to ask later,' Sarah swore in her heart as she succumbed to the pleasure and followed the flow of the movements.

As Sarah was getting ploughed, the carriage was rocking side to side as moans could be heard rhythmically from each of Damian's thrusts, while the travellers outside slept none the wiser.

Damian got tired of kissing and moving at the same time, so he separated his lips from Sarah's and shoved his thumb into her mouth while he continued moving the entire time naturally without stopping.

Sarah moaned as she started sucking on Damian's thumb while trying to hold in her moans for an extended period of time.

She tried her best to hold in her moans, but Damian was going too vigorously for her to be able to hold back.

Soon, Sarah started cumming and was about to let out a loud moan to announce it to the world.

But Damian quickly caught on as he felt Sarah closing her legs and grinding against his member so he quickly took the initiative and covered Sarah's mouth with his as he slowed down to let Sarah cum.

Even though Damian slowed down his movements, he didn't stop even as Sarah gasped from each thrust. Making the action of orgasm agonisingly pleasurable.

She moaned and gasped, purred and begged. But even then, no matter what sounds she made, Damian didn't stop.

Soon Sarah's moans calmed down as she spread her legs limply before she slowly lifted them back up and tried to cross them over Damian's hips weakly.

Sarah felt Damian's mouth move away after she finished cumming, and she panted when their lips separated.

After Sarah finished cumming she realised Damian was still hard inside her even though she had already cummed first.

'Never expected me to cum first.' Sarah thought as she decided to make Damian cum next.

Sarah gave a smile as she continued panting while looking into Damian's cold blue eyes that reflected off the moonlight along with her reddish-violet eyes emulating the same glitter.

"Do you want big sister to help you~?" Sarah asked in a suggestive tone as she caressed Damian's chest.

"Yes, I am a humble man that knows when to ask for help when it is needed," Damian said as he joked around with a smile.

Sarah giggled and pushed Damian's chest off herself as she sat him while kneeling beside him.

Damian felt the cold leather of the seat touch his back while he used the warmth from Sarah's previous position to give his bottom some comfort

After Damian got comfortable, Sarah gripped Damian's shaft and slowly started caressing it up and down in a gentle motion

'Let's take it slow,' Sarah thought in her mind as she brought her cherry pink lips to Damian's shaft and gave a kiss before she enveloped them around his head.

She pushed her tongue against Damian's head as if trying to taste something. She soon moved her tongue away from the top of the head as she started twirling it around, as she slowly started moving her head down his shaft.

Soon, Sarah took about half of Damian's member and felt her mouth completely filled with cock as she felt she couldn't take a single millimetre more.

Well, that's what the amateurs would think, but Sarah was a pro. She could obviously take way more than just half of Damian's manhood.

But Sarah didn't continue to go down and instead took Damian's cock out of her mouth with a pop and started stroking his cock instead.

'As I said before, got to take it slow~,' Sarah thought as she seductively stroked Damian's cock up and down as she looked deeply into his gaze

Damian felt the teasing from Sarah's hands as he wanted to cum as quickly as he can, but instead, he was forced to watch as Sarah played around with his stalk while constantly edging him on the verge of orgasm.

But Damian was feeling really good from all of this teasing and he knew Sarah was doing that for him. So he gritted his teeth and used all of his willpower to keep his hands to himself while watching Sarah do her work.

And unsurprisingly, Sarah did exactly that.

While staring at Damian's wavering eyes and tense expression, she released both of her hands from Damian's cock as she hid them behind her back and held them together as if she was some high-class person in a royal ball.

With her hands behind her back, Sarah used her mouth to the full extent she could use and slowly licked Damian's cock from the bottom of his shaft all the way to the top of its head.

Damian felt the cold air strike against his member after Sarah released his shaft and started licking it, he once again felt the urge to force Sarah onto his package and use her throat, but he once again held on as he clenched his fists along with his gritted teeth.

'I won't be able to take this anymore!' Damian shouted in his mind as his desire for release was getting increasingly stronger.

But as soon as he had this thought, he suddenly felt his phallus submerged with warmth and moisture as the earlier tension from before became a euphoric release in Damian's mind.

He hadn't even cummed yet, but this felt just as good!

Damian's expression relaxed as he felt Sarah's head bob up and down. The stress from before leaving his body with every move of Sarah's head.

Sarah continued to pleasure Damian's cock for the next few minutes by moving her head up and down while she used her hands to facilitate Sarah's movements as she jacked off Damian's lower half of his cock while Sarah sucked on the upper half.

After some time of doing this, Sarah finally moved to the next part of the night and decided to take this blowjob a step further.

'Time to give him what he wants!' Sarah thought with excitement as she knew what she was going to do next.

Sarah started slowing down after this thought. She slowed the movement of her hands, while she stopped smoking the pipe at the same time.

After Sarah's hands completely stopped moving, she moved them away and placed them on Damian's thighs as support for the action she was about to do.

After taking her hands away, the only thing left on Damian's dick was Sarah's mouth sucking on the head of Damian's cock.

Soon, Sarah pushed her head down slowly in a smooth manner. Trying not to be in a rush as she slowly enveloped Damian's manhood behind her lips.

She stopped at halfway Damian's cock as her mouth was completely filled with his big hard pipe. No space was left inside her lips as she paused at half length.

But this was only for a moment. After the moment of pause Sarah continued once again as she pushed past the limits of what her mouth could fit and started using her throat to store Damian's enormous phallus!

Soon after, Sarah had taken Damian's shaft all the way till the back of her throat as her lips kissed the base of his cock!

After reaching to this point, Sarah holds the position for some time as she constantly tried swollowing with Damian's cock in her throat.

For other girls this would've been pretty difficult to accomplish. With their throat getting filled with an object and then trying to swallow it, can give a gag reaction to a girl doing this.

Most girls would choke while trying to perform this technique the first time no matter what.

But Sarah wasn't most girls.

She had already killed off her gag reflex long ago. And even if she still had it, she still had the body malleability skill, so there was no problem anyway.

As Sarah stuck to the base of Damian's cock, she carefully swallowed while th shaft was in her throat. Taking her time in her actions as she gave Damian the best pleasure she could possibly give.

But after a while of kissing Damian's base, she started to raise her head as the cock in her throat was slowly pulled out until the head was the only thing still remaining in her lips.

Sarah quickly took this chance to take a few small breaths before she lowered head back down. Once again taking Damian's cock all the way down to base.

The best blowjobs were the ones where you could breath. Sarah uses each thrust as her chance to breath so she would not suffocate ever while taking deepthroats.

This was one of the skills she had honed for a long time other than her manipulative and seductive skills.

After Sarah did that deepthroat, she continued doing it without slowing down, only rarely stopping for a few handjobs and licks before going back in and doing it all over again.

After the first deepthroat, Damian was gritting his teeth as he tried to keep his hands to himself and focus on controlling himself while paying attention to his pleasure at the same time.

'No! I can't come yet!' Damian shouted in his mind as he slowly felt the pleasure ramp up with each thrust down Sarah's throat.

Even though Damian was suffering so much, Sarah didn't stop as she continued going up and down as her throat loosened and contracted in a rythmic time.

Damian was starting to feel himself lowly lose control as he grabed Sarah's hair and followed the bobbing motion while at times even forcing Sarah to stay in certain spots for a extended period of time.

But as he took control, Damian slowly started to feel his pleasure reach a plateu in intensity as he felt the pleasure from Sarah's mouth start to weaken.

And he knew why that was the case.

'It's because I'm not letting her do it herself,' Damian thought in his mind.

With Sarah doing it herself, she was not only giving Damian a great experience, she was also showing her affection in a way.

By doing her best to pleasure Damian, she was showing what she was willing to do as a sign of affection.

Damian's sighed in his heart as he realised what he had to do.

He slowly lets the reins off Sarah's hair and puts his hands to his side. Faraway from where Sarah was doing her work.

'How cute,' Sarah said in her mind as she looked up to find Damian staring into her ruby-violet eyes with a meaningful gaze.

Sarah ramps up her speed and intensity as she uses her Body Malleability skill to make a vacuum inside her throat while at the same time using it to allow herself to breath while doing it.

Sarah contracted her throat as she tried to increase the tightness as she pursed her lips around Damian's shaft to facilitate the tightness inside her throat.

But after doing all of this, she soon slowed down as she stopped moving at all while all of the previous steps were still in effect even when she stopped moving.

She only stared into Damian's blue eyes as she gave a small wink.

Damian didn't understand what was going on. To be fair, any man would be confused with what was going on at this moment.

But, Sarah's brows furrowed in frustration as she took both of Damian's arms and placed his hands on her head. Pushing her head down with Damian's hands as the catalyst to show what she was trying to say.

She couldn't say anything outright at the moment since she was trying to keep all of her preparations ready so Damian could take control.

After Sarah grabbed his hands and pushed her head down with them, he finally understood the message Sarah was trying to send him.

Damian didn't hesitate anymore as he grabbed Sarah's head and shoved it down his shaft all the way until Sarah reached to his base, giving a small kiss to his pelvis as a sign of submission.

After this Damian was sure at what intensity he could go.

Her being submissive was her signal to go as wild as he wanted!

So Damian didn't hold back as he started gripping Sarah's hair like horse's reins and moved it up and down as if using a plunger on his dick with Sarah's throat.

During this entire time, Sarah just focused on keeping her vacuum seal and tightness around her lips and her throat while she let Damian go as wild as he wanted on her throat.

Soon Sarah started to feel a certain pulsing sensation reach the back of her throat as Damian suddenly shouted something in a whispery voice.

"I'm cumming!" Damian said in a breathy voice.

Sarah quickly took Damian's warning as she prepared herself for the plunger that was about to come.

After Damian warned Sarah, he cummed as his dick pulsed in Sarah's throat giving her a load of his thick, creamy milk.


Sarah suddenly moaned as a white hot stream of cum was sent down her throat. Making her tears well up as she tried to push her gag reflexes as down as she could.

While Sarah felt the white gravy fill her stomach she suddenly felt a invisible sense of hunger satiating.

Moaning in satisfaction, she got to fuck and have a full meal for the early morning with Damian.

'Mmmh~ nothing like a cup of cum in the morning!~' Sarah said in her mind as she felt her stomach be filled with today's breakfast. Completely satisfied with how the early morning turned out.

After a while Damian pulled away from Sarah, giving her some time to breath as she tried to calm her raging lust down.

Damian had already broken his promise to himself of not having any fun, and Sarah was a bit guilty for this situation. So she didn't ask for a round two like she usually would, even though her intense feeling of arousal said otherwise.

Damian looked outside, trying to check if the sun had already come up yet.

It hadn't started rising, so he looked towards Sarah and have a slight smile.

"Wanna go for round two?" Damian said with charm radiating from his handsome visage.

Sarah froze for some time as her mouth gaped open with shock. Was he really asking for round two?! It was usually her asking for round two!

But then, Sarah overcame her shock as she gave a wide beaming smile. Her eyes shined with brightness as she looked at Damian's smiling face with elatedness.

Sarah went up to Damian and kissed him out of pure excitement. Her emotions after hearing Damian ask for round two was something that could not be described.

She felt as if she had finally cracked a small shell encasing her little brother from before.

She felt as if she made some kind of progress that she couldn't have imagined before!

Damian felt Sarah's genuine happiness from her expression, all the way to the passion in their kiss. It felt... brighter.

The kiss felt brighter compared to just the normal affection in their normal kisses.

But compared to the melancholy from their normal kisses, this one brought a sense of happiness that Damian couldn't describe.

It just felt... beautiful. That was if Damian was using the right word at this moment.

Damian smiled in his heart at these thoughts, while feeling the emotions transferred from the kiss.

Was he really such a bad brother?

'Well, who cares. Let's get our rocks off!'

After a while of kissing, Damian grabbed Sarah's ass and started kneeding them as he felt his hand sink into Sarah's juicy bubble butt.

Damian kissed Sarah for some time as he played with her firm thick bubble butt, before slapping it with a slight jiggle to turn it around.

"Ah~!" Sarah gasped at Damian's slap to her ass as he separated his lips from hers.

Sarah stroked Damian's cock as she turned around with a seductive smile and a sultry shake to her hips.

Sarah turned around completely as she gripped the seat and shaked her ass to invite Damian inside.

Damian slid his semi-hard joystick in-between Sarah's ass cheeks and slapped her ass once again to make her progress with the next step.

"Umph~!" Sarah moans again after Damian's slap and looks back with a lustful expression as she licked her lips in anticipation before she started moving.

Sarah started moving her ass up and down as she twisited the cock sandwiched in-between as she did a jerking motion with her ass.

Damian felt his dick being twerked on by Sarah's ass cheeks, but he was still not fully hard yet. So he decided to dry hump her ass back and forth in a attempt to get himself fully hard once again.

And without any surprises, Damian does get hard again.

After Damian got hard, Sarah looked behind her back and grabbed Damian's cock as she started to stroke it up and down before she slapped it against her ass cheeks with a slap sound resounding across the carriage.

Damian got ready and without intriductions, speared his cock straight into Sarah's pussy as he went balls deep.

"Ahh~!" Sarah moaned in shock as she felt Damian's hard cock inside her.

'This feels bigger than normal~!' Sarah thought as lust overcame her mind with the sensations from Damian's big dick intensifying those emotions.

Damian started moving as he grabbed Sarah's hips to keep her in place while he thrust into her nirvana gates.

"Mmh~!" Sarah knew what was about to cum, so she had already taken the initiative to cover her mouth before her moans leaked out of the carriage doors.

Soon, Damian started moving his hips back and forth as clap sounds were heard echoing from the hips of both of the siblings as it resounded across the entire carriage along with Sarah's moans.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Mh~! Ah~! Mmh~, Argh~!"

Sarah moaned and growned in a quiet voice while their clapping sounds were the loudest noises in the entire carriage at the current moment.

But, as moans were suppressed and hips were clapping, a knock was suddenly heard from the outside world.

Knock Knock Knock!

Immediately, Sarah and Damian froze their love making session as their eyes widened at the carriage door.

Did they wake up from their fucking? I mean Sarah did choke and her moans were leaking out sometimes but they were quiet otherwise.

'Who the fuck woke up!?' Sarah and Damian both had this thought as they stared into each other's eyes before focusing on who was at the carriage door.

"Sir! I am here to remind you that it is time for the camp to wake up!" A sleepy woman shouted at the otherside of the door.

Damian suddenly snapped out of his frozen state and immediately makes up an act to not arouse suspision.

"Alright! I'll wake my sister up and get ready... you wake up the others while I'm waking her up..." Damian said in a drowsy voice as if he had just woken up.

Sarah looked at all of this with tension painting her mind and fear lining her heart.

While Sarah was keeping herself deathly quiet, she suddenly felt Damian abruptly move.

"Ah~!" Sarah moaned in shock and surprised as she quickly covered her mouth with both hands as she tried to stop her voice from leaking outside.

The woman outside paused for a second when she heard this weird noise from the carriage.

"Sir, is everything okay? I think I heard someone injured inside!" The woman shouted from the outside with worry.

Damian slowly moved his hips even when Sarah was giving her the glare to stop.

But Damian just smiled and gave a wink to Sarah.

"Oh, that's just me trying to wake my sister. Don't worry about me and wake everyone else in the camp. We've got to get back on the road soon." Damian told the woman while Sarah was closing her eyes and covering her mouth with both hands as she tried her best to be invisible in this situation.

"Um, okay sir. I'll wake up the rest of the camp as you commanded." The woman said awkwardly as she walked away from the carriage.

'I hope he didn't think I was butting my nose into his business.' The warrior woman thought before she left to wake everybody else in the camp.

As the woman left, Sarah tried to hold back her moans while trying to keep her hips in steady rhythm with Damian's.

"Wasn't that -ah!- bit -mmh~ dangerous~?" Sarah says while trying to control her moans from Damian's furious assault. She knew how much Damian cared about his image. So she was genuinely at a loss as to why Damian would take this risk.

Damian had an embarrassed look as he gave an answer:

"It's because I wanted you to feel good." Damian said while a gasp of surprise was heard from one of Sarah's suppressed moans.

Sarah's eyes started to tear up again from before after she heard what Damian said.

'Silly, you shouldn't try so hard when your big sis is here.' Sarah thought as a covered moan was heard from Sarah's hands while Damian continued ramming her from behind.

'Guess we should make this quick before anyone else finds out.' Sarah thought in her mind as she suddenly used her Body Malleability skill to change the tightness and constantly give movements even inside of herself.

Sarah knew Damian's reputation would be ruined if he was caught trying to satisfy his sister's lust. So all she did was move her hips faster as she tapped Damian's hands to urge him to speed up along with her.

Even though Damian felt surprised and incomparable pleasure from Sarah's skill, he followed her lead as he also sped up.

Their carriage movements were still visible from the outside world. But since not that many people were awake, and the woman from before was so drowsy that she thought the moving carriage was a made up illusion, no one noticed.

Sarah started to seperate her hands away from her mouth as she gripped the seat tightly while pursing her lips to try and hide her moans.

But soon, that wasn't working as her moans started to become louder as Damian's and Sarah both became rougher with each passing second.

Damian was putting all his might behind each of his thrusts while trying to follow Sarah's lead and try to cum as soon as he possibly can.

Soon, Sarah was starting to feel a certain heat build up from her vagina from the movements between the both of them. Feeing she was about to cum soon.

Damian also soon felt this similar heat growing from his cock as he knew he was going to cum sooner or later.

At this moment, Damian grabbed Sarah's throat as he felt himself about to cum inside.

Sarah felt that and tightened her pussy in response to Damian's grip as she finally felt herself cum.

To quickly finish their connection, Damian quickly put his lips onto Sarah's while grabbing her throat as she cummed and quickly did a few final thrusts before he let himself cum as well.


Sarah moaned as she felt from her vagina heat up more as the heat from Damian's cock entered her womb. Giving her a sense of fulfilment from her female instincts that she was being bred.

Damian came inside of Sarah as he felt her pussy tighten to the extreme around his cock. Sucking the cum out of it as if air tight vacuum was sealed inside of her womb with his cock in it.

Damian held onto Sarah's throat, slightly choking her as Sarah nuzzled her ass towards Damian's cumming cock. Both of their tongues entangled with each other as they both felt the satisfaction from each other being transmitted to the other.

Today, they had a really long morning breakfast.

Whew... that was a long sex scene.

Well I ain't gonna say much, except to enjoy your reading and add my story into your collection of you hadn't already.

Also I'm going to go back to releasing two chapters everyday at random times.

Enjoy your reading!

Spartan_Wolfcreators' thoughts