
The Crowned Queen of Reattvea

What if there's a world where people with abilities lives? And what if people with none abilities also lives with them? The ones with abilities were called Descendants. And the ones without were called Non-Descendants. Reattvea is a nation where all these kind of people live, not harmoniously at first for some royals with capacity abused the ones that are not special meanwhile some other royals abused the ones with abilities. As centuries went by there were a lot of ups and downs until a certain Queen obtained the throne. A daughter of a commoner but born with royal blood in her veins. Queen Mareena was the youngest among six of her other half-siblings. But when her Father the King himself gave her the crown, she finds herself in great danger. A young Queen barely 20 got a throne which she was not expecting. A ability she doesn't know anything about. Surrounded by people she cannot trust. Will she make it? Will she be like her descendants? Will she ever overcome her threats? Betrayal written in every wall, every face and every words. Will she ever see though it? Or will she become a monster herself...

SNJNRE · History
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8 Chs


The night was cold, rain was splashing on every villagers homes, all of them fast asleep against the frosty air not knowing that an important meeting that is going to take place that rainy night. Standing by the side of the road was one silhouette who still lingered in the rain. Water was dripping from her hood to her cloak, soaking her clean and shiny boots clearly polished to perfection. When a shadow of a man passes by her, beckoning her to follow him the corners of the wrinkled lady's lips curled upwards forming a smirk. Stopping at an narrow alleyway that has a covering did the woman lifted up her hood, revealing soft leather black hair tied up into a bun and although her eyes were black there was a ring of dark red in her pupils, claiming that she is someone nobody should mess with.

Queen Mareena Cassiopeia Anyagreda Aphelion the Second of Reattvea emerged from under the hood, the young woman's disguised features morphing into her real self. High cheekbones, dark eyelashes and thick eyebrows trimmed to a thin line, Queen Mareena is not only known for her beauty but because of what lingers under her skin.

A magic that only a few knows the truth of, and an ability only she could use and control.

The other man standing opposite her chuckled to himself, in public this man might've been thrown into prison for openly mocking the Queen but here in the empty dirty alley where only rats scurry, nobody cares not even the Majesty herself. Instead she welcomes the familiar bicker. 

"What's so amusing Gabriel? she asked her friend in a deep and velvety voice.

"The fact after all these years and you still have to put on a show after lifting that hood is a little too much isn't it, Reena?" he smiles looking at her with his brown eyes.

"Well I do love to put on a good show," she chuckled softly leaning against a wall, crossing her arms.

"So, can you tell me why am I here? And why haven't you contacted me in years?" Gabriel asked her. Before she could speak he continued "And please don't tell me because you are the Queen now and that you have queenly duties to take care of. Because last I checked you were out on a vacation on River Valley. " He crossed his arms waiting for a reply.

"Really? You are mad at me for this?" she shook her head causing some loose black strands to fall over her face. "That's so childish even for you, Gab."

"You sound like my Mom. Careful your Majesty you're aging."

"But I am still young, my dear," she said calmly.

"Ok, alright. What can I do for the queen today?" he asked.

In answer to his question, she took out a stone from under her cloak. The stone that she took out was one of the two Fäbae Stones. Legends says the stones possesses the power of the two powerful angels who descended from a place called Paradise. A place that is believed to be somewhere above the clouds.

The stone started glowing a bright green in the hands of the Queen.

The man named Gabriel took a few steps closer to take a better look at the magical stone. 

With her free hand she pulled out both his hands placing the Fäbae stone on them. The stone became less bright, as soon as it left hers. Gabriel however, stared at the stone with such fascination, his mouth hanging open a little.

"You did it," he finally said without taking his eyes off the stone, afraid that it might not be real. Queen Mareena nodded in response, proud of herself.

"The vacation was merely a cover up to not raise suspicions," she smirked mischievously. "It wasn't that hard."

"Oh Lord, did you do take it by yourself?"

"Yes and no," she shrugged. Gabriel turned to look at her.

"Explain Reena?"

Queen Mareena sighed "well, I had help from some of my soldiers. After arriving to Ishyrad, all of them died while fighting at the barrier. Made most of my way alone."

"I am not impressed. With powers like yours who needs protection anyway," he exclaimed happily. "This is great news, we've had in years," he paused grinning, then added "hope is not useless after all."

"Hey, haven't I been protecting this country for over 300 years now," she chimed offended.

He let out a chuckle. "But, we haven't won this war yet my Queen. It would be even better if you could lead us in battle."

"Time will tell, my friend. But now neither the time nor the tell is ready yet," she said smoothing her hair over her already neat bun. A distraction. "I am not ready, Gabriel. I still need time."

Gabriel lowered his head, looking downcast. "I understand. But you cannot be mourning for him your whole immortal life. You need to let go of the past."

She bit her bottom lip looking towards the rain falling down from the other end of the narrow alleyway.

"Artemas is gone, Reena. It's time for you to let him go." He shifted placing the stone on one hand, while placing the other on her shoulder, forcing her to look at him in the eyes. "You have to let him go," he whispered.

Queen Mareena moved away slowly, letting his hand fall back. She looked straight in his brown eyes and said, "As I said Gab, time will tell and it will heal." 

And with that said, she walked towards the end of the alley. "Oh by the way, do what you have to do with the stone. I will tell you when our next meeting will be held the usual way," she winked and transformed into a black cat. Running off towards the road that leads her to the palace.

Meanwhile, Gabriel lingered in the dark alleyway, lost in thought the Fäbae stone still in hand. After what seemed like forever, he shrugged to himself and slowly walked back to his home with the pouring rain, whistling softly.

Now who is this people?

What history did they had together?

Who is Artemas? Is that a King? A brother? A lover?

What is the kingdom of Ishyrad?

Is there a story behind their rivalry?

What is that stone and why is it glowing in her hands?

How is the Queen so powerful?

Most importantly is she really immortal?

But how would you understand all this before knowing the past?

So get ready as I am gonna take you back in time. To a place, a time, a century that has been only written down in Reattvian history. Where the Queen was only a princess who was often disregarded by those around her.

Continue if intrigued ;)