
The Crowned Queen of Reattvea

What if there's a world where people with abilities lives? And what if people with none abilities also lives with them? The ones with abilities were called Descendants. And the ones without were called Non-Descendants. Reattvea is a nation where all these kind of people live, not harmoniously at first for some royals with capacity abused the ones that are not special meanwhile some other royals abused the ones with abilities. As centuries went by there were a lot of ups and downs until a certain Queen obtained the throne. A daughter of a commoner but born with royal blood in her veins. Queen Mareena was the youngest among six of her other half-siblings. But when her Father the King himself gave her the crown, she finds herself in great danger. A young Queen barely 20 got a throne which she was not expecting. A ability she doesn't know anything about. Surrounded by people she cannot trust. Will she make it? Will she be like her descendants? Will she ever overcome her threats? Betrayal written in every wall, every face and every words. Will she ever see though it? Or will she become a monster herself...

SNJNRE · History
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8 Chs


Hello, dear readers. How are you all? Doing great I hope.

I am a young writer and this is my first story I have written in Webnovel.

As you can see some of my wordings can be cringy or my vocab may not be correct. So if there's any English teachers here, feel free not too free to point it out.

I would be reading your comments for fun because, I love what people has to say about my work. And if you want to criticize a particular part, you can do it. But remember this is a story and characters are based on real life feelings, reactions and mistakes. Every writer creates a main character that are not perfect. Because- duh- nobody is.

Bear in mind that this is an original story.

Content Warning

1. Gruesome - a lot of gore included.

2. Murder

3. Suicide ideation

4. Torture

5. Human slavery

6. War

7. Cussing

Read at your own risk!

I know that it is a lot but I just want to be careful.

Also, I was planning to have two to three books, maybe a series or something. Because that would help make the story a bit more realistic and intriguing to read. I think. What do you say?

I don't do Authors Note so that you readers could just go on with the story without me interrupting you at some point.

I think that's all for now. You won't be seeing me until the end. Enjoy.
