
The Crown of Sun

In the land of Allessan d'Rio, Enigel is an elemnit with control over the crystals. Once she is betrayed by her sister, she decides to enter The Order of the Shatteres, who are the embodiment of the death of the crystallites. Regretting her decision, knowing that being a Shatterer, isn't allowed to do many things, her life takes a turn when the crown prince asks her to help him search for his long-lost son, promising her to get her out from the order, letting her keep the deadly power she was given when becoming a shatterer: the power of death. On the other hand, Ryzen, a crystallite, is a successful soon-to-be an interplanetary lawyer, who is also asked by the crown prince to help him find his son. In change, he is made a lawyer out of the royal order. Eventually, the crown prince is assassinated and since Ryzen became his voice, he becomes the next ruler, the prince's son still being missing. But Ryzen didn't want to rule, and Enigel is also responsible for his crowning. Therefore, out of his rage, she becomes his right hand and the unknown ruler of the Allessan d'Rio. Will Enigel become the true Queen of the Land, or will Ryzen turn the world upside down?

Daoist7cOCOs · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Señorita Perez is sitting in her comfortable brown leather armchair from the bottom of the room. The light shines in the color of the most raped pumpkin through the red and yellow curtains.

"What's wrong, Enigel?" she gently asks me. She knows me well since I've been there several times, having problems in my relationship with my series mates when I was younger. I've stopped visiting señorita Perez as soon as I noticed nothing changed.

I'm afraid that the only person who can help me is only myself. It's a pity I am too lazy and maybe too stubborn to change.

"Well," I stutter, señorita Gonzalez sent me there. She believes you're the only one who can help me."

"But I don't believe it," I continue to myself.

"And?" she widens her earth-like eyes. "What's the matter?"

"Everything happened when sinister writing appeared this morning on my wrist. Look!" I show her.

"Interesting," she murmured. "What did senorita Gonzalez tell you?"

"She feels that it's my half," I look down.

"Then, so be it," she proclaims and stands up, approaching me. "Look, my dear, it seems you're very special. Do you remember what I've told you in one of our past sessions, that you are a special child? Well, I know I was right. You might take after your mother as well. Therefore, like any other crystallite you have a half", she puts her hand on my shoulder, trying to cheer me up. "In other words, you'll go through times in which you'll magically meet your half. To understand it better, you may call him your soulmate, mate, or your significant other in every other matter."

"I know, I know," I shook my head, interrupting her abruptly, "only with them I will make a perfect fusion and they might even have an opposite personality than mine. I know this from my sister and my boyfriend. Even them had met their halves."

"And now, your time has come. Aren't you happy?" her eyes are shining. "I've heard many crystallites barely waiting to meet their half. Don't worry, you'll meet someone like you. It's okay to be different." she smiles brightly at me. "If we were all the same, life would have been so boring. Returning to our story," she continues, inviting me to take a place on the nearest black chair from her armchair, "you will go through ten randomly chosen stages. Each takes place depending on the Great Creator's will. He knows better for you and your half. Those stages are divided into three categories. The ones from the first, take one day, like the ones from the second category, but the seconds are more important, that's why they come after and, in the end, there's the third category, which takes a week. If you happen to find out who your half is…" "…it all ends by then," I complete her speech. "I know this because that's what happened to my sister," I explained. "However, she didn't tell me, nor my parents who he is," I close my eyes. "I understand. It's alright, dear, everyone needs some privacy, even though she is your sister," she tries to calm me down, feeling I've become depressed as soon as I remembered this small detail. "But, take care that the whole tings stop only when both parts find about the significant other. It's not enough only you to know who he is, he needs to know who you are for the process to come to an end. All things considered; you are already going through one. It's the <<Seeing your half thoughts>> stage."

"So you tell me that all this time he has seen all my insecurities?!" I shout unconsciously to her. "I am sorry, my dear, but you may, as well, take this as an advantage. You can see what he's thinking and, thus, you can identify who he is." "And, so, all this nightmare will disappear," I realize, as I hear the siren going off. "Gracias!" I conclude, hugging her happily. "Seeing you next time, señorita!" I greet her as I run to the door, smiling largely.

"But Enigel!" she tries to talk with me more, but all I can think now is that in a short time I will finally be free.


I'm lying in bed, with all the lights off, enjoying the emptiness and dullness of my bedroom's ceiling. Its darkness reminds me of the uselessness of this day.

I've tried the whole noon to find who my half is. I told the whole series that I have a half and that right on this day I am going through my "seeing my half's thoughts" stage. Nobody seemed to understand me, nor to recognize anything, nor to care. I was invisible again, as a ghost desperately searching for the one who murdered the person they used to be, to find their long-lost peace.

I still couldn't find him, even though I've looked for him in the other 3rd level series from my educational field. However, I still have a few more days till I'll find him.

My right wrist begins to itch, but, instead of rubbing it, I remember that right on that spot, there are inscribed my half's thoughts. The last time I checked it, there was written "I want her. Madly." At that time I didn't work so much in my head to find who was he thinking about, but, right now, that I've remembered it, I can't get it out of my head. Who's that her? Whose he's thinking about? Is she an important person in his life? Is she her girlfriend or… is she me?

As if I have foreseen something awful would really happen, I turn the mini-crystal-light from the nightstand from the right of my bed and I take a quick look at my itching wrist.

"Tengo tantas ganas de follarme a Enigel Garcia" was written.


Who would madly want to fuck with me?

I might've started screaming seeing that, because my father breaks into my room: "What's wrong, Enigel?" I could see the panic in his eyes. "What happened?"

I quickly hid my hand under the blanket in the color of the brightest clouds.

"It was an ordinary nightmare," he concludes, with a very disappointed look.

"I'm sorry. I'm still a little child," I grin at him, while he wished me good night.

"Just grow up! How you want to be a royal guard if you're still scared of unrealistic monsters," he gently closed the door, with bitterness in his voice.

I couldn't show that to him because I knew he would whip my ass if he found out what's going on. Korag would never understand that I have a half, like any other crystallite.

After I no longer heard steps in the hallway, I grab my crystal communicator and call Rodrigo. He answers me after three calls.

"What took you so long?" I was about to shout at him through the voice receiver.

"I'm with Ryzen at a Night Party Center", he explains with a tint of embarrassment in his voice. "He didn't have who to go with, since he broke up with Anja," he went on.

I could hear the hard beat of the music through the communicator's speakers.

"Where are you now? Hope you're inside not to understand me!" I shout right at the communicator.

"Don't worry, chica," he tries to relieve me, I'm outside, that's why it took me so long. So, what's the matter?"

"Do you know what we've talked about in the past and what my father told you?"

"Of course, I remember it."

"Then why do you want to fuck me tonight, Rodrigo? You know I want to marry as a virgin," I cry.

"Yes, I know that, but why would you think I would want to? I respect you and your choice."

"Then why it appeared on my wrist that my half wants to do it with me so much?"

"Excuse me? Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I am!"

"Are you sure it's you and not somebody else?"

"It was written <<I want so badly to fuck you, Enigel Garcia>>."

"Oh, Great Creator," he sights. I could see him closing his eyes in disbelief. "You are not my half. I'm sorry. In addition to that, I hate that I have competition. It seems that your half is someone who you know, and maybe someone I know too."

"Are there any other acquaintances of ours there?"

"Well, I think there is half our educational field there."

"Good. Hold on, I'm coming," I close the conversation.