
The Crown of Sun

In the land of Allessan d'Rio, Enigel is an elemnit with control over the crystals. Once she is betrayed by her sister, she decides to enter The Order of the Shatteres, who are the embodiment of the death of the crystallites. Regretting her decision, knowing that being a Shatterer, isn't allowed to do many things, her life takes a turn when the crown prince asks her to help him search for his long-lost son, promising her to get her out from the order, letting her keep the deadly power she was given when becoming a shatterer: the power of death. On the other hand, Ryzen, a crystallite, is a successful soon-to-be an interplanetary lawyer, who is also asked by the crown prince to help him find his son. In change, he is made a lawyer out of the royal order. Eventually, the crown prince is assassinated and since Ryzen became his voice, he becomes the next ruler, the prince's son still being missing. But Ryzen didn't want to rule, and Enigel is also responsible for his crowning. Therefore, out of his rage, she becomes his right hand and the unknown ruler of the Allessan d'Rio. Will Enigel become the true Queen of the Land, or will Ryzen turn the world upside down?

Daoist7cOCOs · Fantasy
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9 Chs


I'm in the middle of the science of calculus course when I notice something written on my right wrist. "I'm hungry," it says. Just as I am widening my eyes trying to figure out who wrote that, because I didn't write anything, señorita Lopez asks if anyone has any questions. A moment later, I find myself raising my hand:

"I am sorry, señorita, but I do not know who wrote <<Tengo hambre>> on my wrist," I try to show her.

"Is this your only concern, Enigel? How about telling the whole series about our course from today?" she was blinking intensely.

Check-matte. I hate doing calculus.

"I understood it perfectly, señorita," I try to assure her, thinking I can get away only with this, but this blonde golden-eyed, 50 years woman won't let me escape only with this. "Therefore, you have to tell anyone about what you have understood from today's course."

Oh, man. Right now, I am facepalming internally.

Great Creator, help me! I hate her and her courses with all my heart!

"But it even changes," I tell her, looking at my wrist again, seeing what's written on it. "And I cannot even show you what is written on it right now because it is very inappropriate."

Then, the whole series starts laughing.

Why was always me the one who was laughed at?

"If you won't answer, I'll consider you weren't paying attention, so I'll give you a big fat 80," she says, taking her notebook and her crystal pen, preparing to give me a bad evaluation.

"But I was attentive to everything that you said, señorita. It is not my fault if only half of the whole new information got into my brain at once," I cry.

"So?" she raises her thin and perfectly arched brows at me. "Please, prove the series what you've understood. I won't be evaluating you, so, please, be calm."

I just couldn't believe her. This woman was el diablo on Alphamundus.

"Well," I stutter.

"Tell me what you've understood the best or what you've enjoyed the most from today's course."

Is she trying to help me? Since when does she like me?

I narrow my eyes, thinking carefully to a suitable answer, but my brain went dry.

Lynne, near me, gently raised her head to me, who I was standing sharp as a pine tree, whispering about the limit of one at infinity.

"Well, the limit of one at infinity equals...", I say between my teeth.

"Two-point seventy-eight," I saw written on my wrist.

That was the numerical result for the 'O'.

"O?" I find myself asking.

"Not, but, please, go on", I hear the master encourage me.

She seems to have heard my silent answer.

Then, it was correct?

"And in this very special limit..."

"It's an indeterminate case," I saw written on my wrist again. "It is an indeterminate case," I correct myself, "And in it we..."

"Add one," whispered Lynne to me.

"Add one, and also we add to the exponent the inverse of the rest," I am remembering.

Thanks to the Creator that I was attentive to that.

"Good one," I saw written on my wrist.

So the magically written thingy can be a message from my Guardian?

"Very good, Enigel. And why were you so unsure of yourself when I've asked you?" she gently questions me.

"Because you're a witch," I say to myself.

Without letting me answer that, she continues in the same fake-honey-sweet voice: "Can you please tell me what are the other indeterminate cases? It's a pity if I won't evaluate you for your good answers."

Yeah, sure, as you say it, widow, but we all know how foolish I am at your field of knowledge. As proof, as soon as she finished saying that, the whole series starts laughing again.

"Why are you laughing?" she asks, trying to get my back. "Maybe today is her good day. Maybe she is not so talented at calculus, but she might be good at something else. So?" she blinks at me again, waiting for an answer, "Just tell me what the indeterminate cases are, and not how to treat them."

"This is easy", I find it written on my wrist.

"They are one to infinity, infinity to infinity, null to null, null divided by null, infinity multiplied by null, infinity divided by infinity..."

"Good," she stopped me, "Twenty! You should have explained more about the limit with the 'o'. Anyway, good thinking, Enigel, that was one of your best answers. I should question you more," she smiled at me, winking, as the siren went off.

Oh, Great Creator, how much I hate this woman! Thanks, the course was over.

"What's in your mind?" my sister nearly shouts at me. "You know how she is. Why did you start it?"

"But I got a twenty, my best mark so far!" I explain her, lifting my shoulders.

"Why couldn't you just wait until the break to show me!" she begins to shake her hands, like any other time she gets annoyed.

"You know how I am," I answer her in monotone, rolling my eyes.

"As for what you have on la muneca, I don't know. Try to erase it."

"I can't." I look at her into her golden, sun-like irises.

"Take it off. I know you can."

"I can't take it off!" I rub my hand with a wet handkerchief.

"Take it off!" she insists.

"Don't you see how red is my skin now?"

"Fine!" she rolls her eyes at me. "But it's not my fault anyone laughs at you," she suggests to me, getting up from her desk.

Just as señorita Lopez was exiting the room, I see written on my wrist: "Whatever."

"Why <<Whatever>>, Guardian?!" I find myself shouting.

Hearing this, Ryzen started laughing. "La chica tonta went crazy again. Maybe it's because of too much calculus," he remarks, laughing maniacally.

"Ha, ha, very funny, you whore," I show him the middle finger as he passes through me.

I hated him with all my heart. I hated him so much that sometimes when I saw him, I could feel as if I remained without air.

"However, I love her," I, see a breath later, written on my wrist.

But el protector can't have feelings, can they? They aren't even beings, even they are depicted as very beautiful babies with white fluffy wings. As I heard from the miracle courses, they are entities made out of golden wings with big lips and a hundred blue eyes, being, in fact, quite scary creatures.

Oh, boy! What's happening?

"Don't listen to him, Enigel," hugs me Rodrigo, my boyfriend, who happens to be in Ryzen's group of friends.

"I needed this," I cried, hugging him tightly, smelling his bitter-sweet musk scent from the black t-shirt."

"What's wrong?" he stokes my red cheek.

"As I told señorita Lopez, it's this thing, see?" I show him. "I believe my protector is sending me messages."

"It's like when I was written what my half was thinking," he noticed, without thinking too much of his remark. "Oups, I shouldn't say that," he excused himself.

"Your half?" I burst. "When? Why didn't you tell me?!" I shout at him.

"Well, you see, Enigel," he blushes, "you are a non-crystallite, but I am one. Each gem bearer has a half because only we can fuse and make a perfect fusion with our half. But don't worry, I'm not interested in such things as this. The only person I am interested in is you. You know I have eyes only for you, Enigel," he says, a glimpse before kissing me. His lips taste so fresh of mint and perfume. "I'll never leave you, Enigel," he assures me, breathing hard. "I just didn't want to hurt you," he explains, awkwardly massing this nape.

"Don't worry", I smile, then give him a sweet but quick kiss on his cheek, as the siren went off, announcing the beginning of a new course. It was time for the nature of the body, with señorita Gonzalez, also known as "Molerae", after a group of bacteria, an old as the time but a very sweet and understanding woman.

However, she turns out not to be so sweet today, announcing us all an evaluation.

I completely forgot about it.

"Finally," I see written on my wrist.

Finally, what? To show everyone how bad I am at this course?

Señorita Gonzalez was so understanding or better said foolish, that she didn't even notice when somebody tried to cheat on her tests, letting us copying the answers from each other.

However, when I was gently transcribing all the results from my sister, while Molerae was walking in the room, she stopped at me and pointed out, with her thin voice just like one of a bee: "Enigel, dear, and there I was the one who thought you didn't cheat on my tests! But I know you and your sister for so long!"

Then, the series started to laugh again.

"But there's a misunderstanding, señorita," I cry and try to show her what was written. There was inscribed a big fat "Can't she be always in trouble?" on my wrist. "That's a message from my Guardian. It is not about you, but I feel that later this day my life will be in danger, and they try to help me. Look, it does not even say a word about your test, señorita," I showed her my wrist. After seeing it, she makes her eyes wide, sparkling, and her face lightens up as if she made a discovery: "Sirs," she announces, "Do you remember the course about genes? By then, I've told you about the fractures, and it looks like your series mate is the best example. Her mommy is an altra-homo and her daddy - a crystallite, and though she hasn't a gem, she has crystallite blood and also a half, just like you."

Then, everyone goes silent. Everyone is looking at me and, right at that moment, and I feel the urge to stand up. And so, I stand up, blushing.

My skin is tingling.

No way. She is wrong with everything. Firstly, I'm an elemnit who controls crystals. Secondly, my mother was a crystallite and my father is like me. Thirdly, I just can't possibly have a half.

I don't say a word, I just stay without moving, just like a statue. Seeing this, she excuses me and asks me to go straight away to the education field's psychologist.