
The Crooked Oath

A high school student Lilith Allen is still dealing with the death of her min. Being forced to move back to her hometown she has to deal with being a normal high school student while trying to figure out secrets about her family's past. THIS IS MY FIRST REAL WRITING PROJECT SO PLEASE SHARE WITH FRIENDS ID LOVE ALL THE FEEDBACK

DaoistZ6CXyO · Fantasy
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5 Chs


As we approach the final twenty minutes of class, time seems to slow to a halt. Mr. Gilmore was going around assisting students who raised their hands and asked for support. The class itself was fairly simple; he went over a lesson on the smartboard and assigned homework, easy peasy. No, because it's a bunch of high school students trying to have fun. Mr. Gilmore immediately put an end to any jokes or goofy behavior. A couple of jocks initially assumed they could continue to protect him, so he quickly kicked them out of class.

Larry Gilmore, the math instructor, was a fascinating individual. He is a bright ex-military leader who lectures only to pass the time. He also serves as the team's cross-country coach. In his late fifties, an elderly citizen. He becomes irritated when students fail to finish their homework. Once again, a great senior guy. Overall, a fantastic teacher with a wicked sense of humor.

Lily was trying hard not to draw attention to herself. She's already being told to stop tapping her pen on the desk. It's not like she has any problems with her job; it's extremely simple. It's the adrenaline rush of being outside without her family. It's a new experience, and it's quite thrilling. She had no idea how much she was losing out on.

Lily was lucky enough to get a seat near an open window. She can feel the pleasant wind of September air on her skin. It wasn't too hot, but you could tell it was fall. She enjoys watching the squirrels travel the found in search of acorns to save.

With all of this serenity, she honestly wonders if Jess still lives in Clearwater. They were close before the tragedy, but they gradually drifted away thereafter. Lily never seemed to fit in after that; it was almost as if she was pushed to mature rapidly.

Maybe I'll be able to find her on Facebook tonight, Lily reasoned. Aside from being pushed by that morning, who Lily discovered was called Vanessa. It's been a rather easy day! Vanessa, on the other hand, is a stereotypical queen bee. Lily wants to be in charge, but she is compelled to be in her science group.

Lily checked her phone, but she hadn't heard from her aunt yet. It's 11:15 a.m. and still nothing. It's strange since she's always messaging and checking in to make sure they're okay. She is typically the one to cook, especially since she has taken them in and stopped her nursing work.

It was amusing to watch my brother pick up a cooking skill from her! He burnt so much food that he made eggs one time. The kitchen caught fire after they were burned so badly that the fire brigade was summoned. He couldn't leave the house without being made fun of. I could tell you so many anecdotes about his terrible culinary endeavors! It's all right now since he's a fantastic cook! That's better than Lily can.

Even thinking about the positive couldn't take away the anxiety of not hearing from Anna. She was overjoyed to learn that Lily was going to school. I spent a lot of money on a shopping excursion. To be honest, I'm curious about what she does for a living. Since we met, she has been with us almost always and has never been away from us. If I needed assistance, he was always available. Maybe she obtained insurance from her husband's death, Lily pondered. Perhaps she'll inquire after school today!

"Okay, everyone, the bell will be ringing in a few minutes. I just wanted to remind everyone that we will be having a pop quiz on everything on Tuesday, so be prepared "Mr. Gilmore informed everyone.

You could hear the students' desks hustling as they began to pack up their belongings. You can hear their banter as they began to discuss topics of interest to them. The class contains just twenty pupils, excluding the two that were booted out. The school isn't public; it's a private institution that her brother and aunt paid for. Making Lily has financial issues as she begins to make a list of things she needs to discuss with her brother and aunt.

Mr. Gilmore has already arrived at his desk. Which is located in the rear of the classroom and overlooks the pupils. His desk is quite near Lily's seat, which is just next to the windows.

The bell rang, causing the chairs on the floor to scrape. The pupils walked out of the classroom. Lily, being the last few kids, waited for everyone to pass through the door, as is her custom. She passed a kid who was still writing something, but she didn't wait long enough to have a good look at it. The school was unusually quiet. Based on a television show. Lily had anticipated being considerably more daring.

She is at a private school, therefore they have various ways of teaching and more possibilities. Especially when it comes to things like throwing children out of school because private schools are a luxury. No, this does not imply that the lady must like it. Shell, on the other hand, will graduate and move on soon. If she had the power, Lily would despise her brother, but she won't allow herself to think about how he brought her here. Lily realized that the next two years could not possibly fly by.

The bell rings, jolting Lily out of her reverie. She's finished her first day of high school and just has one more class left. Clearwater High School divides each day into four blocks. It lasts an hour and a half, so she'll have to sit through much lengthier lectures than she's used to. Each student is assigned eight classes per day, separated into two groups: A. Day and B. Day. Staying awake was difficult for her because she had already studied these things. All Ezra had to do was enroll her in normal classes. Lily is aware of the predicament, and she is the first to admit that arithmetic is not her forte. Yes, she had no intention of becoming a mathematician soon.

Lily's decision to sit near the window made the second session much more vexing. As a result, she was seated next to the girl who had accidentally shoved her. Lily just had to sit next to the window, so she had to listen to the grumblings of this girl, Vanessa Richardson, whom she learned through listening. Vanessa was irritated, as Lily could tell by the way she looked at her. Lilly didn't mind because she didn't do anything, and what's life without a little controversy?

Vanessa Richardson is a grade-A bitch, according to Lily's brief encounter with her. She was the stereotypical popular girl, queen bee, or whatever moniker you choose to give her in the movies. You must go via her if you want to know about any drama. She is also the top cheerleader, and her boyfriend is the football team captain. You've seen your share of high school movies. Always having to be the center of attention, even when you're not doing anything. Overall, it was a waste of time to try to get to know her.

Lily finally made it to her locker after dragging her feet. Lily gets a feeling that someone is watching her, but she has no idea what it is or where it is coming from. It's most likely the irritating gang of gals. Yay for being an overachiever since she did all of her homework for her classes. Except for her notebook, bookbag, mobile phone, and charger, Lily stores all of her belongings. Nothing more is required because her last class of the day is the gym. Lily rushes up from her nap, realizing she's been sleeping for much too long. Fortunately, her classroom is not far from her locker.

She shoots the locker door and inserts her arm through one of her bookbag straps. The bad she was wearing was inspired by Sam and Dean from the television program Supernatural. She thought to herself, "I bet I could convince my brother to start it all over again with me." After checking her phone, she realized she just had two minutes before the bell would sound like she was late. If you enter the school through the main doors, the classroom is on the left side of the hall. Lily's locker is the first locker you come across before entering the classroom. Lily sped up a little to reach there before the bell rang.

Lily enrolled in the creative writing program to better her ability to express herself on paper. You can guarantee that every gossip girl made the same choice. I suppose being edgy is a great way to seem popular, Lily reasoned. I believe it is far less difficult than creating a band.

She wasn't the last one in class, so she was able to get a seat in the back row near the window. Because this class had a second lunch, Lily braced herself for another lengthy session. It's the first five minutes of the game. Then 30 minutes of lunch, followed by thirty minutes of class. This is advantageous because this class has a second lunch break. As a consequence, they eat roughly midway through the class, so she won't be here for long.

Lily looks around the classroom, noting the location of the teacher's desk, which is near the front door. It's odd how each instructor arranges their desk differently. The instructor is not only reading a book, but she is also at her desk. Ashley Jackson, in her late fifties, is her name. She is a large-framed woman with graying hair. Lily appears to be uninterested in teaching since her walls are barren. There are no posters, nor are there any fascinating features such as decorations. Her mannerisms simply scream exhausted, as if she hasn't had enough sleep in the last few months.

The room quickly filled with the din of raucous teenagers as everyone took their seats and began talking to their friends who sat all around them. Still, the teacher isn't swayed, ostensibly because she's too engrossed in her reading. When Lily's gaze is drawn to this girl with blonde hair, her heartbeat quickens. The way the girl grins is quite familiar to her, but she can't identify where she knows her from. The girl is having a good time laughing with her buddies. Lily feels envious that she does not have the same circle of friends. When she notices that someone is staring at her, she glances up. Lily was mortified and looked out the window before being apprehended.

As a chair is pushed across the floor, a loud scraping sound may be heard. Lily's nose is causing her to stare towards the front of the classroom. The instructor laboriously walked to the front of the classroom, slightly out of breath when he eventually began completing roll call. As she began to instruct, the students all fell silent.

Lily returned to staring out the window, ogling everything around her. Nature is breathtaking, and the creatures may be awe-inspiring, dangerous, and enticing all at once. The freedom they enjoy, without having to worry about the problems that humans face. While animals have their concerns, those concerns differ from one another. Being able to fly and let go of all your problems. She would like to leave them behind to clean her thoughts.

Ezra a few years ago on her fourteenth birthday. Anna, Ezra, and herself were lying on a beach at night when they decided to sneak on. Simply admiring the general beauty of the universe. The fragrance of the ocean, the animals, and the calm of the beach. Ezra said that being free is a condition of being, and that being truly free means having something to fight for. She didn't say much, but she appreciated the time they spent together.

"Please partner up for this assignment, Lilith Carter and Jessica Bower," the instructor said unexpectedly, distracting Lily from her thoughts as she returned to the front of the room.

She had missed all the teacher had said, but it seemed that the teacher didn't care. Her voice was quite dry, and she sounded like she was on the point of a nervous breakdown. Mrs. Jackson then went on to designate other people who would work on the project with her.

"Remember, you guys will be working on a story in class for the next week, and each group will read it aloud on Friday," she said as she sat down.

Lily stayed still as the girl she had seen before approached. Lily's heart was about to beat out of her chest, but she had no idea what to do. She seems to have forgotten something. Lily averted her gaze in embarrassment. The child seems to be the same height as she is, standing at five feet and six inches. Her hair is a sandy blonde that she has tied back into a ponytail in the middle of her back. She's dressed in a pink skirt, a white shirt, and a pink sweater. Lily saw she didn't have any makeup on.

Jessica screamed, "Yo Lily!" with a wide smile on her face.

"Hi," Lily said haltingly. She was so nervous that she didn't know how to carry on the conversation without feeling even more awkward.

"You know, Lily, you don't have to act so strangely around me. Before the accident, we were extremely close, and you moved away with your brother."

"I'm sorry, wait what?" Lily said, perplexed.

"Ugh, Lily, you used to be such a hoot. You've just been back for a few months and haven't contacted anyone, including me." I even try to speak with you, but you always ignore me. "I feel you need to get out of your head and start living your life again," she said quickly.

Lily's sole memory was of a small girl named Jess with whom she used to be pals. I mean, this can't be the same Jess, can it? Instead of responding to Jess, Lily played with her notebook while waiting for a response. She was at a loss for words because they hadn't seen each other in years. This is most likely why she kept recalling minor things she did it seemed familiar to her.

"Look, Lily, I honestly don't comprehend what you've been through, and that's perfectly OK. It doesn't matter about the task; we could simply wait here till you feel more at ease "She stated.

"No, it's good!" said Lily. "I'm simply trying to get my head around the fact that I'm back." Look at you, Jess, you're so different."

"Seven years and puberty will do that to you."

"Resorting to sarcasm now, Jess?"

"Yes, oh smart one, I will strike thee with my words and a pen," Jess said.

"No paper?" Lily inquired.

  "A higher person such as me needs such a farce." I'll be able to write on the air itself peasant!."

They both became quiet and then burst out laughing. Lily recalled their relationship, how much they used to laugh, and the closeness they shared. This is what she desired: to be able to be open and calm in the presence of people for the first time. Strangely, Jess has always been able to accomplish this.

"Would you two women like me to go through the assignment aid, or are you both capable of doing it?" Mrs. Jackson queried.

"No, ma'am, we'll finish the job," Jess told the teacher. "I didn't want to disturb Lilith by generating such an outcry."

Mrs. Jackson looked at each of us before moving on to the other students to keep an eye on them. Lily ultimately turned around and looked Jessica in the eyes; despite her heart fluttering, she didn't let that stop her from saying what needed to be spoken. 

"Jessica, I apologize for not being a good friend to you for a time. I need to re-establish myself here, not just with you, but with everyone. I haven't been around people in a long time, and I still need help recuperating from what happened. I'm still trying to move on from that moment in my life, but this is the first time in a long time that I've been among people my age. Please try to comprehend, "Lily whispered.

"You are accurate, Lily." I have no clue what you've been through, and I haven't inquired. "I'm not going to leave you alone anymore, whether you like it or not," she said happily as she gazed at me, a huge smile on her lips.

The bell sounded to signal the beginning of the second lunch period. Lily stayed deafeningly silent. Lily was the first to exit the room this time. I couldn't tell you how I felt since there was so much to deal with. She started walking to the restroom to think about everything. Lily had not heard from her aunt in a while, so she decided to write her a note inquiring if she was okay. Then she texted her brother about Jess. Because she left so quickly, there is no one in the hallways yet, but you can hear a small number of kids making their way toward the cafeteria. 

She'll return to see the posters on the wall shortly, she says as she walks by them. Walking through the hallways, which were all painted white, there was no discernible variation in hue. She enters the bathroom to contemplate after passing through the double doors that go to the bus ramp. She felt a touch on her shoulder just as she was about to open the door. She hurriedly turned to shout at whoever it was but saw nothing. There was no one in the hall with her. She needed to learn to relax before rushing into the bathroom to splash water on her face.


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