
The Creator above the Heavens and Beyond

Little did I know that the game I played in my youth would ultimately lead me to an extraordinary reality - one where I would be handpicked by the gods themselves, in a manner beyond my wildest imagination. After eons spent as the ruler of my own planet, I found myself growing increasingly restless and yearning for a more meaningful existence. So I took the bold decision to leave my cosmic throne and embark on a new journey of self-discovery on a planet I had created. Yet, little did I anticipate the challenges that lay ahead in navigating the complexities of leading an ordinary life as an extraordinary deity. In association with sageash

Auzyko · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Monsters Invasion

"Lady? Are we sure that she's a lady? I didn't see anything to justify this." my gaze went towards his… her chest purely out of curiosity,

"Hey, where are you looking, you damn pervert!?" She exclaimed, blushing.

"Nowhere," I said and turned my head away from her awkwardly.

I released her and she went immediately to check up on the kids.

But she said her kind? Her physique doesn't resemble much of a dwarf's, exceptionally taller.

"I'll be on my way back." I waved and got ready to leave.

But before I could, one young dwarf caught me from my sleeve and said, "Mister please come with us, we will be safer with you." I kneeled in front of the young dwarf, who looked up cutely and said,

"But you already have lady Rue to protect you."

"But we want you." He said and the other kids behind him nodded in agreement... They have seen my strength first hand so it is only natural they are relying on me.

Aah, what can I say? I can't let those kids down now, can I?

"Alright then, I'll come with you."

"Wait, I didn't allow you to come with us," Rue said, irritated.

"Please lady Rue, let him come." The little kid pleaded with her and they stared at each other for good five minutes and Rue finally gave up and spoke.

"Ugh, fine, okay, but I'll be the leader." She turned to me for an answer and I replied,

"As you wish."

With that, we departed from the forest to the dwarf village.

Should I tell them that I can teleport us directly there? Nah, it's not good. There isn't some sort of magic like that for me to cover my ability. I'll just travel normally.

Rue was walking in front of us, the dwarfs were in the middle and I was at the end.

As we were walking through the forest, I could sense a lot of monsters around us. But before they could make a move, I already cast debuffs and sleep on them.

Although it seemed to me like someone was controlling those monsters, there is no way he is aiming for us right,

"There isn't a single monster around here. I guess we're really lucky." Rue said.

"Yes, I agree," I replied with a plastered smile.

After a while, we finally got out of the forest and arrived in a desert.

I think something is wrong with the landscape here. That desert is out of place.

"Lady Rue, why is there a desert here?" I asked confused as I did not remember making a desert here,

"You seriously don't know? Were you living under a rock...?" I made a dumb expression and she continued,

"Ah, anyway. That is the outcome of our grand battle with the demon tribe. This desert here was once a big city, but as you can see, there is nothing left."

What the fuck? Demon tribe? I never put something like demons on this planet. The planet. The nearest thing to demon I remember putting was sirens. Something's wrong here, I can feel it.

After we got out of the desert, we were face to face with a huge mountain.

Rue and the kids walked directly inside it, I was shocked it was a work of magic, an illusion maybe.

"Come on, what are you doing?" Rue said as her neck come out of the mountain illusion,

"I, um, didn't know where you guys went."

And it is the truth because I did not want to kill my adventuring vibes, I did not ask Pod, and neither did I seek the info by my Godly authority.

She pulled my hand, and I followed Rue, founding myself in a valley surrounded by mountains. There was a whole village there that seemed to be the home of the dwarfs.

The kids went running towards their houses reuniting with their parents while Rue told me to follow her to the leader's house.

But why do I have to go there? I came here only to escort the kids. I wanna go back now as this flow seems to be leading to something troublesome and far from normal.

But Rue doesn't let me. Aaaah.

We arrived at the leader's house, which was twice the size of the other houses, and walked in.

"Dad, I'm back," Rue exclaimed.

Dad? She's the leader's daughter?

Why do I keep getting surprised? I think that I'll accept everything I hear from now on.

"Welcome back Rue." A man welcomed her in.

"Oh? Did you bring a boy with you? Is he your fated one?" He started teasing Rue.

"No, it's not like that," Rue replied, blushing.

"Eeh, I knew that you won't have any luck finding someone. Especially this fine human" he gazed at me upside down. Sorry man, I self-identify as straight male same as my last life, I thought and Rue shouted,

"Dad!!" and he snickered at her reply and asked me,

"Anyway, who are you young man?" ahh seems like his only motive was to make fun of her daughter, well it never hurts to be cautious.

"My name is Daichi Yagami and I'm a mage. Pleased to meet you."

"Oh, boy, I like your manners. Come inside."

As he invited me, I stepped inside slowly, saying,

"I'll be intruding"

The house was nothing like a fantasy house. It gave me a feeling as if it belongs to a mechanic there were gears and blueprints made on parchments everywhere,

"I am sorry for not being tidy boy… I am an inventor, as you can see"

"I understand uncle… my father was an architect" it was true in my last life my father was an architect it was due to idolizing him I began playing city-building games, and then I noticed a picture of a human female who looked very beautiful but a bit rough at the same time,

"Who might she be?" I instinctively asked, and it was Rue who answered.

"She is my mom…. She is a human, died while giving me birth" she said it so nonchalantly, maybe so I wouldn't be much pitiful, but I still answered,

"She must be proud of you… you are a talented assassin" she blushed a bit but then I stared at the pic the lady in the image had a big chest and then I looked back at her chest and thought,

'Why is it the only part where dwarf gene won!?' and she who looked at me stare at the image and back at her asked,

"What happened!? you are staring a bit too much" and before I thought I replied,

"Am thinking how sad it is that you lacked that what your mom has" and the silence took over the room, to be honest, I just remember a feeling from last life it was a fear of scolding, and her father forehead was sweating as he said,

"Ahh I just remember, I need to attend a meeting. Please wait for me!!" he said as he escaped and I too tried following him but Rue stood in my way as she said,

"You did not answer me. What is it I lack!!" I answered with the hope of defence,

"You never asked!!" and she grumbled,

"Now I did!! Answer me, you bastard! "

"I…." before I could answer suddenly pod shouted directly in my mind,

[Master the guy who was controlling the monsters before!! He is in town, there are many monsters out!!]

"Oiii, where are you looking, she asked," confused now, but I ask Pod in mind,

[Is it okay to use instant death on all of them!?] and he replied,

[It is possible… but I would not suggest it… earlier today you already defied sub-Goddess of death, if the forces you grant her to look over are used too much without her permission her existence would be harmed and she might become pissed and also balance might get affected]

[so, what do I do!!] I shouted in my head. Rue was seeing me in confusion when a shout came from outside,

"There are monsters!! Grave wolves!!"

"Save us!!" Rue, who heard those, became aware and pulled her daggers out as she said,

"The village is under attack… I will deal with you later. Help me!!" she said with concerned eyes, as the wall crashed at the side being a proof to the destruction going outside,

I was just waiting for the pod's reply and slowly he said in my mind in an almost cold voice,

[Master kill those personally those who defy the laws and existence we placed in this world for their own good, this demi dwarf human have a seed of Luminary you know what that means right] as if it touched all the nerves in my body, I knew what I need to do, and what is the way to kill those damn monsters without messing up Goddess of death,

"Rue, take this!!" I shouted as I threw a dagger towards her, but it wasn't a normal dagger it was a dagger infused and modified with my mana,

<Silver slice- raises wielder speed by 20%, have a calming slice boost the more slice the user will inflict in one go the more calmness will reach the mind> it will help with her hot head.