
The Creator above the Heavens and Beyond

Little did I know that the game I played in my youth would ultimately lead me to an extraordinary reality - one where I would be handpicked by the gods themselves, in a manner beyond my wildest imagination. After eons spent as the ruler of my own planet, I found myself growing increasingly restless and yearning for a more meaningful existence. So I took the bold decision to leave my cosmic throne and embark on a new journey of self-discovery on a planet I had created. Yet, little did I anticipate the challenges that lay ahead in navigating the complexities of leading an ordinary life as an extraordinary deity. In association with sageash

Auzyko · Fantasy
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13 Chs

First quest

I got closer to the board with the quests to select one.

They were sorted by their difficulty. The highest one on the board was a single A-ranked quest.

I guess there aren't any major dangers in a small town like this one.

As I was only D rank, I can only take lower ones. And all of them have something to do with chores. Either herb gathering or cleaning the city.

Just how bored are these people? I understand that in herb gathering you are outside the city and you may get attacked…. but the city cleaning? Why the fuck? Just get up from your couch and clean whatever you want.

Honestly, are there any people who take those quests?

Ah, never mind, I'll take the herb gathering. There isn't any better one on the board.

Thus, I departed from the guild towards the Pristine forest, a forest south of the town which was said to be filled with effective herbs and only lower-level monsters and an ideal place for newbies.

When I arrived at the town's gate, the guards stopped me to check my ID.

It seems that every adventurer should have their ID recorded at the time of leaving and returning to the town, and for that reason, I couldn't just get teleported directly into the forest.

But I did so as soon as they were done with the recording.

I found myself in the middle of a big forest where the forest was so dense that you couldn't even see the sun's light; The ground was full of grass and flowers which could make people happy as long as they were inside the forest they sure give the place a pristine feel like the name suggested.

Now you will ask why I'm that excited by a forest!? the answer is simple, that's because I was not very keen on leaving the house. I remained in my room playing games and streaming them earned me quite a healthy sum to live properly without leaving the house. The last time I went out on a family trip with my parents was when I was in middle school.

Aaah, I missed those years.

I started walking forward while at the same time moving my hands through the leaves on the trees with lower branches.

Ah, I think I could as well rest here for a bit.

Wait, no. I have to finish the quest.

Now that I wonder? Why did I come here? I could just create the herbs.

But, I guess, I really missed going out for a walk, huh? All those years playing computer games and those damn card games with Pod, well at least now no one can beat me in those, Still, I wasted my life.

"Although, if someone had told me sooner that I can go to my world, things would have been different."

"You didn't ask, master."

"Yea, yea, I guess you were really enjoying beating me in all those different card games all those years, huh?"

"I'm not gonna deny that."

"Of course, you can't!!"

Suddenly I heard a voice coming from the depth of the forest.

I went deeper into the forest and I saw someone laying on the trunk of a tree.

I got closer to see if he was fine.

Wait, is he a dwarf? I sure did put my fantasy beings here.

The man had a stab wound on his stomach, and there was a blood pool around him.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He clearly wasn't okay and near to death than life, but I found it natural to ask that.

"Young man, don't worry about me. My life has already nearly ended. But you should leave from here. There are bad people somewhere around here."

Hmm, he doesn't seem like a bad person. He also told me that there are bad people here to warn me. It doesn't matter to cheat a bit of death in my own world, does it? I wonder if the sub-Goddess of death would be angry,

I stretched my hand and a green circle with inscriptions appeared beneath him.

His wound started healing at a great speed and soon enough, he was able to stand up again.

"Young man, you're a healer!? But that wound was above what one could naturally heal…. Well, I can't thank you enough, but you should leave now. Those people will capture you if they find out that you're a healer and this good one."

"Are healers that hard to find?" I asked although I knew what I did was close to near-death resurrection than healing.

"No, but high-rank ones such as yourself are valuable."

Am I a high-rank one? I just use a simple near-death resurrection array. I even blessed a human saintess with this in the past.

"Don't worry, I'm not a healer. I'm a mage."

"A mage? This is the first time I have heard of a person having two classes."

What if he knew that I can have all the classes!?

"Would it be too much to ask you, a young man, for help?"

"Of course not. What is it?"

"Those men I referred to earlier have kidnapped many of my people, Please save them. I'll be your slave if you want in exchange?"

Kidnapping? Or maybe it's more like a slave trade? And most of all, shouldn't elves be the ones who get kidnapped? Isn't it like that all the time? It's my first time hearing about dwarf kidnapping.

"Don't worry, you have my promise. I'll save them."

"Thank you. I can't express my gratitude to the fullest."

"And you don't need to. I'm just helping someone in need. You just stay here and relax."

I said and got up.

Well, well, well, it seems that I have to preach humanity as a side quest.

I instantly teleported beside the wooden carriage, which was hosting a metallic cage in it with a lot of dwarfs.

From what I could see, there were ten people there. Five swordsmen, three mages, and two archers.

That will be easy.

"Hey, who allowed you to kidnap those people?" I yelled.

"Why? Are they your property?" One of them replied.

"Not only them but you too. Actually, the whole world belongs to me." I said pridefully with a smile forming on my face.

"Ah, an idiot or mentally challenged. Not a problem. I'll handle him." Another one said and started coming towards me.

As soon as he came closer to me with a snap of my fingers, a red circle appeared from beneath him and incinerated him by releasing a strong fire.

Everyone stayed still, unable to utter a word.

"What happened? won't you take care of me? I'm waiting for you, motherfuckers." I said, laughing.

Pod who was hovering near my shoulder said "And so the Lord said I am waiting for motherfuckers gospel:1" wtf don't record that I thought, as I smirked at them,

"You, damn you bastard." One of them said and charged toward me at high speed.

But his speed was nothing impressive to me. I just wait for him to reach near me and threw a small stone toward him which penetrated his head, killing him effectively,

Then everyone else charged toward me, but I was already so bored by how weak they were that I didn't even bother playing with them for more.

I created a giant yellow magic circle in the sky and from the lighting fell down and pierced every single one of them and I sighed, wondering if this is the right way to preach.

After that, I moved closer to the carriage and made a light ray fall into the lock of the cage.

And just like that, I released the dwarfs who were confused about what had just happened.

So this is the feeling of saving someone. It feels amazing.

But as soon as I turned my back, someone charged toward me from within the woods.

His speed was on another level from those guys from before.

Not gonna lie, for a moment I almost got serious and was ready to use more advanced magic, which probably would be a bit disastrous for the area here but thankfully I managed to block the attack by forming a small magic shield in the direction of his dagger.

As soon as his attack got blocked, he did a backflip and landed some meters away from me.

He was wearing a black assassin's robe, but for some reason, he gave me a familiar vibe. Although I couldn't remember what it was, I was sure that it had something to do with him.

"Why did you attack me?" I asked.

"You fucker dare to kidnap my people on my watch. Who do you think you are? Now you will feel my wrath." He replied.

Wrath? What wrath? Are you kidding me?

"Wait, there has been a misunderstanding…"

"I don't wanna hear your excuses." He said and charged toward me.

He started continuously trying to cut me with his dagger, but I was just avoiding every single of his attacks.

"I see that you're also an assassin class. No wonder, with your speed, you're one of the high ones." He said.

My speed? I'm just avoiding his attacks. It isn't like they are as fast as a comet.

"Okay, enough, because I don't want to kill you, but I'll have you listen to me," I said and with a raise of my hand a green circle appeared under him inside from which vines appeared and caught him making him unable to move.

"You bastard, what did you do to me?" He said.

But was it just me, or did his voice sound more girly than boyish?

I moved closer and take off his mask and hoodie.

He had red short hair and eyes and I must confess that he gave me a vibe more of a girl than of a boy.

"As I told you, this is a misunderstanding. I saved those dwarfs and killed those who kidnapped them."

"Like I will believe you." He struggled hard, and I put my hand on his chest to stop him from moving and his face got red in anger.

Oh, I'm gonna hit him.

"He really did save us, Lady Rue!!" a young dwarf shouted from behind,

"Ehh!? Lady!!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs, understanding why his…. Her face was red.