

The writer become the writing. Simple concept that pull this author out of a normal world into a higher dimension where he himself must construct and maintain the structure of this higher world. What will be the product which born from this idea is the think that drive the world forward.

Aros_Tier · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Self Reflect

"This thing is true as the world takes form...

...A man is awake beside a lotus pond"

Cold dirt presses against my face as my consciousness arrives. As I open my eye up and what I see is a blooming purplish lotus... a single giant lotus with a size that triples my height. It is floating alone in the middle of a large pool of water while also shedding a warm light to it surrounding.

I push myself up from the ground and dust myself off. Checking myself first I see my hand paler than what I remember it to be. The cloth I wear is a suit and necktie a shade similar to the purple tone of the lotus. The body of water is close by so I take a look at the reflection and see a yellow pupil staring right back at me from the reflection.

"Who am I?" I didn't imply that I lost my memories it's just that what I see reflecting back at me is not what I used to look like. A pale clean looking man with a bright yellow pupil and a color purple for hair is not what I remember I am, especially when said bright yellow pupil is literally shedding a yellow light.

Unbeknown to me as I mutter a word (which surprisingly is the same voice I used to have) out, the giant lotus in the middle of the pond starts to move and create a ripple on the water's surface.

"Who are you?" I heard my voice come from right in front of me as my reflection speak right back at me. Quite a shocking situation I am in considering I didn't speak anything. Acting out of surprise I take a few steps back from the pond yet the reflection of myself still standing there not moving along.

What is with the situation actually I wonder. Wake up in a mysterious place in the body of who knows what and see a supernatural-like situation? Am I in a dream right now?

"Pardon me a second I wish to check something" I speak politely to whatever is in front of me out of habit and close my eye while trying to be as calm and conscious as possible.

"Is this a dream" I spoke calmly as I pointed out my pointing finger from my left hand and pushed it against my right palm while my eye closed this act serve as a form of my prefer reality check method.

The reflection on the other hand is just staring at the man with a smile waiting and not uttering any word to interrupt the man's act.

Truth be told I am not sure if I am dreaming or not as the method I use is just what I pick up as a habit after watching a video related to lucid dreaming hence I am not an expert in this field just knowing a thing or two. I confirm that my sense is sharp and not a tiny bit of somberness, maybe this is not a dream after all.

I open my eye slowly and seeing that the scenery before me is still the same I put the thought of this being a dream out of my mind seeing the reflection of me staring back at me with a smile I got an urge to question about the situation I am in.

"Can you tell me what is going on Mr.Kind reflection?" Well, he is smiling with a friendly-looking smile so I will address you like this for now until you tell me to speak otherwise.

Hearing my question Mr.Kind reflection giggle softly as if finding something funny and spoke back. "Now now there is order to thing Mr. I ask first and you have yet to answer" he lifts his hand up as if to beckon the man to answer his previous question.

Well, seem like we will go by the ask-answer-ask formula of conversation. You ask me who I am but how should I answer this? I still haven't sure whether this body is mine or not yet. Wait ain't I asking the question first?

"Hold on if you want to go by order of asking then I am the one that starts asking first" I just found it funny so I point it out.

The reflection of me leans his neck slightly as if he is not following.

"Pardon?" He responds with a little dumbfounded voice maybe asking me for clarification.

"It is true that you ask me who am I before I ask you what is going on. but don't you remember that before you ask me who I am I am the first one to ask the question of who am I" What the hell is that sentence I just spoke? don't you stare back at me with a conflict emotion like that.

The reflection nod for some reason and then spoke. "Understood then I shall answer your question first then you shall answer after to make things in order." The reflection pointed his finger at me. "Who you are? A simple question that sadly only you can answer but if you were to ask me I would answer that you are you" The reflection paused and beckon to me as if to say I am next.

Is that answer a riddle of some kind I wonder. Great I gain nothing new from that answer am I? Well, my queue to answer or else nothing new will gain either.

"Well if you put it that way then. The name is Arostier and I am a man of earth is that enough?" Well, that is my pen name for everything on my social platform so this should do I am not too keen on sharing my real name in this unknown situation yet.

"Is that enough is another question Sir.Arostier and I will answer that after you give me an answer to my next question." That reflection seems to be keen on playing with ask-answer-ask thing. damn, I feel like I am tripping but I guess that it can be counted as a question better be more careful.

"As for what is going on right now. You are now speaking with your reflection" he smiles "While also reflecting on yourself" Is it a sarcastic wordplay I wonder but his smile looks genuine. But what does it mean by I am reflecting on myself if it is not a play of words?

Seem to be finished with his answer he wait for me to gather my thought and then he ask me his question. "What is your current goal Sir.Arostier?" No-brainer question huh? The simple answer it is then.

"Right now I wish to figure out what is going on but after that, I haven't planned things out yet." Answer shortly since the question is quite vague so this should do right?

Noding at my answer the reflection then utter. "I see, the thing you seek is the truth. As for what you clearly asked previously whether your answer was good enough" He just sneers at me while speaking that, dame... you are cheeky my kind reflection.

"It is enough. Every answer you speak will reflect what you are." So speaking little is fine since he will just infer it anyway huh? What if I lie though?

As the thought came to my mind the reflection chuckled. "You can lie but it is not recommended and you will come to learn this fact later if you dare Sir.Arostier" He spoke and smiled at me mischievously.

Did he just read my mind? I almost burst out but remembering the previous mistake I decided to keep calm and try to prioritize a question first before asking.

He look at me and after watching me a bit he once again chuckles and gives a little nod. "Good choice" He congratulates me is he really able to read my mind? not that it is anything surprising for a reflection that can act autonomously though if that is the case. It is still supernatural.

Seeing me awaiting his question he then to ask. "What do you fear?"

... for some reason, this question is surprisingly hard for me to answer. Maybe because I never think of it seriously before so I got stumped and need quite some time to think of one.

"What I fear is myself" This answer came because of the current situation because if this is all this thing that happen is real I can't explain why I feel positive about this mysterious situation. I just feel like my mindset is creepy I mean I am awoke not the same and speaking with a reflection happily am I really sane? I do not wish to know.

The reflection of myself once more nods and then speak."Interesting answer that you came to. You thought you know yourself best just to realize how little you l know about yourself and you fear what you truly are... fascinating" Well that sums it up so what should I ask next?

Can he read my mind? It is good to know but confirming it now is not that meaningful just assume he can and save one question. Should I ask what this place is? heck, what's up with my body should be asked first.

"I woke up in a different shape and form what is going on?" I have no idea why I speak like that. Am I mimicking the way the reflection speaks? Man, it feels cool to speak in a riddle but now it makes me realize how much of a weirdo I am... I am truly scared, heck terrify of what cringy stuff I can do said my conscient.

"The body you are in is truly your. You are your own creation and he is one of your creations." So that is the case. Now that I think of it the feature of the person I am as right now fits the description of my internet persona one of the avatars of my literature work.

"My turn. Sir.Arostier do you wish for magic to exist?" Is this situation not count as magical?

"Ofcause being able to do things like a fantasy story is cool so I wish magic exist" Well I also have dreams so no one can suggest me otherwise.

"Magic is a marvelous wonder and I am happy that you seem to agree:]" Then he clap his hand and said, "You have done well answering the questionnaire I will allow you a last question before you will be forced out of here but no worry we will meet here again in the future." I will be forced out of this place well that saves me a question about how to leave I guess. Well since it is the last question let's do things as a courtesy.

I point my finger at the reflection that seems to be delighted as I point at him. I speak in a firm voice "What are you?" The reflection of the figure before me changes subtly his pupil which previously shine yellow are now shifting into a mixed shade of many colors as he answers in a calm and nonchalant voice.

"What you see out here is a reflection of what you are inside. The name is anyone of your creation but with some twist and turn I think the most appropriate title for me will soon be The Keeper" Wow he goes full swing on his self-introduction spinning and posing for a cool angle

*Clap* "The game we shall partake in. A story where I will tell and you will live. Between the dream and reality will you find the truth you looking for? Tread carefully upon any dreadful situation"*Clap*

He clap his hand and suddenly the big lotus in the middle of the pond which I have no idea since when did it move this close to me extend its stem upward and like a snake it curved its way down from above and engulfed me whole...

"And that is the end for Sir.Arostier consciousness as of for now" The Keeper spoke with a satisfying smile

A literal self-insert story. Hope it to be a good journey.

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