
The Craftsman

This is the story of Daedalus on his journey to the peak of craftsmanship. Daedalus has died and been reincarnated by the god Hephaestus to try and reach the peak of craftsmanship. Watch his journey making friends and become incredibly powerful. See how he uses his creations and kills god's. (Tell me tags in the comments of the latest chapters please!!!)Tags: Cultivation, Swords and Magic I thought I would just go ahead and make a quick note, on average each chapter is at least 500 words long. This is because I don't have that long everyday to write a chapter, it's why I try to make each chapter seem like just another part of the previous one. I'm slowing down on chapters lately, once every Sunday, because I am doing a bit of a fanfictiony thing in the latest chapters. I asked if I should make it a side book thing but my readers wanted it here so yeah. I am doing a bit of MHA and other books I have enjoyed lately like Spiderman and marvel stuff. Quick thing, I love reading people's comments so please say Hi if you feel like it, I love feedback!!!

WickedQueen2 · Fantasy
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As Daedalus thought over the knowledge that was forced into his head he came to understand that he had basically been given the key to the entire planet. As long as he reached the correct stage he would obtain new abilities, limited to the planet, that would make it so he was practically invincible.

Knowing this Daedalus was no longer worried about losing his cultivation, in fact he was practically happy he had lost his cultivation. It was as Daedalus came to this conclusion that Ceridwen burst into the room and started spewing words of encouragement.

Daedalus knew why she was doing this, he had worried her and Artair, and to be fair with his appearance he had probably activated her motherly instincts. This was especially true as Daedalus soon found out that his body had reverted in age again. He now looked about twelve years old, now he was worried what his kids would say as he looked even younger than them than before.

After not getting a response from Daedalus for a while Ceridwen looked up and realised that he was staring into a mirror. Ceridwen then realised that Daedalus body had gotten younger again, then she realised that she should probably tell him that he was at the same body age as other elves of his age.

So she did, by slapping him across the face and saying "Daedalus, this is the youngest your body will revert to. You now have the appearance of an elf at your age."

Daedalus who had obviously heard what she said smiled slightly and screamed "Child abuse!"

Artair who had been outside ran in as he heard this only to see Daedalus being wrung by the neck. With his lips twitching in slight fear Artair quickly walked out of the room, then he quickly used a special technique to wipe his own memory.

Thus Daedalus was abused viciously by his aunt for a few more seconds before edge set him back down and said "Don't do that again, okay?"

Daedalus gulped painfully before nodding and coughing out a small and painful "Yes."

Ceridwen smiled satisfied and said in a kind voice "Why don't you cultivate for the rest of the day?"

Daedalus nodded in hopes that the demoness would leave more quickly. Luckily it seemed to work as Ceridwen left the room before carefully closing the door.

Finally alone Daedalus considered how much time he had to cultivate before the tournament. In the end Daedalus came down to just under a year from that time. In that time Daedalus would have to reach at least the strength of The Path stage cultivators.

This wasn't actually too ridiculously difficult however he would have to carefully rebuild his foundation so that it was strong enough to handle enormous amounts of immortal energy. This would include getting his body to a high enough stage as well as his soul strong enough to handle his body strength.

Actually his nonexistent soul strength had negatively impacted his cultivation as his mortal and immortal energies had to be used to sustain the toll on his soul this entire time. It explained why his cultivation speed had reached a wall after the Immortal Aura stage.

So as you can see I have made a few explanations, if you want to give me ideas I really don't mind I really need some help with the cultivation systems too.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter thanks for reading!!!

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