
The Covenant of Eternal Evolution

In the enthralling novel "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution," we follow the journey of our protagonist, Zhang Fan, as he delves into a world brimming with fantasy and adventure. Zhang Fan, an ordinary young man, wakes up to find himself unexpectedly a player in the "Ascend to Divinity" game. This game is not just a form of virtual reality entertainment; it is a mysterious universe connecting countless parallel worlds. Here, players are required to complete various tasks issued by the system, undergoing trials of combat and wit to earn precious game points. These game points are extraordinary, allowing players to exchange them for weapons, items, skills, and even mysterious lineages from different games, animations, and novels. Zhang Fan's ultimate goal is to ascend to the revered divine throne, becoming a true deity. Zhang Fan possesses two unique talents: Infinite Upgrading and Infinite Contracts. Infinite Upgrading grants him the ability to evolve continuously through battles and challenges, becoming stronger with each fight. Infinite Contracts allow him to form pacts with various characters in the game world, ranging from majestic queens to innocent girls, and even scheming angels. His team grows increasingly powerful, with each contracted partner boasting unique abilities and personalities. Zhang Fan's adventure in this gaming world is filled with surprises and dangers. He must confront formidable enemies from different worlds, solve complex puzzles, and overcome traps. Each world has its own unique culture and customs, making his journey novel and challenging. As he progresses in the game, he gradually uncovers deeper secrets behind it and its mysterious connection to the real world. "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution" is not just a story about growth and battle. It also explores the relationship between reality and virtuality, fate and choice. As Zhang Fan moves closer to his goal, readers are drawn into a world of imagination and thrilling excitement, witnessing how an ordinary person can become a true god. This tale, filled with magic, combat, and adventure, is sure to captivate all who love fantasy and role-playing games.

Khanjut · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter 96: I. Yu

Zhang Fan's expression was solemn as he inadvertently gripped Aria's shoulders with a bit too much force. Feeling the pain, Aria let out a soft whimper, prompting Zhang Fan to release his hands immediately.

"Sorry, Aria. Did I hurt you?" Zhang Fan quickly stepped forward, his voice laced with concern.

"It's fine. Please, tell me what's going on," Aria implored, her voice tinged with urgency. Although Zhang Fan's concern warmed her heart, her mind was preoccupied with her mother's case. She needed to know what Zhang Fan was aware of.

"Alright, let's start from a year ago, with the shipwreck incident involving my sister, Kana Tooyama..." Zhang Fan began, deciding to divulge everything he knew to Aria, who had calmed down.

Zhang Fan knew the true identity of the Martial Detective Assassin from the original storyline – it was none other than his classmate and ambiguous romantic interest, Riko Mine!

Furthermore, Zhang Fan was aware that his sister, Kana Tooyama, was not dead. After all, Riko had once mentioned in the anime that she hadn't killed anyone. The missing detectives were actually invited to join an organization named I. Yu – the very same mysterious organization that housed the nefarious Moji De.

I. Yu had its roots in a secret superhuman training facility established by Japan and Germany during World War II. After the war, the surviving members of this covert operation formed I. Yu, operating outside government control.

"You're aware of I. Yu's existence?" Aria's eyes widened in shock upon hearing Zhang Fan mention the name I. Yu. Knowledge of this organization was rare, and even Aria only had vague information linking it to her mother's case.

"Of course, I can confirm that the so-called Martial Detective Assassin is from I. Yu. As for their identity..." Zhang Fan hesitated, unsure whether to reveal Riko's true identity.

"Do you know who the assassin is?" Aria's astonishment was beyond words.

"Not exactly. I'm not omniscient. But I can confirm that the assassin's next target is likely you, so be careful, Aria," Zhang Fan advised, ultimately deciding against disclosing Riko's identity. The inevitable confrontation between Riko and Aria – the descendants of the original Robin and Holmes – was a part of their destiny and a crucial step for Riko to overcome her own demons.

"If the target is me, then that's perfect! I will certainly bring them to justice!" Aria declared confidently, her eyes shining with determination.

"Alright, I've said my piece. Our task now is simple – wait for the assassin's move. What would you like for dinner? It's on me," Zhang Fan said with a smile, his mind occupied with thoughts of Riko's potential approach.

"Peach buns..." Aria murmured shyly.

"What was that?" Zhang Fan asked, not catching her soft-spoken words.

"I want peach buns from Matsumotoya! And coffee!" Aria exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Peach buns it is," Zhang Fan agreed, taking Aria back to his residence. The convenience store below his apartment had the desired treat. Aria's simple request made her easy to please, he thought.

Watching Aria happily savoring the peach buns and coffee, Zhang Fan sighed. She could be calm and mature at times, but in certain aspects, Aria was unexpectedly childlike.

The doorbell rang at 6:30 pm, an unexpected visitor at this hour. Opening the door, Zhang Fan was surprised to find his apprentice, Sayana Kazama, standing there with a white box in her hand.

"Good evening, Master. I've come to visit," Sayana said as she entered, leaving Zhang Fan wondering about the timing of her arrival.

"Eh? Master, who is this woman?" Sayana's appearance instantly created tension upon seeing Aria still in the apartment.

"Allow me to introduce you. This is Sayana Kazama, my junior and soon-to-be war sister. And this is Aria Kanzaki, a new transfer student from the Assault class and my temporary partner," Zhang Fan explained, hoping to dispel any misunderstandings between the two girls.

"Junior? War sister? What's going on, Zhang Fan?"

"Temporary partner? What's going on, Master?"

The simultaneous reactions of the two girls to Zhang Fan's introductions reflected their unexpected harmony, leaving him to wonder how he found himself in such a predicament.