
The Covenant of Eternal Evolution

In the enthralling novel "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution," we follow the journey of our protagonist, Zhang Fan, as he delves into a world brimming with fantasy and adventure. Zhang Fan, an ordinary young man, wakes up to find himself unexpectedly a player in the "Ascend to Divinity" game. This game is not just a form of virtual reality entertainment; it is a mysterious universe connecting countless parallel worlds. Here, players are required to complete various tasks issued by the system, undergoing trials of combat and wit to earn precious game points. These game points are extraordinary, allowing players to exchange them for weapons, items, skills, and even mysterious lineages from different games, animations, and novels. Zhang Fan's ultimate goal is to ascend to the revered divine throne, becoming a true deity. Zhang Fan possesses two unique talents: Infinite Upgrading and Infinite Contracts. Infinite Upgrading grants him the ability to evolve continuously through battles and challenges, becoming stronger with each fight. Infinite Contracts allow him to form pacts with various characters in the game world, ranging from majestic queens to innocent girls, and even scheming angels. His team grows increasingly powerful, with each contracted partner boasting unique abilities and personalities. Zhang Fan's adventure in this gaming world is filled with surprises and dangers. He must confront formidable enemies from different worlds, solve complex puzzles, and overcome traps. Each world has its own unique culture and customs, making his journey novel and challenging. As he progresses in the game, he gradually uncovers deeper secrets behind it and its mysterious connection to the real world. "The Covenant of Eternal Evolution" is not just a story about growth and battle. It also explores the relationship between reality and virtuality, fate and choice. As Zhang Fan moves closer to his goal, readers are drawn into a world of imagination and thrilling excitement, witnessing how an ordinary person can become a true god. This tale, filled with magic, combat, and adventure, is sure to captivate all who love fantasy and role-playing games.

Khanjut · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter 95: The Impending Co-habitation

"Look, Aria, you don't have to follow me around like this. There's no mission assignment right now, so feel free to do as you please," Zhang Fan said, glancing back at his persistent shadow, reminiscent of Sayana's past behavior.

"No, I must prove myself to you!" Aria stubbornly shook her head.

"Suit yourself then," Zhang Fan shrugged, finding it somewhat amusing to have such a pretty loli tailing him, despite the judgmental glances from passersby. He sighed, looking at Aria's slightly aggrieved face. "Well, if you insist on following, then so be it."

"By the way, Aria, where are you staying now?" Zhang Fan asked as they reached the parking lot and prepared to leave on his RR.

"I haven't settled on a dormitory yet, but I won't leave your side," Aria replied straightforwardly.

"You're not planning to come home with me, are you?" Zhang Fan felt a headache coming on. Having Aria at his place wouldn't be an issue, but the thought of Riko and Aria crossing paths made him apprehensive.

Recalling the original storyline, where Riko and Aria met, Zhang Fan foresaw his life becoming increasingly complicated. A harmonious 'Crystal Palace' seemed like an unattainable dream.

"Wherever you are, I will follow," Aria asserted, effectively ending any further discussion.

With no other choice, Zhang Fan helped Aria put on the motorcycle helmet and set off from Tokyo Martial Detective High. Knowing that Aria would be staying at his place, he planned to buy some essentials for her.

During the ride, Aria sat still, rigid with tension, until they reached the shopping district in Daiba. Once the helmet was off, her face was flushed, either from the confinement of the helmet or perhaps the proximity to Zhang Fan.

"You're buying things for me?" Aria looked incredulous as Zhang Fan led her to the shopping area.

"Pick out whatever you need. As teammates, especially a girl like you, I'm happy to be generous," Zhang Fan said.

"Th... thank you..." Aria's eyes sparkled with an indefinable light. Despite being a descendant of Sherlock Holmes, she hadn't inherited his excellent deductive abilities, making her feel like an outcast in her family. But today, she felt warmth and care from Zhang Fan, similar to her mother's.

After Aria selected her necessities, Zhang Fan asked about her luggage. Aria admitted it was in the school's storage room, indicating her hasty arrival.

"I understand. Let's pick up your luggage from the school," Zhang Fan said.

In the storage room, Aria's small suitcase, barely large enough for her essential equipment, revealed her rushed departure.

"I have reasons for coming here so suddenly," Aria began, but Zhang Fan interrupted her.

"I know. You're here to clear your mother's name, right?" he said, having pieced together the information.

"Did you know?" Aria was surprised that Zhang Fan was aware of her situation.

"Yes, I've been a victim of the Martial Detective Assassin too. I've gathered some information," Zhang Fan said casually, hinting at his understanding of the complex situation.

"My mother isn't the assassin. She's been framed!" Aria said passionately.

"Calm down, Aria. I never said she was. But you must realize you're up against a powerful organization, not something you can take down alone," Zhang Fan said, steadying her.

"What do you know? Tell me everything!" Aria demanded, growing more agitated.

"Yes, I have some clues. But you need to stay calm, or our teamwork ends here," Zhang Fan cautioned, emphasizing the need for composure in the face of unfolding revelations.