
The Course of Hatrlove

Meet Amelia Maloy. She is a 23-year-old young female living as a baker along with her parents in the Kingdom of Silencia. With her parents being sick, she has to run the bakery by herself, until one day when 3 men from the royal court named Hansel, Jeremy, and Wayne, ask her to go with them to the palace. Surprised and fierce, Amelia makes a run for it, only making it difficult for the men, and eventually had to drag her into the car and to the palace. As she got to the palace, all eyes were on her. "I hope you will stay in the palace forever... I know you will." "Wait... what?" How will Amelia react to the decision made by the King, also known as her Uncle Lance? How will her new arranged marriage with Alex be? Read along as Amelia tries to make her engagement work with Alex in The Course of Hatrlove!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"I would rather be a beggar and single, than a queen and married!"

Princess Julia Maloy. The eldest daughter in the palace, soon to be Queen once her Father steps down after a year. King Lance Maloy has been acknowledged as being the kindest of kings. He has arranged for his daughter to get married to Prince Alex of the Kingdom of Aremila.

King Maloy: You disrespectful child! Julia, you are the eldest daughter in the palace, and you need a prince beside you! How are you going to rule the Kingdom without a man by your side? After all that I have taught you and you forget this simple tradition?

Julia: Why can't I rule the Kingdom by myself?! Haven't I proven to you Father, that I am responsible enough?

King Maloy: No! That's enough Julia!

Princess Julia: Why?! 

King Maloy: Because you wouldn't know how to rule this place!

Julia's heart was broken. After being by her dad's side since the age of 6, she gets angry words thrown at her. Why? She didn't want to get married to Prince Alex. As known by those of royalty and beyond, once a princess reaches a certain age, the father needs to give his daughter's hand of marriage to a son of another Kingdom, to establish a relationship between the two Kingdoms, and therefore establish peace.

This tradition has gone on for many, many years - Princess Julia Maloy is the first princess in the history of princesses to go against the word of her Father.

King Maloy: Julia, I am warning you, this path you are taking will not end well for you!

Princess Julia: Oh I well know how my life is about to turn. You going to disown me, banish me from the Kingdom, and leave me to starve, just like what Grandfather and you, Father did to Uncle Brandon----

King Maloy: Keep silent! I will not tolerate the way you speak to me, Julia! Out! Of you go Julia. We will not speak of this further!

Julia left for the door. 

She then sent a letter to her love, one not known by her Father and Mother who went by the name of Josh Logans. Together they devised a plan to elope to an unknown land.

King and Queen Maloy unaware of Princess Julia's rash action, the guards fearfully went to the King to inform him of the sad news.

Guard: Royal Highness.

King Maloy: Yes, what has brought you to me today?

Guard: Your Royal Highness, the Princess has eloped.

King Maloy was surprised. Queen Maloy asked to be excused for a while.

King Maloy: Eloped, you say?

Guard: Yes.

King Maloy: And who is this person that my daughter, Julia has eloped with?

Guard: He goes by the name of Josh Logans, Your Royal Highness.

King Maloy: (sighs) It's alright. Need not waste time searching for a disrespectful child who refused to listen to the orders of her Father. Do not waste your thoughts on her, let her be!

Guard: As you wish, your Royal Highness.

King Maloy: You may leave.

Thus her eloping with Josh Logans was the day she was disowned and her role of princess was taken away from her.

But, the question now is:

Who is going to be the replacement for Princess Julia?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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