
The Counselor

I should break that silence which fell between us, that one which only sparked the tension in the room, but I was found gaping at the young man away, watching the delight which rushed to his gaze. In there was a haze of glee. One which mocked me, one that said, 'I know how well I've gotten you, and it would be unwise to turn away now' How those eyes scrutinized my form, Lord! Mouth was found turning dry, the tensity and anticipation coursing through every vein in me, building up so bad, and coming to burst up right in my chest. Those eyes were ravenous on my form, pulling mine so well, and I could tell you, my own eyes faltered, warmth rushing to every part of my being, and in a second, he brought his lips to mine, body freezing under his hold. It was a like a rush of breeze had snapped past me, with my legs found numb, I swallowed hard at the touch of the young man. I was tossed in a state of shock, left completely bewildered at what was happening, but more so, dumbfounded that I gave no resists to his actions. His lips remained light on mine, waiting for me to give entrance for his to settle in, and in a moment, they pushed in, sending every heat to my body. It came to last for as long as a minute was, our lips moving in sync, and only at that instant when his hands reached for my thighs, had I pushed him off at once, coming to realize what was enfolding. The silence that passed, gave enough volume to sound of our breaths and pants. While the young man away remained watching me, I avoided that scrutiny of his, hands adjusting my clothing. "Leave, Logan" My breath was low, voice heavy. No utterance was emitted from him. Those eyes only contracted on my form, watching as I brought my gaze to his. "Leave" I called yet again. "And let it be known that this will be our last counseling session" I dropped those words, right before moving away from him, meanwhile, I just could feel that scrutiny lingering on me.

ArazellaSnow · Urban
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28 Chs


"Why have you stopped with the counseling sessions in regards to Logan Marshall?"

That figure barged into my office, eyes holding mine.

"Good day ma'am" I decided offering my greetings, but it only was brushed off with the call of her utterance.

"Why have you stopped with counseling that young man?"

"Ma'am, it is not of my capabilities to go on. He needs even better help than I can offer. For the love of God, he should have been put into therapy by now!" I let out.

"What therapy is better than that of a lady with a certificate from one of the most prestigious colleges in the country?"

"My certifications are not enough, Miss McKenna"

"Why don't we assume he's a brother to you" She began, arms crossed over her chest.

"Please, can we not assume that?" I followed at once, a weak sigh emitting from my lips.

"Your younger brother—She went on—One who's known to battle pains from an event that has him scarred, wouldn't you then do everything to fix the kid"

"Logan Marshall isn't my brother" I called after her.

"That right there changes everything, Miss McKenna"

"Would you have us relieve you of your work here, Cara?" That voice was laced with every pensiveness, eyes held strongly in mine.

"No! Not at all!"

"This is what I've always wanted for months now" I called out. "I looked forward to this. My position here means everything to me, Miss McKenna!"

"Then why does helping out this one kid seem much of a problem to you?" She followed.

The answer to that was clutching at my chest, burning my insides, but I made no sound of it. I only remained staring blankly at her, watching the look that crossed those eyes.

"Have you noticed some changes in Mister Marshall since you began counseling him?" I heard the voice of the lady.

"What changes?"

"He's never had any other brawl with anyone since your sessions with him started"

"Much to my surprise, he's been calm and composed ever since" She let out.

"He needs a lot more help than I can—

"You will go on with the counseling, Miss Sangretti" She cut in at once, eyes held in mine.

"It is not an option" That voice of hers was low.