
The Counselor

I should break that silence which fell between us, that one which only sparked the tension in the room, but I was found gaping at the young man away, watching the delight which rushed to his gaze. In there was a haze of glee. One which mocked me, one that said, 'I know how well I've gotten you, and it would be unwise to turn away now' How those eyes scrutinized my form, Lord! Mouth was found turning dry, the tensity and anticipation coursing through every vein in me, building up so bad, and coming to burst up right in my chest. Those eyes were ravenous on my form, pulling mine so well, and I could tell you, my own eyes faltered, warmth rushing to every part of my being, and in a second, he brought his lips to mine, body freezing under his hold. It was a like a rush of breeze had snapped past me, with my legs found numb, I swallowed hard at the touch of the young man. I was tossed in a state of shock, left completely bewildered at what was happening, but more so, dumbfounded that I gave no resists to his actions. His lips remained light on mine, waiting for me to give entrance for his to settle in, and in a moment, they pushed in, sending every heat to my body. It came to last for as long as a minute was, our lips moving in sync, and only at that instant when his hands reached for my thighs, had I pushed him off at once, coming to realize what was enfolding. The silence that passed, gave enough volume to sound of our breaths and pants. While the young man away remained watching me, I avoided that scrutiny of his, hands adjusting my clothing. "Leave, Logan" My breath was low, voice heavy. No utterance was emitted from him. Those eyes only contracted on my form, watching as I brought my gaze to his. "Leave" I called yet again. "And let it be known that this will be our last counseling session" I dropped those words, right before moving away from him, meanwhile, I just could feel that scrutiny lingering on me.

ArazellaSnow · Urban
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


I avoided that gaze so well.

Eyes searching for one thing or the other to fix on, I felt the tensity that struck the room.

"Can you tell me about Ashton?"

The silence that stormed the room was one so deafening, I was quick to catch onto the low breaths pouring out the lips of that form sat away from me.

Gaze off his, still I could tell those eyes lingered on me so well.

"I'd rather not" He followed in low breaths.

"If you were to describe him, how would you go about it?"

"Cut it off" He called at once.

"I need you to answer me, Logan" I let out, soon beholding those eyes.

"I refuse to do so" He uttered after me, gaze taking mine, making no attempt of leaving anytime soon, and soon enough, they shifted to my lips, eyes lingering there for a long moment.

"The kiss— He started, but at the sound of my voice breaking out, with eyes having a glance at the clock sat on the desk, that utterance of his was altered.

"Let's call it a day, Mister Marshall"

"We'll continue tomorrow" Those eyes remained on me the entire time, watching me searching through the drawers of the desk for nothing in particular.

"You may leave now" I followed at once, noticing how he made no move to leave the room.

"Why are you ending the session so early?" His voice was low, eyes fixed on me the entire time.

"Cause I have somewhere to be" I followed at once, getting to my feet, proceeding to arrange the papers on my desk.

"Or you're avoiding me" That utterance managed to earn my scrutiny, gaze coming to meet his.

"I'm not avoiding you" My voice was firm.

"Do I have you shaken, Miss Sangretti?" He began.

"Why would you have me shaken?"

"You tell me"

With that, he had taken to his feet, figure pulling to my side.

"Don't come any closer, Logan" I called at once, raising a finger at him.

"I do have you shaken" He grinned, feet still pushing forward.

"You know Miss Sangretti—He cleared his throat, warm gaze meeting that faltering one that belonged to me—you captivate me"

With that, he had crashed his lips onto mine, hands pulling me closer to his chest. I felt the warmth that rushed to my being from the impact, the hold of the kiss soft.

His lips soon found its way trailing down my chest, with fingers tugging off my blouse at once. I had caught the rush of delight which filled his gaze at the sight of my bosoms peering on at him.

In a second, he had lifted me off the floor, laying me onto the desk, with hands still traveling all the way up my thighs. At every of his touch, a gasp was to leave my lips, with the sound of my breaths filling his ears.

I clutched onto his back for support, lips pulling apart, while his slid in softly.

"We shouldn't do this, Logan" My voice was found wavering, while his lips went gobbling my breasts.

"Someone might walk in" I followed.

"I'm too hung up now to care about that" That voice of his was low, hands searching every bit of my body.

He had pulled himself between my thighs, pulling my figure even closer to his, with light kisses sent my way.

I watched him pull his pants down, hands reaching for that erect donnie, and with such soft eyes matching mine, he pulled closer.

A sharp gasp escaped my lips at the entrance of his member into me.

Carefully, slowly, he pushed in, offering the benefit of such internal stimulation.

His crotch grinded well against my area, fingers reaching to grasp my hair, just as his body was sure to remain wrapped against mine.

With my breaths getting even heavier, he went thrusting harder, hands, never letting go of my figure, and all that was to be heard were the sound of those soft breaths which emitted his lips, accompanied with the pour of my moans drifting into the room.