
The cosmic war

Three friends get into a traffic accident during their trip and meet a great entity that gives them five wishes in return for participating in the Great War that brings together contestants coming from a hundred different anime worlds

Gu_zhanghe · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


The transition was startedما Ma and his team wereرا seeing outer space where he was traveling so fast that he was seeing galaxies quickly disappear from his eye and others appear due to the speed of the dimensional transition

Three days later, Ma and his team arrived اري at the place that had been identified as a transition point

'Damn, we even faced a vacuum monster, if it wasn't for the sword that cut the sky, we wouldn't have,' he said ا

internally, where he was injured, his hand was cut off, and the others are no better off

"Well, Where Are we in what world?""He spoke arima as he looked around and felt a dense energy around him

| You are in the world of magic emperor|

"The world of the magic Emperor?" Zhou fan This is fun," he said, as he was thinking about all the events of this manhwa arima as he had completed the manhwa and the novel five times

"Guys, it looks like we're going to be in this world for a long time, so let's take a break for a while and start thinking about our steps," he said where they created a small house with wood control

After three days of rest

Arima began to think about how to refine them and thought about buying a technique that matches the technique of the divine body

"Is there a refinement technique that matches the technique of the divine body?""

|The technique of refinement of the five elements:

The technique refined by the five elements is commensurate with the divine body technique and they can be combined together to form a body and energy refinement technique

Price: 2 million|

"Buy it and combine it with divine technology," Ma spoke with joy after getting a really powerful technology arima"

/ Purchase has been made|

/ Merging is underway




Cannot merge|

What Have you raised my hopes for failure Damn you

"Well, let's focus on developing refinement," he continued arima " and he gave it to everyone for training, and he gave it to my guidance as well."

"Can I also train through her?""Toji asked in shock

"Why not, it's not a cursed energy, but a spiritual energy absorbed from heaven and Earth in the dantian by the meridians, so it's okay," Arima spoke and reassured Toji

They started training where both arima and Guo reached the world of Qi intensification fifth layer


Ghetto intensification of Qi second layer

Yogi, the intensification of Chi, the first layer

While guiding a ninth layer, he refined the body because he had never dealt with things like spiritual energy before

And all this in two days, and this shows how terrible their talent and the power of the technique of the five elements are

He was thinking about how to combine body technique with refinement

"Is it because my soul is weak?" Or because there are requirements such as collecting the seeds of the eight laws"He was arima talking and thinking about technology

"Maybe it's because your soul is weak, because we were developing the body and energy and we left the soul," Gogo said, explaining to arima what's the matter

"Well, maybe I should find something to strengthen my soul," he thought arima somehow

"Did you come to a parallel world or the original World?""He spoke arima as he waited for the regime's answer

/ Parallel world|

"What is the difference between it and the original?""He was asked arima what he was waiting for the answer but

|...| The answer of the system was complete silence

"Well, when does the story start?""

|A month from now|

"Well, increase our strength, and then we go to meet Zhou fan," he said, "when he started training with the others arima"

They formed a circle arima and everyone was practicing from one element

Arima what is the Lightning

Yogi flame

Water ghetto

Goju wind

Orient the Earth

Where each of them was showing the power of an element with the strongest of what he had to absorb and train the rest

And so a month passed until each of them arrived

Nine what is the ninth bone refinement layer

Goju bone refinement seventh layer

A ghetto in the fifth tier

Yuji and tuji in the third tier

"Well, shall we begin to enter the story," he said arim when he and his team headed to the place where the Liu family was fighting and then began to wait for Zhou fan's reincarnation

He was wondering whether to make Zhou fan his friend or make him a servant by some way of the system

But he changed his mind in an instant and thought about making him a friend

Then Zhu Fan appeared and saved the Liu brothers and their servant 'well I should go in with Zhao, but not now I'll make both my team disperse and make a name for themselves and take Yuji with me because he's really stupid' he sighed arima both at his brother and his friend Yuji!

"Well, guys, let each of you go on his way to make his name, we'll meet in five years," he spokeما Ma and everyone nodded, and when they moved, he grabbed arima Yuji, who wanted to go

"Nice brother, do you know where to go?""He spoke arima while smiling an innocent smile to Yogi

"I don't really know where to go"

"Well, stay with me, I'll make you practice the sword and increase your strength," he said what

And then he set off to Feng Ling Castle, where there is the spiritual blood he wants

He madeما Ma Yuji in the prison of emptiness and used the wings of darkness and set off and arrived seconds later because he reached the speed of light in his fight against sukuna and also his strength doubled after that

He took a walk arima and when he found a man selling some jewels, he went there and bought a jewel from him

"Your jewel is fake, isn't it?""A girl with black hair, a white face and brown eyes spoke

"What do you mean?" These are pure jewels that increase the strength of the practitioner if used correctly " the man spoke in response to the girl

"That's because I saw it with my own eyes, so it's fake," the girl said again, and she made sure of that

"Your jewel is fake, and I have the proof" a short boy with brown hair appeared, behind which a guard

'Hey, I mentioned him, and he came, what a scoundrel,' he thought arima and looked at Zhou fan and left

"Brother, isn't that the main character in this world?""Yogi was asked

"Yes, he is, I originally wanted to join him, but I changed my plan a little," he said تكلم and walked into a hostel

"One room, please." speak arima

"You got it," the maid looked at the two men, where a white-haired person was wearing a blindfold and white clothes

It was like Ice Jade and a lot of scars were appearing on his face and hands

While the other one has pink hair with an innocent smile and black clothes

Ma and Yuji entered the room where he started arima Ma looking at the jewel in front of him

/ Spiritual Bloodstone:

This stone is made from bathing millions of human blood and absorbing the essence of the moon and the sun for thousands of years

There was an expert called the blood demon and he wanted to challenge the demonic emperor, but the demonic Emperor won, but he came out with serious injuries. the blood infant can absorb the opponent's blood and hinder him for the host or even kill him|

He cut his wrist arima and a wound appeared on him and he started pouring blood on the stone and he was terribly sucking it

Two hours later, the black stone shattered and a hand-sized baby appeared and settled in my dantianما andما they started to find a way to develop a blood baby

Do I combine it with my sword Or let him develop and train with me

After the incense stick time

He chose arima to train the blood infant and began to make him use the technique of the five elements only because he does not have a physical body and therefore arima

He started to activate the refinement technique and the infant began to develop instead of being connected in his host in the same rank, so he wanted to develop instead of making it a pet

After a period of ten days

Arima and Yuji were training in strengthening the basis of refinement, where Yuji reached the fourth layer of bone refinement

He was basically developing and increasing his physical strength and he was training Yogi for five days in the offense

Which means 25 days has increased Yuji's experience in the sword and he can now control sukuna a little

He started to hack arima in order to reach the Deep Sky world in order to fly comfortably

A while later, during the breakthrough arima I felt a powerful Matrix force was triggered, and it seems that it was done by Zhou fan

He came out arima and he looked and the elders of the long family and Yu Ming were fighting among themselves and they were looking at the power that had appeared just before

Have you started okay, let's move, I'll take the Raven with the purple eye

Before moving م Matt made sure that Yogi was asleep and set off for his goal, he reached a forest where he found a damaged bald old man who went behind him and cut him with one blow

"Huh.. Are you dead, old man It seems that I have become stronger, but this is not enough " he spoke arima and looked for the Crow and took it and after he found three boys in front of two boys and a girl, it was Zhou Fan, Li Yu Ting and Yang Ming, where Li Yu Ting was catching up with him and collided with a body arima

Yang Ming looked at what behind elder Jian fan's body was cut in half behind him

"You are... You killed elder Jian fan."

He spoke with difficulty due to fear, shock and horror because the young man in front of him did not reach the Deep Sky world

"Yes, I killed him, so what... Do you have an objection"He spoke arima when there was an icy smile on his face

"No.. No, I don't have it" Yang Ming was feeling hard to stand up, terrified and shocked because of this young man with a blindfold

'Who hasn't before in Feng Ning Shi city' Zhou fan was at a loss as he didn't meet the other party

After the smile disappeared arima when he felt an icy aura crushing them' what the hell is this ' Zhou fan felt terrified for the first time after his reincarnation

But the aura disappeared in an instant

"Oh, damn, I almost made him wake up," he said arima with some disappointment

"I couldn't make the effect of my aura on the trees sound like I should do more foundation training, "he saidما" and he wasn't interested if the kids in front of him heard him."

'If you can join him, you will be of great help to me,' Zhou fan spoke internally and thought about it

"Oi, I can help you control your card in exchange for becoming in my family," Zhou fan spoke cautiously while he just wanted an excuse to get into Zhou fan's family

"Well, give me the technique." he spoke softly اري and he wanted the technique

"What?" It's that easy?'"Zhou fan spoke where Pan felt what a crazy because he quickly agreed

"Yes, why?" "Did I need a reason other than to control my strength" was what was fooling now he showed his energy and came up with the scenario in order to enter the Liu family

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, let's get along well," after saying that, he took Yang Ming, made him run away, and returned to his house, where Yuji was in a deep sleep

"I wonder what happened to them," he thought about his team and went to sleep."

He woke up early and started to train and refine his body and he was training his damn energy and he didn't forget it either

Arima was thinking of other ways to develop while Yuji woke up and started training with arima later Ma and Yuji came out of the inn and appeared in front of Zhou fan who was waiting for them in the alley

"Well, this is a medium-deep level energy control technique," Zhou fan spoke up and gave them the technique

"Well, I'll arrange for you.. I arima and this is brother Yuji " he spoke arima and introduced Zhou fan to brother Yuji

"I'm Yuji, glad to know you," Yuji said with a slight bow

"It's a pleasure to know you," said Zhou fan, and he was thinking of taking advantage of them to develop the Liu family

He wentما together with Zhu Fan, he got to know them and began to practice until the day came when the Liu family was summoned by the third prince, he went together with him and Yuji

Where he arrived there were the Tai family, the Li family, the third Mer and The Guardian Dragon Fang qiubai

I looked at the Dragon keeper and he felt an overwhelming force inside this man

The meeting started about the merger of families and who will be the president and eventually the Liu family became the president

When he came out arima you and the others

"Zhou fan, can you stay?" said the third Prince

Everyone went and Zhou fan stayed

"Get out of there," the Dragon keeper spoke softly

Arema?""Zhou fan was a little shocked because he thought he was a spy from that time when he fought in front of elder jiu and Fang qibai

"Well, I was worried about you, so I was watching you in case something happened," he looked at the Dragon guard with enthusiasm and euphoria to fight

"It seems that you want to fight me and not worry about Zhou Fan," Fang spoke softly as he saw those gazes penetrating his body

"I like smart people who understand my desires," he spoke and he set off with a sword, and used the body of darkness with wings, and set off at the speed of light, he arrived in front of fling and looked

Waving his black sword, he was going off like a breaking beast that sees its prey and wants to hunt it in the best way and the fastest time

Fang was blocking every blow with his flute and even attacked him with some attacks

Haven't I even reached his strength?" This looks great " he used the divine body technique of the elements the Dark One's body was transformed and a ring appeared behind his head and it was illuminated with five stars

He took off arima with his sword and attacked with full force, Fang did not notice his speed, but at the last moment he blocked it with his left hand, where he was aiming at his heart

"You almost killed me, this one," fang spoke with some surprise and wonder, as a child in bone refinement came close to killing him, this is impossible in the entire empire

But the impossible happened in front of him

"The skill of the sword King: the crescent moon cutter is the first technique of the aura of death, "he addedما what is the word "death" for his technique

It seemed that he grasped it from the Great Sword King and added it to the icy sword aura as it shot out to Fang but tried to repel it.. The flute shattered into pieces and Fang qiubai injured his chest and was close to being cut off

"Cough cough" Fang qiubai coughed up blood and was amazed at the strength of the child in front of him, "I want to say that you are the strongest in terms of talent, boy -" he did not finish his speech and fainted

While the third prince and Zhou fan looked with shock and reverence atما Ma, who overthrew the divine illumination peak expert

"Damn, what the hell is wrong with this kid, even if I'm not going to scratch a lighting expert of the same level," Zhou fan was shocked by the sight in front of him, as if he was looking at a precious treasure

'I have to make this boy be with me at any cost,' Zhou fan was thinking of turning either into an ally or even a puppet with his hand arima'

"Boy, how about you be one of my guards," the third prince spoke at this time, and he was in front of arima and he stretched out his hand to him

"Unfortunately I came late because I took my way," he pointed with his hand to the back, the prince looked at him and Zhou fan smiled at him calmly

He came home and went into his room اري and looked at the system

"The system of what happens to me, why all I saw was a strong person changing my personality was arima what he considered a coincidence, but it started to appear more and more frequently."

|The host's personality is significantly changed due to an unknown while the title of the angel of the icy void keeps you normal after the fight is over|

"A change in character is what this is," he said. " what he was feeling was his change. previously, he couldn't kill an ant because of his good nature, while now he started killing humans, he started with Jian fan, and the series might not end."

And that's why I'm frowning arima because his personality is starting to change a lot and that's what he doesn't want

He started looking for a way to solve the problem arima but he didn't find a solution and went to training again

After a while, Zhao told him that he was going to increase his strength, and it seemed that his goal was the eyes of the Heavenly Emperor!

But before that, he began to merge and switch the Lightning energy from the crow's eye, where he abandoned the previous lightning element and chose the Lightning of destruction instead of it, and his body began to develop much more

He decided arima to go with Zhou fan because he had been here for more than three months and his refinement seemed to have reached the neck of a bottle before the breakthrough and Yuji had now eaten all 60 of sukuna's fingers and could cooperate with sukuna equally... Well not really equal!

A month later, Ma and Zhou fan appeared in front of a gate and entered because Zhou fan stole an entry card, where they are now in Blue Dome City to enter the monster mountain range

On their way a girl bumped into a arima and disappeared under his robe

"My brother hid me from them," said the girl who hid under a robe arima

"Have you found a trace of her?""No, we didn't find it."

"Hurry up, we have to find her quickly," the guards said, and when they left, he grabbed the girl and spoke

"What did you do, baby, did you steal them or what?""He spoke kindly arima with a face that radiated comfort and confidence

"I stole the Xue family treasure and let them chase after me."

"Then give me the treasure to return and save you from them" speak arima

But the girl didn't kiss and left her arima but she started following them and saying

"Have you come for the monster mountain series?" You can't get in."

"Why," said Zhou fan

"That's because the diamond sand appeared and is guarded by the seventh elder of the Yu Ming family," the girl spoke and continued: "But I can let you into the mountain because I know a secret way to it."

"Okay, but what kind of Return do you want," Zhou fan said

"Get me out of town," the girl spoke with innocent eyes

"Well, you got it, baby," he said, looking at the girl as if she were a child arima"

Later they met with guards and Zhu defeated them and arrived in front of the secret cave and fought Shui Wanlong and Zhu Fan defeated him and it turned out that she was the daughter of the ruling family of this city Shui Ning Xian

"Xiao Ning, you have caused a lot of trouble for your family and for us," he said " the one who came out of the cave was feeling himself inside the sewer because of the stench after they came out

They took a shower and went out, as Zhou fan and Arema looked at the place of the diamond sand, and there was an expert in the Deep Sky world, and he felt their gaze, get down and Zhou fan quickly

"Good sense, he seems to be an expert of the Deep Sky world, what do you think we should do to get the diamond sand, Zhou fan?""Looking arima At Zhou fan, who was sitting next to him, Zhou fan started searching until he found a sweet potato

"I found the mouse's favorite hidden food," Zhou fan spoke and began to wait for the mouse to come

A little later he got a mouse, but its owner appeared, where he sent a sword card and cut off the bloodworm that Zhou fan wanted the mouse to eat

"If he has a master, this is exciting," he said, " he spoky arima and set off to fight, this person who appeared used a vacuum sword and slipped, he destroyed the armor he was wearing and came close to killing him, but he escaped at the last moment."

"A young master with average talent.. Oh man, why is my luck so bad, I just want a strong man to compete with me, " he said, leaving the boy where he agreed with Zhou fan and Ning ER, and Arema where the aura of madness went about him

"So what's your plan, Zhou fan?""Talkما Ma and Shi tianyang together

"My plan is to use this mouse to drill in these directions and place the rock stones to activate the Matrix opposite the mountains and rivers," Zhou fan said

"Well, I know you myself, I'm Shi tianyang."

"Shi.. Are you from Jian Hu's House? " said Zhou fan

"Well Zhou fan اري what have we known by our family names what about you" Ning er spoke and Tian Yang was looking at them

"I am the host of a third-class family, the Luo family, and this is arkma I have included in my family."

"I arima Kisho, that's all you can know about me, "Ma spoke calmly and with a smiling face arima"

"A third-class family?" Both of your strengths are never indicative of that," Shi Tian spoke with some annoyance because he thought they had lied to him

After that, he started his training arima and he didn't pay attention to anything about it, and so three months passed

While he had reached the second level of the Deep Sky arima he was increasing the basis of his training and had not reached the fifth level or higher

While Chu fan did the matrix, they took the sand and fled to the third area, and he felt arima that the seventh Elder was following him and left him because he wanted to get to the third layer of the monster mountain range

And he grabbed arima and he entered the Void Prison and he took off with the wings of the void and he arrived a second to the third layer, where Zhou fan began to search for the Thunderbird in order to get the egg

He searched arima and completed his quest, where he got the egg for Zhou fan, but he completed his search for a spiritual monster for him

|New task|

Open the task

/ Mission: meeting the Holy Beast

Make universe ping give you his green flame

Reward: twenty fingers sukuna+??? s؟؟؟|

He started to doubt because of sukuna's fingers, but an idea popped into his head

'Can sukuna develop after getting a hundred fingers?''That was a thought arima when he set out to meet the Holy Beast

He reached the ninth-level monster area and set off at full speed and hid his aura, but immediately after arriving at the universe cave, ping heard

"Get out, boy, I've felt you since you came in," a calm voice spoke, and he was showing the majestic aura of a great entity