
The Corrupted System

After being kept in a 7-year coma by his jealous relatives, Darwin Moss awakens with the help of a mysterious system. A system that could lead him down a completely different path. A path with no way back. ----- There is no current upload schedule. Just whenever I've finished a chapter and feel content with it. ----- Cover is not mine. Credit to kalmaJH on Deviant Art

May_Song · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2. Out the Hospital

"Before you leave," The instructor suddenly interrupted them, "It'll be best if you remain in the wheelchair for a couple more days in order to not strain your body too much when you move around." She advised, bringing over the wheelchair and a piece of paper to fill out. "Just sign right here to be discharged, and we'll require you to come back here for monthly checkups if that's alright with you."

"Understood and thank you so much," Delilah walked forward and received the form. She thoroughly read through the fine texts and signed it before handing it back.

"I'll see you all next month then," The instructor smiled, opening the glass door behind her as Darwin sat down onto the wheelchair and was wheeled out by his sister alongside Peter.

The sun was beginning to set as the sky lit up a joyous orange shade and the clouds tinted a beautiful pink. The busy street filled with cars and other modes of transport, the honking and screeching of tires sounded out through the air in all four directions.

"Head back to the house." Delilah walked over to a slick black car with its windows rolled down, ordering the man wearing shades and a suit. He nods and presses a button which automatically flings open the back door.

Behind the car were three other similar-looking cars, each fitted with a similar-looking driver and security team standing in perfect posture around it.

"Come on in," Delilah helped Darwin off the wheelchair and into the passenger's seat while Peter made his way behind theirs.

Due to having grown up in a similar environment and receiving similar treatment even before the 7-year gap, the whole ideal was completely unfazed Darwin as he sat comfortably in the seat was Delilah shut the door and walked around to the other side and hopped in beside him.

"Let's go." Delilah ordered, which was responded by a prompted "Understood" by the driver and the car instantly began taking off onto the busy road.

As silence began to fill the car, Delilah hesitantly looked out the window in awkwardness. After 7 years of no communication, and having spilled out everything Darwin needed to know to catch up on the important events, they had finally run out of topics to talk about.

"Turn on the radio." She said after not being able to bear the silence any longer.

The small cracking of the radio echoed out as the voice of the reporter became clear.

"-at large within the Winterville area. Extra police force and security have been placed to patrol the area, however, it is encouraged for residents to be on the lookout for any individual who fits the description and remember to stay indoors. I'll say again. The individual is known to be a man around the age of 30. Last seen to be wearing a black baggy hoodie and ripped jeans. Around 170cm in height, has short brown hair and light grey eyes. Last seen in the Winterville area. If you encounter any suspicious individuals with this description, please contact XXX immediately and stay as far away from this individual as possible."

"What's this about?" Darwin frowned, his intrigue peaked as he saw Delilah's sudden change of expression and the reporter's serious tone.

"There's a prison escapee that's on the loose." Delilah explained, "He killed half a dozen prison officers on his way out and is now hiding somewhere in this area. "

"A serial killer? How long has he been out?" Darwin frowned with concern.

"A little over 2 days. Police are still trying to track him down." Delilah sighed, rubbing her forehead in frustration.

"Was he charged for murder when he got sent to prison?"

"No, he was a notorious con-man and a master of disguises. Scammed over 50 businesses into bankruptcy in only 2 years. The police only managed to track him down recently."

"I see." Darwin nodded, as the car slowly pulled to a halt, stopping beside a tall luxurious apartment complex.

"Anyways, we live here now," Delilah smiled, looking out at the tall building outside her window. "Welcome home."

The doors opened as the driver stood by, offering his hand to assist Delilah.

After comfortably placing Darwin back onto his wheelchair, the small group containing over 4 security personals and a crowd of paparazzi surrounding them made their way towards the apartment complex.

"Darwin Moss! I heard you just woke up-"

"Mr. Moss would you like to give a few words for-"

"Darwin Moss how do you feel now that your sister-"

Hundreds of questions began firing out at reporters and journalists began snapping pictures and trying to push as far as they could towards them, only to be blocked by the security guards.

"Only Authorised Personals are allowed pass here." The complex security team announced from the front entrance, slowly separating the group from swarms of reporters behind them.

"Thank you for your hard work as always, Sir Sillions." Delilah nodded her head as she passed the head security and into the front yard of the complex.

"It's no problem like always, Ms. Moss," Sillions responded with a slight cap tap before looking at the individual sat upon the wheelchair, "You must be Mr. Moss. It's a pleasure to meet you." He greeted Darwin with a warm handshake to which Darwin received with a warm smile.

"Pleasure to meet you as well."


The group readily entered the complex elevator as the door shut behind them. In the shiny bronze walls and mirrors of the luxurious elevator, one of the bodyguards tapped on the 20th-floor button, activating a smooth and relaxing sounding music as the elevator began slowly ascending.

"Why did you move houses?" Darwin suddenly inquired.

Delilah hesitated for a second, her hands slightly trembling.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Darwin offered, seeing her condition.

"No, it's alright. After that incident, I just couldn't bear living there anymore." She explained, "It was too big for one person. It just felt… lonely. Every time I enter that house, I always see the night of the incident."

The silence filled the air once more as the music faded out and a loud 'Ding' rang out, opening the door to the 20th floor.

"The apartment is smaller than the one we owned before, but it's still as comfortable and homey." Delilah coughed, diverting the subject, and wheeled him out. Stopping before a large room at the end of the hallway.

The guards halted themselves along the walls with their backs straight and their eyes pinned onto any movement in the area.

Delilah dug through her pocket, fetching out a key and inserting it into the keyhole. With a twist, the door swung open, revealing a bright modernized room. Directly from the entrance was a giant pane of windows stretching from one end of the apartment suite to the other end, giving a gorgeous view of the sunset and the city skyline. Stretching out from the side of the living space and the giant window were the many bedrooms, bathrooms, and offices.

"Make yourself at home." Delilah smiled, taking off her coat and hang it onto the coat rack by the door, then proceeding to wheel Darwin into the living area. "I'll make dinner." She said, heading into the open up kitchen area located right behind the living space.

"Alright," Darwin replied, getting up from his wheelchair and stretching his legs. "I think I should remain in the chair every time I head out." He suggested, wandering around as the sound of chopping echoed from the kitchen.

"Why?" Delilah raised an eyebrow, opening the refrigerator and taking out a bag of potatoes, and proceeding to dice it into tiny pieces.

"Just think about it. The next news headline's gonna be 'The former to-be-CEO of Moss inc. woken up from a 7-year coma to find sister now in charge'." Darwin explained, poking his head into all the different rooms in the apartment. "Why the hell is there a small garden room?" He muttered with a raised eyebrow before slowly closing it and going back on his little house tour.

"And so?" Delilah's voice called out.

"Well, if they find out that the 'former to-be-CEO' woke up, wouldn't people start pressuring you to give back the position? But if it turned out that I happened to be disabled after my 7-year coma, wouldn't there be less pressure on you and your publicity?"

Silence filled the air as Darwin reached the last room.

"Well, I guess you would be right," Delilah replied, "That is if you really don't want your position back."

Darwin let out a small chuckle as he headed back towards the living area, his tour complete. "I'll have to consider it after I have time to adjust to this new economy and… everything… I guess."

"That's true." Delilah looked up as she saw Darwin walking back out from the rooms, a relaxed look on his face as he stared out the window.

"Do you want to go to the roof? You'd be able to get a better view." She asked, seeing the nostalgic yet melancholy look on his face.

"You know. When we received news that mum and dad passed away 3 years… I mean 10 years ago, the sky was this exact shade as well." He muttered, remembering the look of desperation and worry that was on Peter's face when he brought the news to their front step.

That day was the pinnacle of the word picture-perfect, a warm summer day, not a rain cloud in sight. The cool breezes of the wind were just right and even the grass in their balcony had seemed to be greener than usual. That day was the day their parents were expected to arrive home to celebrate Delilah's 8th birthday on the weekend. However, as the sun set and the sky turned pink, that picturesque day turned into the most tragic and nightmare-inducing day of their lives.

It all began with the rapid knocking on the old penthouse door. 15-year-old Darwin had run up excitingly opening the door with expectations of the figures of his parents outside. However, only the figure of their father's secretary, Peter Hart could be seen, standing there to inform the young children inside the most devastating news a 15-year-old could hear. The murder of both their parents.

Hope you enjoy this chapter :D

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