
The Corrupted System

After being kept in a 7-year coma by his jealous relatives, Darwin Moss awakens with the help of a mysterious system. A system that could lead him down a completely different path. A path with no way back. ----- There is no current upload schedule. Just whenever I've finished a chapter and feel content with it. ----- Cover is not mine. Credit to kalmaJH on Deviant Art

May_Song · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chaper 4. Frenzy

Without thinking, Darwin dived down from the roof of a 25 story building, plummeting to the ground at rapid speed.

"What the fuck?" A sudden scream rang out from the alleyway as a young 17-year-old girl jumped back, watching Darwin's body crash onto the ground before her.

"A dude just freaking fell from the sky!" She screeched, dropping her cigarette bud on the ground as her group and she all began back up slowly.

"I-Is he still alive?" One of her buddies stuttered, "D-Do I call the cops?"

"A-Are you-?" The girl whimpered as she hesitantly walked up to the body.

Suddenly, as she was about to roll him over, Darwin's arms instantly grabbed onto her arm; its speed faster than any of them could register.

"KYAA!!" She shrieked, about to pull the arms away when her entire body suddenly felt weak.

Within 5 seconds of his hand grabbing onto her arm, she instantly collapsed onto her knees, a horrified look on her face as she slowly turned around to face her friends.

"H-Help…m-m-me" She whimpered, before fully collapsing onto the ground, no longer able to move a single muscle, the life in her face rapidly being sucked out, leaving nothing but a dried out mummified corpse right before their eyes.

"E-Erin?" Her friends began shivering in the corner of the dead-end of the small alleyway, their exit blocked by the body of their friend.

"Ahh.." A groan of relief suddenly entered their ears as they suddenly saw Darwin slowly twitching on the ground, while their friend remained motionless on the ground.

"P-Please don't kill us…" One of the girls whimpered out as he began getting on his feet, his head slowly turning to them as if a predator eyeing its prey.

"Thank you…for the meal," Darwin muttered as he slightly wobbled over, a strong killing intent resonating from his body, and without a second thought, his two hands reached out, grabbed the faces of the two girls that stood at the front of the small group, slowly absorbing the life out of them.

"Ahhhh….hahaha…" A burst of small insane laughter rang out as Darwin's eyes rolled up behind his head, dropping the shrivelled corpses onto the ground and continued to reach for the remaining three, heartlessly draining their lives out of their body as well.

[Gains: +300 EXP, +600 HP, +60 MP +54 STR, +60 INT, +54 VIT, +54 AGI]

As if finally full from its cravings, the monster known as Darwin slowly came to his senses, his eyes slowly glancing around at the damages he's caused.

"What the hell just happened to me…" He frowned looking down at his hands, clearly remembering everything that had just happened.

His hand still slightly shook from excitement as he continued to recall the thrill and the intoxicating feeling he had when he had activated the skill. The more he absorbed, the more he craved, as if a highly addictive drug being injected into him constantly.

"What do I do now…" Darwin rubbed his forehead as he looked around at the 6 dried-up corpses thrown around him.

"Should I just leave them…Fuck.. My fingerprint's going to be on the crime scene," He hit his head as it became ever more slightly difficult to manage.

[You have one Wheel Spin. Do you wish to spin the wheel? Y/N]

'Yes.' He commanded,

[Spinning Wheel…]

[You have obtained: (Skill) Mind Control Lv.1]

"What's my status right now?" Darwin suddenly remembered, commanding it silently.

[System name: [!!Error!!] Lvl 0

Hostname: Darwin Moss

Level: 2

Exp: 275/400


HP: 800/800

MP: 170/170

STR: 84

INT: 85

VIT: 80

AGI: 88

Stat Points: 4

DP: 7


?????? Lv.?

Disguise Lv. 1

Dagger Arts Lv. 1

Mind Control Lv. 1 (15 MP)]

"Mind control. Sounds rather… ominous…" Darwin muttered, as he looked through his stats, whistling at the dramatic changes. "I don't feel so different though,"

He stretched his arms and lightly punched the opposing wall, which instantly began showing cracks, and small debris of cement began trickling down.

"Uh, oh." His eyes widened as he instantly jumped back, only to find himself jumping over 2 meters and clinging onto the wall of the apartment complex, his fingers drilling a small dent into the wall, allowing him to hold on.

"I-I'll deal with that when I get there…" Darwin muttered, quickly climbing up the wall and back onto the roof where he saw the dead body of the con artist, Dominic.

"Ah, forgot about this guy…" He quickly grabbed the corpse's arm and tugged it over the edge, releasing it onto the body of the other corpses down below.

"And now I do this…" Darwin looked around and threw a decent-sized pebble into the slowly spreading crack of the wall, instantly causing it to shatter upon impact, spreading the crack all over the wall until a giant ear-tremoring crash sounded out and the building beside the apartment collapsed into the ground, completely burying the 7 dead bodies which lay below.

"Now that that's done," Darwin looked over at his intact wheelchair, climbing back on, and began wheeling himself towards the elevator.


"Oh my god, Darwin!" A frantic voice echoed out from the 20th-floor hallway as Delilah ran towards the elevator, jumping into the arms of her brother as tears began running down her face. "Thank god you're alright!"

"I'm okay," Darwin smiled as he patted his sister's hair, wheeling himself into the apartment with his sister walking beside him.

"Did you know how worried I was after I heard the next-door building suddenly collapsing out of nowhere? I thought you might have been caught up in another accident!" Delilah ranted, as they closed the door behind them as Darwin stood up from his chair.

"I know, I know, Sis." Darwin replied, "Aren't I the older one? I should be the one to rant like that."

"You were asleep for 7 years. So I'm now older mentally." She pouted, "Anyway, dinners on th-"

"Oh, I'm not hungry." Darwin interrupted, "I already ate."

Delilah blinked a few dozen times as she tried to decipher Darwin's words to no avail. "What do you mean you already ate?"

"It means I'm not hungry," Darwin replied nonchalantly as he walked into a vacant room. "Do you have any clothes that fit me?" He suddenly asked, looking around.

"Ah, yeah, it's in the spare storage room. Down the end of the hallway." Delilah replied from the kitchen. "And what do you mean you're not hungry?"

"It means I've already eaten," Darwin replied much to the frustration of Delilah as he walked out from the room and down to the end of the hallway as instructed, instantly locating the storage room.

Inside, the room was spotless with dozens of labeled boxes and clothes hung neatly on racks decorating the small room.

He took out the box labeled 'Male Clothing - M Sized' and headed back into the vacant room which he had claimed his own.

Darwin quickly sorted through the assortment of clothes, placing clothes which he liked into a pile and ones he didn't into another, and within 15 mins, he had hung up the ones he was going to keep, placed back the ones he didn't into the box, and put it back into the storage room.

"Hey Darwin," Delilah suddenly poked her head in with a slightly concerned expression, "Where'd that guard who went with you to the roof? He's the other guards are confused that he didn't come back down with you."

"Oh yeah, that guy." Darwin muttered, "He tried to kill me."

:D Thanks for reading!

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