

"Something's wrong with her, Malta!"

"She's just a late bloomer. I'm sure her ability will manifest soon."

"We've been saying that for a year. She's now fourteen with nothing to show. When I told her she would be special this isn't what I meant!"

"For god's sake Bobby, she's your daughter. You can't abandon her just because she's-"

"A cripple?"

Eve backed away from the door and fell on her bed, tears forming in her eyes. Eavesdropping had been a bad idea. She did not want to hear any of that, even though her parents were right. Her abilities should've awakened right after turning 13, like the rest of her peers. But something was wrong with her, she couldn't even feel the Aura.

A knock on her door.

Her mother walked in. "Hey honey. Hey are you... crying?"

Eve couldn't hold back her tears, she felt them dropping down her cheeks like a waterfall. "I'm sorry mom. I'm sorry I'm a cripple."

"You heard that?" Her mother sat beside her on the bed and hugged her. "You're not a cripple Eve. Don't listen to your father, you hear? He's... he's had too much to drink tonight. You're just a late bloomer. You ability will manifest soon, you'll see."

"But what if they don't?" Eve said, sniffing. "What if-"

Then it happened. The world around her vanished, fading like a ghost, and was replaced by a new one. She now found herself in a car, sitting in the back seat. Her father was driving and her mother sat on the passenger seat. They were talking about something, but Eve was still too shocked to make sense of the words. What's going on?

She looked out the window and realized it was night. They were driving somewhere.

A flash of bright light suddenly erupted from the tallest building in the city, Imperium. After the flash of light a massive dome-like field began expanding from the top floor, like blowing a soap bubble.

Then the vision ended, ther room forming around her, and Eve found herself back in her room. Her mother held both her arms, staring at her. "Eve... Eve, you there?"

Eve put a hand on her forehead, feeling a bit light headed. "Wh- what happened?"

"You went still for a moment, you're eyes white as marble. What happened?"

"I don't know." Eve looked up at her mom, who seemed to be smiling. That made her tears stop flowing from the realization. She told her mother of the surreal experience. "One moment I was here and then I was in a car. You and dad were talking and then... Then there was this huge flash of light and something was getting bigger. Like a bubble."

Her mother hugged her again, though this one felt much better than the last. That night Eve had awakened her ability. Prophecy. During the next couple of days, she found she was able to predict the future of those she touched, though it was only limited to 24 hours in advance. 


One year later... After Eve's first prophecy, she found herself in the backseat of her father's car. They were driving home from dinner at a restaurant. An occasion that they had been able to afford by using Eve's ability for profit. Turns out, a lot of people wanted to know their futures, even if  it was limited to a day in advance.

"Hey Eve," Her mother turned her head from her passenger seat to look at her. "Do you remember your first vision?"

Eve nodded, a sense of deja'vu building within her. In her vision she was also in a car, and it was late at night... Like tonight.

"Yeah, it's been bugging me." Her father said. "Your ability is limited to a day, so what was the deal with that first one?"

"You think maybe it was special, being the cause of her awakening and all?" Her mother said.

Eve looked out the window, toward the building from her vision. The skyscraper. Imperium. 

"Hey you don't think that-"

Her mother was interrupt by the flash of light. Eve's eyes grew wide in realization. This was it, she realized, her first vision. It was happening now.

Just like in her first vision, from the top of Imperium a massive dome-like field began to expand, forming a dome around the city. That night Eve discovered the difference between her first vision and the ones she'd had during her regular usage of her ability.

She looked up at the night sky. Whatever that dome was, her gut told her it was not good.

This Novel is heavily inspired by Webtoon's UnOrdinary and by the already well-known Mistborn book.

Alejandro_Suarez_1408creators' thoughts