
Chapter 1

The bar was quiet today, or as quiet as can be for a place where most people tend to go to forget their troubles or celebrate special occasions. Maybe it had to do with he fact that there were fewer today, or it could be due to the soft music playing in the background which created a calming atmosphere. Either way, William preferred it this way as it made his job as bartender less stressful. He kept an eye out for those sitting by the counter who looked like they needed a drink, and ask if they needed a refill. This made the customers quite happy. The tips they left were also very appreciated.

William and Orion's vision when opening the bar was to have a place to relax and enjoy a drink with friends and lovers. They had spent most of their earnings in setting up the place and buying everything they needed; including entertainment in the form of a pool table in one corner, a recently bought flat screen T.V., and a large shelf filled with every type of liquor they could get their hands on.

The T.V. played the news on mute for those interested, while the music played in the background. The lights were dimmed so as to create a sense of surrealism and keeping the calming effect going through the night. The bar, aptly named 'The Calming Clam' had only been open for about a year now and was already quite popular with regulars which came every week.

There weren't that many customers this early, only a few of those regulars whom seemed to have made this bar their hanging out place, though it wasn't as lively or entertaining as most bars in New Miami.

William kept an eye out for any signs of trouble while he washed the empty cups and cleaned the counter. It was unlikely for trouble to arrive with this kind of crowd. Unless...

"Hey you," A female voice said from behind him while he place a bottle of Blackheart Spiced rum on the shelf and dusted his hands. He didn't need to turn to know who it was.

"Jill..." William said, turning. "What is it?"

Jill smiled, sitting on one of the stools lining the counter. She was relatively new, hired by Orion three months back once the Clam started to gain attraction. They needed an extra hand and a cute friendly face to reign in the customers. Jill fit that bill perfectly, being in her mid twenties, slim and beautiful with short blonde hair and green eyes. She was a depiction of a goddess. Three months on the job and she was already the favorite bartender for many of the regulars. Her tips backed up that fact quiet nicely.

"Was just wondering..." She said. "You gonna be busy tonight?"

"My sister's coming over for dinner." William told her, though he was quite curious where Jill wanted to go with that question. He had to admit, he did feel attracted to her, but him and Orion made a deal before hiring her; business before pleasure. It was better that way.

"What?!" She said, genuinely surprised.

"You never told me you had a sister. Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked." William said. He looked over at his watch. "Hey where's Orion? His shift started an hour ago."

Jill shrugged. "I donno. I texted him ten minutes ago, see if I could leave early tonight but he hasn't answered."

"That bastard, once he gets here I'm gonna-"

William was interrupted by the sound of ringing bells. Two men entered the bar, one short and one tall, both wearing white suits. Royals. And you knew they were Royals because the Lord Ruler forced all his subjects to wear a golden bracelet on their right arm for all to see, and to make sure that there were no confusion of who was in charge of New Miami.

William had another way of identifying them: Their Auras. Every ability-user emitted an Aura which looked like golden vapor flowing out from their chest and spreading through their bodies, invisible to all but him.

"Oh no." William heard Jill say next to him, worry in her tone.

"Just stay quiet and do as they say." William advised. "Avoid trouble at all costs."

Jill looked up at him and nodded.

The Royals took a quick look around, surveying the bar - no doubt looking to cause trouble - before heading over to a table, walking as if they owned the place. William supposed that in a sense, they kind of did. Royals were the authorities in New Miami. They ruled the city like spoiled bastards who thought they were better than the rest.

Out of all the empty tables, they decided to walk to one occupied by a couple - boyfriend and girlfriend - who had been keeping to themselves this whole time, enjoying their date. William knew what was about to happen and had to will himself into not intervening. Wasn't easy, but it was for the better.

The taller of the Royals looked down at the boyfriend with disgust and asked - no, not asked, ordered, for Royals did not ask - to stand a leave. And even though the boyfriend had to swallow his pride and stand to do as told, that wasn't enough. The Royal punched him in the gut, then kicked him in the back a moment later, sending the poor young man stumbling forward into another table. His girlfriend helped him up, careful to avoid the shorter Royal who had been watching her, a smug on his face. The couple sat at another table, as far from the Royals as they could.

William was sure most of the Royals did this as a reminder of who was in charge. Everyone in the bar, as well as everyone in the city, knew Royals were arrogant assholes that did as they pleased because none dared oppose them. None couldn't. To put it simply, they had powers, others didn't. The Lord Rulers' hierarchy system bred Royals who considered themselves above those without abilities, and that happened to be the vast majority of New Miami's citizens. Royals were in control and those who dared imply otherwise would get beaten and bloodied without consequences, so long as they did not die or suffer lasting damage.

At least that's what the law said. A law that was enforced by Royals.

William clenched his fist in anger and frustration as he watch the bastards act like they were above the rest. With his ability he could easily overpower these two who no doubt were going to ruin this night, and knocked them unconscious. But he had to hold himself back. Just like everyone other god damn time he encountered such scenario, both inside and outside the bar. Because even if he were to act and beat the Royals to a pulp, it would be for nothing, there will always be more, and it wouldn't change anything. The Lord Ruler and his Elites had been hunting and imprisoning ability-users who refuse to join the Royal Order. It was best to stay hidden.

The atmosphere at the bar had shifted. Those that were previously relaxed and enjoying themselves, like the couple from earlier, were now tensed and cautious. There were hatred and resentment in their eyes, but they did well to hide their expression from the Royals.

"Oi! Girl!" The taller of the Royals called, motioning for Jill to come over. She looked at William for whatever reason and waited until he nodded before rushing over, nearly tripping on some chairs.

William kept a watchful eye on the interaction though he could barely hear what was being said over the background music. Jill returned a moment later and said they wanted a bottle of their most expensive rum. "Of which they wont be paying." She added. "Fuckers." What was William to do but comply or be forced to allow himself be beaten. He learned his lesson awhile back while a Royal beat him so badly he was sent to the hospital for a day.

It was better this way. He told himself this every time, though it each time it was becoming more of an excuse which he was finding hard to maintain.


After a while, the Royals stood to play pool, that was when Orion finally decided to show up for work, joining Jill and William by the counter. Orion was a large man, a little on the muscular side from when he used to weight lift. Bald with a fully grown beard, he looked intimidating enough to scare off the common folk and keep trouble at the bar to a minimum. And surprisingly enough, he was also an ability-user, though he kept it a secret, even from William for some reason, and even after William had told him of his and his sister's ability during a drinking contest.

William had excluded the fact that he was also able to see the Aura of other ability users. At the time he had wanted Orion to be the one to reveal himself, to share as he had done. He didn't, and William never brought up the subject again. At first he was sure his friend would betray him, but on the contrary, Orion had been loyal to fault. Going as far as to receive beatings from Royals just to keep William's identity hidden. He proved himself a good friend.

"Royals?" Orion frowned, looking over at the pool table. "Any trouble?"

"Not yet." William said.

"Good, keep at it and do not displease these men." Orion looked at Jill when he said that.

"Hopefully they don't decide to thrash the place. Repairs are getting expensive." He turned to William. "Hey listen, I'm going to the back and take care of some shit before my shift so just wait a moment and-"

"Wait?!" William cut him off, shaking his head. "No, I can't do waiting Orion. My shift was over an hour ago and I need to get home."

"What's the rush?"

"Claudia's back." William told him.

Orion nodded, realizing. "Ah. I see... Alright. You're free to go. Jill, you cover for me a bit while I go to the back a moment."

"No can do boss." She shook her head too. "I texted you earlier to see if-"


The three looked over to see what had happened. It was one of the Royals, the taller of the two. They were still playing pool. Something had happened. Probably something petty and insignificant to warrant such a response, but Royals were spoiled brats, acting like children most of the time. Arguing like them too.

"You cheated!" The shorter one said. "That's on you man."

"Fuck you!" The tall one said and activated his ability. William saw the ignition of the man's Arua, like flame bursting to life, which happens upon activation. The man's body turned to steel. A type of transmutation ability, William took note of that. In this case, it was steel.

The Royal smashed the pool table with a steel fist, breaking it in half, wood splintering. "I'm going to break you asshole." He said, and punched his companion flat in the stomach. A blow that would've killed him had he not activated his own ability before impact. He was still sent flying across the room, crashing though an empty table and against the wall, cracking it behind him. If he had been without an ability and not had the innate protection of Aura, he'd been dead right now.

The couple from earlier, as well as the rest of the few customers remaining in the bar ran towards the exit, screaming in fear. There was no point in blaming them for leaving without payment. When a fight between Royals broke out, it was best to steer as far away as you could, lest you get hurt indirectly.

William told Jill to hide behind the counter and not move, to which she nodded and did as told without hesitation. Orion stood unflinching from where he was beside William. The man's fist were also clenched. To many who knew Orion, but were not aware of his ability, he was considered brave and fearless. William wonder if the reason was the same as his; because he could defend himself if things turned for the worse.

The shorter Royal dusted himself off and raised a hand, aimed at his companion.

"David, you know you can't hurt me. So don't even try." The steel man said.

The Royal named David smiled and a shock wave exploded from his palm - a sonic boom - that sent tables and chairs flying towards his opponent, some hitting the steel man and pushing him back a few inches, while others shattered and splintered against the wall behind him.

The steel man dusted himself off. "Got that out of your system?" He said, his body turning back to normal. "I'm bored of this place now. Let's go."

"You know... Jacob." David said, raising his other hand. "I've actually been meaning to try this for awhile now."

"Seriously?" Jacob's body was steel again. "How many times have you tried that before and failed?"

David said nothing, just kept smiling.

"Shit." William heard Orion say. "Shit. Fuck. This idiot is going to blow up my bar."

"Our bar." William corrected. "But you're right. Wanna try and do something about it?" He knew that wasn't going to happen, but he wanted to see Orion's reaction. Stir him a little to get him to share his secret later on.

Orion looked him over with a frown in his face, eyes searching. "What's that supposed to mean?"

William shrugged. "Nevermind."


"Ahhh!!" William heard Jill Scream.

The shock wave that exploded from David's hands was large. Like a massive sound cannon firing. It shook the the bar, blowing chairs, tables and anything in its path. Pieces of wood and glass from bottles and cups that were left behind by the customers who had the sense to leave at the first sign of trouble, flew in all direction. Even the new flat screen T.V. fell from the wall and crashed from the rippling effect of the sonic boom.

The shock wave hit Jacob's steel body straight on and managed to send him flying across the floor, crashing through the concrete wall behind him and into the street outside, bits and pieces of debris flew out and hit a car that was unfortunately parked by the sidewalk. A massive hole was left behind where there was once a wall. Screams were heard from bystanders outside. William hoped no one was hurt.

The bastard Royal didn't so much as looked in William and Orion's direction before walking over to the hole in the wall he just made, still carrying that stupid smile in his face, and crossed over to join his companion outside.

"A-are they gone?" Jill said, rising from her hiding spot a moment later.

William nodded.

"Fuck." Orion said. "I just bought that new T.V. Fuck." He slammed a fisted hand on the counter.

William could relate to that frustration. "I'm sure the insurance company will take care of it." He said.

"Shut up Will." Orion said, raising hand to silence him. "Didn't you say something about your sister?"

"Oh. Right, yeah. Guess I'll be going then." Before leaving, William looked over at the aftermath. The the ceiling fan - when did that fall? - lay broken on the floor beside a pile of wood of what remained of the pool table. Then he looked at the hole on the wall. This was a common occurrence in New Miami. Whenever Royals fought, mostly for to test their abilities against each other, property would inevitable get damaged and people would get injured. The Royalty Repair Insurance Company would of course pay for the damage made, and made sure hospital bills were taken care of. Problem was, most of the time getting properties fix would take weeks, and people that get injured... Well that was never a good thing.

William stopped at the exit door and shook his head. He sighed, then looked back over his shoulder at Orion. "Hey listen, I'll come back after my sister leaves to help you fix the place. We can also ask for help from the patrons if it the work gets heavy."

"Yeah, yeah." Orion waved. "Just go and have a good time with your sister. I heard you haven't seen her in awhile."

William nodded. "Right. Thanks."

"Bye Will!" Jill said waving.

William waved back before exiting the bar. Outside, the Royals were walking away like nothing had happened, or rather, that the damage they'd caused was none of their concern. Innocent bystanders fearfully moved out of their way, making sure to not get too close, lest they get a punch or a kick as a reward for a slight irritation.

William turned and went the opposite direction, walking with hands in his pocket. He looked up at the night sky, the dome-shaped barrier that covered New Miami was visible to him, with a soft golden glow akin to Auras. His sister told him that to her and everyone else the barrier looked like a very thin layer of water that you had to really look to notice it was there, much like see-through glass. The dome wasn't really a barrier, in the sense that it did not prevent anyone or anything from getting through it. One could easily walk and in out of its threshold as if it wasn't there. Rain would encounter no resistance either, no did the wind. It was mostly to show the limits of the Lord Ruler's influence over whatever he had done seventeen years ago, and if an ability-user were to cross its threshold their abilities would disappear forever, as it is normally meant to do for the rest of the world. Whatever the Lord Ruler had done to to create the dome barrier was a mystery sought by many and know by a select few.

William did wondered from time to time how the the Lord Ruler had managed to maintain it for so long. His intuition told him that it had to be an ability, at least amplified version of one. But to maintain it for over a decade...

Ability-users had their limits, no matter the ability. Aura diminishes after prolonged use and needed time to replenish. Maintaining that barrier for this long should've been impossible no matter the method.

William shrugged. That wasn't his concerned. His sister was the one looking into it, and supposedly getting close to learning its secret.

William kept walking in silence, thinking about how he hasn't seen Claudia since he opened the bar. That was about a year now. They had talked over the phone a few times, but mostly to see how they each were doing. Why then, the sudden visit? His apartment building wasn't far from the bar, about nine or so blocks, and walking home after work was always refreshing. Especially on nights like today when there were barely any cars in the streets, or people walking the sidewalks. The building was crammed between two others, leaving a very tight space between that could barely be called an alley.

William made his way inside and took the elevator. His apartment was on the fourth floor. When he got there, he pulled out his keys and turned the lock, opening the door. His sister was already inside waiting for him.

Her hands where crossed over her chest. "You're late." She said.

"Hey Claudia." He waved, walking inside and heading straight for the fridge. "Sorry about that. Two Royals decided that today was a good day to trash the Clam."

Claudia was silence for a moment, then sighed. "I'm sorry." She knew what the bar meant to him.

He waved a hand. "Don't be. Not your fault." He opened the fridge and took out a beef stake. "Lets just eat for tonight and talk tomorrow. Okay?"
