
The contracted demon queen

Hi, l'm Heaven, and l'm just an ordinary girl. This is a supernatural story of a young lady, me, whose life is filled with challenges, pleasures and misfortunes. Whose life evolves around the world of demons, spirits, witches, vampires, werewolves, and humans. I know, such a complicated life right?. And yes l am not ordinary. And my life got more complicated and exciting at the same time, when the demon king of Dekrish kingdom chose me to be his contracted wife(queen), since he couldn't find his mate for a long time and he needs to keep his throne. Being a stone hearted king, serving as his queen isn't an easy task, but l had to agree to it because he is the only one who could remove the curse placed on me, that prevented me from finding my mate. What does fate have in stock for me?, Will the king ever find his mate?, Or will l be stuck in cursed palace forever?, Well, you will have to read to find out. My name is Heaven Alizah Dianne Spencer and welcome to my world.

Rasheedat_Bashir · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter twenty three: just what is she made of

Eugene's pov:

I only stayed in the hall for ten minutes before leaving. I went to my study, to get some work done. Then Lucas knocked on the door, "come in" l said. "Eugene, why would you leave the hall so quickly?" He asked as he took his seat. I knew he was going to say that. "Because, l was bored to death in there. Plus, l have pending work to finish up" l said. He sighed and shook his head, "you will never change, Eugene". "Whatever" l said borely and he sighed again. "By the way, did you do what l told you try?" he said. I just looked at him, and he got the message, "you didn't do it, did you?" . I just shrugged my shoulders. "Come on, Eugene" he said. "I was about to do it, but that idiot Samantha bursted in, and l had to send her out" l said and he gave me a weird look, "what is that look for?" I asked coldly. "Eugene , you are telling me that you sent Heaven away instead of Samantha" he said. I chuckled, l see he is thinking that l'm not taking this matter seriously . "Lucas, l sent her out because l needed the moment to make things clear to Sam" and his face soften. "Is that why she didn't come to the festival?" He asked, "l guess so". He sighed of relief, "finally, it was about time you put her in her place". I chuckled. "As for what you said, don't worry l'll try it" l said. And with that l continued with what l was doing, and he helped with some of it too. While working, Heaven's image kept on invading my mind, l really don't understand what is wrong with me. "Hey big bro, come to the dinning room. We are having a family dinner tonight" my sister Angel said through a mind link. Lucas looked at me, "should we go?" . I nodded my head. And with that we went to the dinning room.

My parents, Angel , Hiro and their son Nathan are already here. Later Evelyn, Lucas's mate also came with their son, Matthew. Then Xavier and Stephenie also came. But how come their son, Troy isn't with them. "Hey, where is my little man?" I asked them. "He went to look for Jeremy" said Stephenie. After a while, Troy, Jeremy and Heaven arrived. I swear she is the most beautiful woman l have ever seen. She greeted us, but it seems my mother doesn't like her. My mother has always been extra cautious.. " who is she?" She asked, "she is big brother's new personal hand maid, mother" Angel replied. "What is your name?" She asked her. "My name is Heaven, your majesty" she tried calmly. "You are not a native of Dekrish are you?, Tell me where do you come from" she said after five minutes of staring. I didn't even realize that she isn't from my kingdom. "Yes your majesty, l am a not from Dekrish. I am a native of Pictor but l was born here in Dekrish" she said. So she is from Pictor, no wonder why she is so beautiful. I've always heard that natives of Pictor are very beautiful. "How did a native of Pictor became a resident in Dekrish?' my mother asked again. I'm really not liking this. Heaven explained the reason to her, but she was still suspicious. Then Samantha bursted in, "or maybe, you are a spirit and you are here to spy on us" she said spitefully. I really hate this girl. "What do you mean Samantha?" Said my mother. Then Samantha told her about Heaven's plants materialization. I can see the others wanted to speak for her, but l gave them a look that spelled 'dont interfere' and they backed off. "Is it true?" My mother asked me. I sighed, "yes mother, it is true". "What are you?, Speak and don't you dare lie to me" my mother growled dangerously. But Heaven remained calm, l can't even sense a single iota if fear in her. Even almost everyone in the room are terrified right now, just what is this girl made of. "I am a full blooded demon, your majesty. I am not a spirit" she said calmly. Now this calmness of hers angered my mother.