
The contracted demon queen

Hi, l'm Heaven, and l'm just an ordinary girl. This is a supernatural story of a young lady, me, whose life is filled with challenges, pleasures and misfortunes. Whose life evolves around the world of demons, spirits, witches, vampires, werewolves, and humans. I know, such a complicated life right?. And yes l am not ordinary. And my life got more complicated and exciting at the same time, when the demon king of Dekrish kingdom chose me to be his contracted wife(queen), since he couldn't find his mate for a long time and he needs to keep his throne. Being a stone hearted king, serving as his queen isn't an easy task, but l had to agree to it because he is the only one who could remove the curse placed on me, that prevented me from finding my mate. What does fate have in stock for me?, Will the king ever find his mate?, Or will l be stuck in cursed palace forever?, Well, you will have to read to find out. My name is Heaven Alizah Dianne Spencer and welcome to my world.

Rasheedat_Bashir · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter twenty one: little Troy

Heaven Alizah Dianne's pov:

Then an idea popped in my head, "Jeremy , do you believe that this lotus pond can go back to it's original form?" l said. He looked at me disbelievingly, "l don't want to get my hopes up, dark demons' poison can't be detoxified" he said. I smiled and levitated a few leaves, and spin them continously around my hand, while increasing their number at the same time, until they glowed brightly, and their are too many of them. And navigated them towards the pond, making go in and out of the pond, gradually purifying it. Jeremy watched in awe, until the leaves completely detoxified the poison in the pond. After that, Heaven materialized beautiful lotuses into the pond. And the pond became beautiful again. Jeremy was so excited. "The pond is... back to normal, but how did you?" He asked. I placed my index finger on my mouth, "shhh, don't tell anyone." I said smilingly. "But seriously, tell me, how did you do that?" He asked again. "Well, l'm not a plant whisperer for nothing" l winked. "You are a plant whisperer?" He asked, he was quite shocked about it. "Yep" l said. Funny, l just said that l am not a plant whisperer for nothing, but l am not able to save my brothers from their ice curses. "I knew you would be here" we heard from behind us, it was a little kid, by size you can say that he is about ten years old, but by demon age, he is actually twenty years old. "Troy, how did you know l was here?" Said Jeremy. "How can l not know? Have you forgotten l know you better than anyone" the little boy Troy said. Jeremy laughed. "Heaven, meet Troy. He is Xavier's and Stephenie's son. Troy, meet Heaven. She is the king's new personal hand maid. And also my good friend" he said. Did he just call me his friend. Troy looked up to me and smiled, "nice to meet you, sister Heaven. You are so beautiful" he said smilingly. "Well, thank you Troy. You look so cute as well" l said. "Don't be fooled by his cute looks. He is very mischevious" said Jeremy. Troy nugded Jeremy with his elbow "Uncle, that is not nice. Don't mind him sister Heaven, l'm a very good boy" said Troy. And l laughed.

"I can see that" l said. "Uncle, how come the pond is beautiful now. Wasn't it reeking of dark poison before" said a surprised Troy. Jeremy looked at me and l winked. "I heard you asking Sister Heaven how she did something. Did she did this, did you did this Sister Heaven ?" Troy asked excitedly. "Yes, she did" Jeremy said, and winked at me. This guy is really something. "Thank you so much sister Heaven. You are the best" Troy said and hugged me tight. "Thank you so much, Heaven. You have know idea how much this means to me" said Jeremy, with eyes of gratitude. "Uncle, it is time to have dinner, why not let Sister Heaven join us" Troy said bubbly. "Well, Heaven do you mind joining us for dinner?" He said. "Well, why not ?" I said. And with that we made our way to the dinning room. "Uhmm, can you guys do me a favor and not tell anybody about the pond" l said. "It's okay, l believe you have a good reason for hiding it from them" said Jeremy. "Okay ,no problem. Don't worry sister Heaven, l am good at keeping secrets" said Troy. We continued to go the dinning room.