
The Chronicles of Ken

A man who recently died found himself floating in a void when he is visited by an entity that sends him to a world of heroes and villains. The only problem is that he never wanted to go in the first place. Follow along as he traverses this new world and tries to be a decent person through this cruel world.

Panda_core57 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Thieves and Mercenaries


The loadout I got was a total fucking cheat. It had the basics of course. I also had a leather jacket with lots of pockets, black cargo pants and black combat boots. They all had some minor protection quirks nothing really of note but what really made this loadout OP was my helmet. Screen, Wire, Code, technopathy, USB, and Computer. Alone they were pretty basic, a screen for a face wire for hair USB fingers computer chest,...the ability to control any electronic device.

Yeah, the last one was a bit OP but hey works for me. It was originally weak limited to one device and gave the user a migraine when in use. In his hands however, he could supercharger the quirk and could render the side effect all but useless.

The helmet was black like a blank screen but could be used to show info both on the outside and inside. Kinda of like Ironman's hub in the movies. It had thick cables that looked like dreads that took the place where my hair would be on the helmet. The cables split into different wires like USB, HDMI etc., I could change them to fit any kind of wire and port I need. 

Computer made the helmet more than just a screen, but you guessed it a computer. It couldn't be hacked; I know I tried. It was like the helmet was fighting whenever I tried to access the helmet or tried to put in a virus. Not like the computer in the helmet was doing it but like anything remotely harmful was destroyed. No change to the coding or breaks in the firewall. I could watch movies surf the internet and hack into places, but if I willingly tried to download a virus it would just disappear.

I let original know, it was something he agreed should be further explored. It would be nice to have an unhackable device, but it was also something we shouldn't just say ok this is a fact to and end up getting fucked over by like Batman or Brainiac.

For weapons I had two pistols that each had a few quirks. Taser, Ammo, air bullet, navel Lazer.

Each quirk was used for different kinds of ammo from the elemental attack to when I need to stun someone, when I need to knock stuff over or when I need to make a hole in someone or something.

The other pistol is quirk called copy. It took the form of a mirror and could copy any of Ken's items quirks and all. It was however limited to Ken's items, he couldn't copy things like money, people or their things. It could only copy one item at a time tho the item could hold multiple quirks.

Right now, Cane was sitting in a lab at star labs. He had multiple cables linked up to different computers downloading as much as possible. He was trying to focus on what they were researching at this facility, but they seem to keep it under a lot of security. Not just cybernetic but physical as well.

While usually not a problem it seems like they are starting to separate their different securities to more isolated servers making them harder to access. They were making things harder for him, but it would be no fun if things stayed the same.

Canes smirk bloomed into a full-blown smile when he got a notification from a camera he took over. Someone was making their way towards him and by the looks of it the person was a hero...or a stripper.

She was going room to room and as she got closer, he could hear her footsteps nearing. Normally he would have made his way out by now, buuuut the work he was trying to access belonged to one Silas Stone.

If the dude had a mother box, then he would be very interested in getting his hands on it. After all something that can rip a hole through space and time could prove to be veeery useful.

Hands blurring and cables unplugging and plugging back into different ports he doubled his efforts. This was something he might only get one shot at so getting this info is a must. Actually, getting the box if they had it would only be a matter of making a portal with the warp sword and grabbing it, getting the research they have on it is a different story. Information is power, people like Batman know that.

He needed to know if they had it and if so, what they were able to find out about it and what uses it had. He knew the basics, but it could have a few different abilities depending on what universe we are in. Better safe than sorry.

As he finally accessed the files and quickly downloaded them. The door behind him opened. He didn't turn or give any indication that he knew she was there. She had paused only for a moment before she moved fast and quietly.

A kick that was meant for his head was caught in a vise like grip. Turning Cane decided to say hi. "Yo wuz zup."


"Yo wuz zup." Leg in hand the thief shoved Black Canary back with force. She bumped into the wall forcefully but not painfully. Turning back to the computer the man with the weird helmet spoke again.

Unknown: "Gimme juuuust a mo. I'm almost done."

Bouncing back from the push fast Black Canary charged at the thief keeping an eye on the cables he controlled as well as what he was doing. Again at the last moment he ducked underneath a punch and shot out an elbow towards her stomach.

Jumping back she barely dodged the blow. "WOW! I didn't think you'd doge that, good job!" Raising an eyebrow she looked at the thief as he gave her a thumbs up.

"Who are you?" This was weird, sure she and almost every other hero had come across that one strange villain that somehow got under your skin, but she just had a feeling that this one was far stranger than he looked.

"You know it's a little rude just asking for someone's name without givin yours. Do you have no manners? GA! I swear just because you're older doesn't mean you can be disrespectful....OH Yeah!!! you can call me Techno-Baby!" This small rant was accompanied with wild hand gestures and pacing that made the thief look less and less sane.

Frowning Black Canary spoke "I'm Black Canary and i'm not your baby. Now give up or I'll crack that screen you call a face."

Hands shooting up in a non-confrontational manner he began to defend himself. "Whoa!! Whoa!! I'm not calling you baby my name is Techno hyphen Baby...you're a little to OLD for me."

Eyebrow twitching Black Canary charged forward. She wasn't old, she was barely in her late twenties. Kicks, punches, Knees, elbows all were thrown at him none hit. He dodged with over exaggerated movements and snide remarks about her being to old too keep up. He hadn't thrown any attack in return the most he had done is put up some minor defense when he couldn't dodge, and even then they could barely be called glancing blows.

The only thing that kept her from Screaming him deaf was the fact that they were surrounded by millions of dollars worth of equipment. He either didn't know how to fight back or was purposefully holding back. Both answers were troublesome especially since he both hadn't taken a hit and because if he was stalling it could be for reinforcements or because he doesn't have what he came for.

Jumping back Canary decided it was for the best to replace expensive equipment than to risk whoever this was getting away. This facility held very sensitive and more importantly dangerous information and items.

Taking a deep breath she was about to let out a scream when the barrel of a gun was placed at the under her chin. Off to the side out of her blast radius Techno-Baby stood. "Now, Now I heard that you were a screamer but that is no excuse for doing such indecent things in a public place. Honestly you'd think someone of you're age would be above such things."

Shaking his head like a disappointed father he continued. " Lets close that mouth and not do anything stupid." As he said this Canary felt another gun jab lightly into her side. Closing her mouth she began to think of ways to disarm Techno-Baby and bring him down. Before she could act on any of the plans she came up with the gun in her side let out a shot. She expected pain, she got pain but not the hot stabbing pain you feel when being shot. It was like every muscle in her body tensed painfully as she fell to the ground. 

He tased her and now she was immobilized. It would only take thirty seconds a minute at max before she could move, but that was a long time in a fight. Seeing him turn back to the computer she had hoped that he would be distracted enough for her to recover. Her hopes were dashed when he spoke again. "Sorry about that I try not to harm the elderly but sometimes it can't be helped. Now that I've got what I needed its time to go. That however leaves you...what to do with you?"

He had grabbed a chair and sat on it backwards. Arms resting on the backrest each held a gun that was pointed at her. She was about done recovering when one of the guns went off again shooting a bolt of electricity into her making her twitch on the ground uncontrollably. "Yeah... I'm just as conflicted about this as you. Don't worry tho i'm sure we'll figure it out...together."

******* 1 Hour Later ******

Cane didn't hurt her of course, but if she wakes up in an old folks home smelling like prunes and super glued to a wheelchair she has no-one to blame but herself.

It wasn't personal, in fact he knew that like most heroes in DC she was a good and upstanding person...that however didn't mean he could't have some fun.

Chuckling to himself Cane decided to get back on track, he had been able to gather a lot of info on this universe but still hasn't pinpointed on a specific one or at least which variant they might be in.

He knew that the Justice League has been around for about 5 years, Batman still had Dick Grason as Robin but he was getting older and has been seen on multiple occasions operating solo. Flash, Aquaman, and Green Arrow have all been seen with their sidekicks. All have been noted to be in their mid to late teens, except for Robin, he is a few years younger. 

He hasn't checked on their personal lives but he supposed it is something he should do no matter how much he doesn't want to.

The Doom Patrol was an old team and have gone missing assumed to be dead. Their youngest member was a green skinned teen that went missing and has been seen in different cities helping out local law enforcement.

A girl in a dark cloak and purple back hair has been seen where supernatural occurrences have been reported but she has left before anything of note has happened.

Victor Stone is in high school and is an admittedly amazing football player. Both of his parents are still alive, he does however have a strained relationship with his father.

Lots of signs but nothing of note to indicate where they are. The pieces are their but he is missing some vital info. He knew that the League was formed because of Daeksied but other than that any other info on the topic was kept under wraps. Entering one of the hideouts they had made Cane took of his helmet and hooked up to a laptop he definitely didn't steal. 

Cracking his neck Cane smiled slightly, he had a lot of new info to go through. It was time to get is paranoia/conspiracy theorist on.


I've been traveling to war torn countries and helping out the civilians. I tried not to pick a side after all who am I to go and say one side is better than the other. I just helped out those who couldn't help themselves, sure sometimes that helped out the rebels or the government but that was more of a side effect than the reason.

This of course brought the attention of all kinds of people. Some tried to buy his services and other tried to force him into servitude, he turned down all some more forcefully than others. He was seen fighting with swords, spears, Kanabo Knives bow and arrow and hand to hand combat. Using a gun was something he could do but never felt right doing, it was more of a preference than anything.

This had gotten him a few names like Armory but he quickly put and end to it. Ronin was the loadout he was using and he was going to be called by that name or else he might get confused. Right now he was walking through a destroyed town, it was a recent battle that he arrived at the tail end of. It was a skirmish just to let each other know that they were still enemies no real purpose as far as he could tell. His out fit was the same for the most part, he added a straw hat and a black gourd that was tied to his waist.

The hat had one quirk Umbrella, he first wore it during the rainy season in a jungle and decided to wear it from there on. The gourd was his ultimate weapon, it was something he could use without going all out and even then it was a last resort. Walking past a few destroyed building Ken was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a muffled cry for help.

Turning towards the sound he began to make his way over. When he arrived he saw a rebel solider raping one of the locals. This wasn't the first time he came across such a scene, and he would handle it like any other. Grabbing one a knife he had tied to his waist he walked up silently behind the man. Gripping his arm Ken stabbed the knife several times into the mans armpit. The rapist tried to push him off but was stabbed in the ribs.

Watching blankly as the man fell to the ground Ken turned to the woman who was crying and trying to cover herself. When they met eyes Ken saw the pure hatred she had.

Some broke from such an experience others used it as fuel to push themselves. Walking up to her he tossed the blade in his hand and caught it by the blade, handing it to her handle first Ken saw her hesitate only for a moment. 

She jumped on the bleeding out man and began to stab with reckless abandon. Ken turned around and began to walk away. Yeah shit like this served as a reminder for Ken that there were still people here and while getting home isn't a bad thing to want, ignoring others and using their lives as tools to get what he wants is the fast track to loosing himself...or at least more than he already has.

He wasn't blind to the fact that if the him from his first life saw him now he would think that he was a monster. All the things that he went through has changed him and will continue to change him, all he has to do is keep to his morels no matter how hard it may be. No matter how hard it is to see this comic book world as real he would try. 

Ken was brought out of emo thoughts when out of pure instinct he jumped to the side as bullet passed where his head was. Turning Ken was met with a man with a mask half back half orange. He held a smoking gun in one hand and had a sword strapped to his back. "Not bad kid, but its gunna take a lot more than the ability to jump to the side if you want to see tomorrow."

Closing his eyes Ken looked up to the sky and began to wonder, why did God hate him so?