
The Chronicles of Ken

A man who recently died found himself floating in a void when he is visited by an entity that sends him to a world of heroes and villains. The only problem is that he never wanted to go in the first place. Follow along as he traverses this new world and tries to be a decent person through this cruel world.

Panda_core57 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Crossing a Line


The fighting had died down for the most part and the body count had numbered well into the thousands.

Now that the fighting had died down hero schools had sent out their students in groups to help secure the cities they were located in. These cities were marked as safe zones and were made into head quarters for them to operate out of.

In the streets of Musutafu a group of students could be seen going from door to door checking for people who refused to leave their homes and any signs of infiltration.

Izuku: "Earphone Jack (Jiro) do you hear anything?"

Jiro: "...Nothing other than some rats."

After the confirmation Izuku turned to Red Riot (Kirishima) and signaled him to bust the door down. A student from 1B followed soon after with Jiro and Izuku taking up the rear.

Rocketti (Pony): "I don't smell anything besides the animals. Should we still do a room to room check?"

Pony spoke very little Japanese since she wasn't from Japan. English was her first and most well spoken language, very few people spoke English well enough for her to pair with.

She was to join either Momo or Izuku's group since they knew English well enough to communicate with little to no holdups. Izuku had taken her because he needed someone for long distance combat.

Izuku: "Yes, check every room and don't take any half measures. If something even feels suspicious don't hesitate in taking action."

There have been several incidents where things looked OK only for a villain to pop out of nowhere and attack. So far no one has been killed tho several crippling injuries were dealt.

As they finished the sweep of the house a figure dropped from the sky and landed in front of them as they left the house. The group of four took up formation as the figure began to slowly get up from his crouch.

Izuku and Kirishima stood in the front while Pony and Jiro took up the rear. The figure wore a dirty brown cloak and had a brown mask with intricate carvings covering it. Three red marks came from each eye making it look like it was crying tears of blood.

Izuku: "Remove your mask and put your hands in the air."

Unknown: "Stand down boy. The Beast's Brides bring news."

Shifting slightly into a slightly more relaxed stance but still not letting his guard down he spoke.

Izuku: "We are listening."

Unknown: "All for One has targeted one of the Brotherhood but has failed in his capture. Appearantly the first attack that spread through Japan was used to separate and wear them down."

Izuku: "Which one is he after?"

Unknown: "Senju."


Nezu: "This is concerning."

He was in a meeting room with Midoriya, Chiyo, Yagi, Aizawa and Tsukauchi. Midoriya had just told them about his encounter with on of the Beast's Brides and the news they brought.

Tsukauchi: "Why would he want to take Senju?"

Yagi: "I didn't leave him on the best condition after our fight and every quirk has its limit. Senju regrew my organs what if he is still injured like me and wants his quirk to restore his body."

Aizawa: "So he wants to take his quirk and restore his body. Do you think we could convince the Brotherhood to hand over Senju for protection?"

Midoriya: "Most likely not. They have little to no communication with us. Even Senju only heals the injured and moves on."

Nezu: "Recovery Girl have they visited Eri yet?"

RG: "There have been signs snacks and toys that I didn't get her, but I haven't seen them personally."

Aizawa: "I'll try to ask the few contacts that are left to spread the word that U.A wants to speak with them."

Giving him a nod Nezu turned to Allmight. "How much time do you have?"

Yagi: "Three hours give or take a couple of minutes. Getting healed by Senju helped slow the decline in time when he healed me."

Nezu: "Good try to limit your use of One for All as much as possible until we find All for One."

After getting a nod of conformation Nezu dismissed the group minus Recovery Girl.

Nezu: "Did you get any thing from the blood I gave you?"

RG: "Yes...but what I found makes no sense."

Pulling out a file that she had in her coat she opened it and began to explain her findings.

RG: "The blood is a perfect match for Ken. Not like family or twin close like same person close.

I tested it over ten times and that isn't the weirdest part. The joint in the pinky toe is the easiest way to find out if someone has a quirk, however there are few exceptions to this rule mainly in mutation type quirks.

The second way is through testing the blood. It can be hit or miss especially when dealing with late bloomers but once the body starts to develop its quirk it mutates the DNA of someone. This change has been called the quirk factor.

Everyone that has a quirk has this mutation.

Even someone like Midoriya who was previously quirkless and had no quirks factory went through a change when he inherited One for All.

If you were to test Midoriya's blood right now you would find that he has a quirk factor despite the fact that he has an extra joint.

The blood I tested has no quirk factor."

This was a lot. There was a chance that at least one of the Brotherhood members is a clone, and despite his abilities according to his DNA he has no quirk.

Nezu: "Could the fact that its a clone have something to with the lack of a quirk factor?"

RG: "Could be but the fact that the blood has held so well and the only clue that he is a clone is the fact that Ken was there when the blood was collected makes me doubt it."

Nezu sat in contemplative silence. This was a lot of information that could change everything. Was there someone creating clones and giving them different quirks?

Was this Ken's quirk? If it was how were his clones able to do the things they did, and why were their abilities so different?

The last and most important question, if it isn't a quirk then what is it?

*POV RUMI-Siatama*

Rumi Usagiyama had been on a nonstop training spree ever since she had a run in with Ronin at the mall. She had never felt so helpless before.

She had made it her goal to never feel like that again. Blood, sweat, and sore muscles was all she knew for the next months. Training and chasing after different heros demanding fights was her new norm until one day while she was chasing after Crust a swarm of villains came out of nowhere and began to cause havoc.

She didn't realize it was happening all over Japan until one of the cops she saved from a villain with a Scorpion quirk told her.

Fight after fight she never stopped. She eventually ran out of villains to beat into the ground and by then she was practically dead on her feet. She had passed out while standing.

She woke up in a hospital and was trying to leave as soon as possible. It took Ryuko coming in and talking to her for ten minutes to calm her down.

She had stayed in the hospital for five days recovering. After she was given the clear she was called into a meeting with several other heros, as well as U.A.

This war was apparently with the Brotherhood and some villain named All for One. She had listened as they talked about who he had and how they were coordinating to best take down the villains.

She had only perked up when they mentioned finding the Brotherhood. They were looking for Senju, if they found one there was a chance of finding the others.

Hawks: "Helllooooo earth to Rumi."

She had suddenly become aware of the fact that Hawks was poking her in her head. Swiping at his hand she gave him a light glare.

Rumi: "Cut that out chicken wings...you look like shit."

Before she could go on a tirade she noticed the ruffled look of her fellow hero. His cloths were tattered and his wings were missing a few feathers and were ruffled as well.

Hawks: "Yeah...I've been flying non-stop all over Japan. I was only given a break a few days ago."

Rumi: "*scoff* Please I've been fighting just as long."

The two continued to banter as they walked they were joined by one of the wild wild pussy cats Ragdoll. They were supposed to form a group to track down a member of the Brotherhood preferably Senju so they could talk.

Things were quiet extremely quiet. Rumi's instincts were telling her something was off. The others were on edge as well, Hawks wings were twitching and Ragdoll was looking everywhere with a scrunched up expression on her face.

Reaching the outskirts of Siatama they began to head back when an emergency S.O.S was sent.

U.A was under siege.


Allmight for the most part played a small part in this war. He would only participate when a villain proved too problematic for the rest to deal with. He wanted to do more but nearly everybody that he knew made him stay out of the majority of the conflicts.

He was helping with a villain from Tartarus in Kufo when an emergency S.O.S was sent from U.A. On his way back he was tackled mid-air.

Crashing into a building he immediately retaliated with a punch...only for it to be caught.

Unknown: "It's been a while Allmight."

Allmight looked up to see a face covered in dark brown fur and animalistic red eyes that seemed to swirl with madness and bloodlust.

Unknown: "I'm a little disappointed that you don't remember me. But I suppose that's to be expected. You took me out around five years ago with one punch.

I'm sure you have noticed but I've gotten a few...improvements since last time."

The unknown villain used the hold he had on his fist to swing the hero out of the building and into another.

Recovering quickly Allmight rolled to his feet and charged at the villain. Swinging to knock him out he didn't even call out his attack. This villain was sent to keep him from U.A he couldn't wast time in this unless fight.

Dodging the blow the villain raised his hand in a claw like manner aiming to swipe at Allmight's throat. Raising his forearm he intercepted the blow.

Looking at the claws that were trying to rip his throat out he noticed the that his nails were metallic and dripping a purple substance.

Noticing the heros gaze the villain spoke. "Hehehehe a little gift from the boss along with a few less...noticeable ones."

Opening his mouth the villain lunged forward trying to take a chunk out of the hero. He was met with an uppercut that sent him flying back.

Unknown: "HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I had my doubts but he was telling the truth!!! I. DIDN'T. EVEN. FEEL. THAT.

Allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm Mammoth, I've killed over fifty heros all over the world and now I'm going to kill YOU!!!"

Allmight recognized the villain now. He had made a name for himself by hunting down heros all over the world.

Despite his feats the H.P.S.C did their best to hide his killings. He had a tendency to eat his victims, some were still alive during the process. He had tracked him down and took him out in one blow.

Smiling at the frowning hero Mammoth charged at the number one hero. Dodging under a right Mammoth swiped at Allmight's stomach. With the other hand Allmight caught the swipe by the wrist weary of the claws.

Grinning the villain wad about to swipe with his other hand when an elbow struck him in the crook of his neck. Mammoth was crushed into the ground witch catered with the blow.

Using the wrist that was still in his hand Allmight swung the villain onto a fire hydrant. An animalistic cry of pain could be heard for miles as the Mammoth was impaled through his stomach.

Not looking back Allmight crouched preparing to take a large leap. If this villain was sent here to stall/kill him that means that some big players were at U.A mabey even All for One himself.

Before he could take off however, a hand with sharp claws that dug into his calf stopped him. It felt like acid was running through his vains.

Mammoth: "Where are you running off to? We are juuuust getting started."

Looking back Allmight saw that Mammoth had one hand wrapped around his leg while the other clutched the fire hydrant that was protruding from his stomach. With one solid yank Allmight was dragged back towards Mammoth and before he could retaliate two fists slammed down onto Allmight breaking through the road and sending them both into the sewers.

Getting up as fast as possible while still trying to catch his breath Allmight turned around readying himself for the next attack. Red eyes looked at him, amusement and glee mixed with the constant madness that couldbe seen in his eyes.

The sound of metal bending and flesh being torn rang through the sewers. Stepping into the light Allmight saw the gapping wound quickly regenerate itself. Mammoth began to stalk towards Allmight a grin spread across his face.

Mammoth: "Poison isn't really my favorite. It ends things too quickly, it takes the fun out of the hunt. But who knows it might make for an interesting flavor."

His last statement was emphasized with a lick of his lips and a blood thirsty grin.

Letting out a growl Mammoth charged towards Allmight, who in return steadied himself and met the charge head on.


Sounds of gunfire, explosions and blood curdling screams could be heard both inside and outside of U.A.

The heros were in the front lines pushing back the villains while the students supported from the rear and occasionally joined the fray.

While some of the villains were relatively low tier, there were an abundant of villains that were from Tartarus and other high security prisons. It appears that All for One managed to keep some of his strongest fighters hidden.

It didn't take long before the first line of defense fell. While U.A was among one of the most well secured place in not only Japan but the world right behind the two prisons Tartarus and The Raft, like all things it had a threshold for how long it will last when under siege.

Heros, Cops, Swat, Firefighters, Students, and citizens alike took up arms. If U.A fell then the heros would lose a major foothold in this war. Guns that previously shot rubber bullets now shot real bullets, desks, and other office supplies were turned into makeshift blockades and projectiles.

Allmight and the other heros were on their way but at the rate things were going U.A would fall before they arrived.


Almost there. All hehad to do was get his hands on the little girl that was hidden within U.A. He had of course heard the rumors of a little white haired girl that was seen from time to time with the Brotherhood.

Little was known about her and once the war started she had all but disappeared. He had waited a while before he heard anything of value and it was from his spy in the school no less.

He had seen the girl a few times with Recovery Girl helping heal the injured. It seems as tho she also had a healing related quirk. He listened from a from a distance still hooked up to several machines as the fight went on.

He was waiting for the Brotherhood to arrive or more like Senju to arrive. The only one that he was weary of from the group was Ronin. His ability to cut through anything could prove to be deadly. The rest he could keep at a distance and either kill or widdle down to a state of exhaustion.

After a man who had a mole mutation approach him and told him that the Brotherhood had arrived...and Ronin wasn't with them. He smiled this was going better than planned.

Removing his medical devices All for One's breathing became coarse ans raspy quickly reaching for a mask that covered the lower part of his mouth. It was time for him to move he needed to grab the girl before they arrived.

His presence alone stopped many in their tracks. With a single attack he blasted a hole through their defense killing many. It didn't take long to find her, she was in the medical bay. A small frown appeared on his face, he could barely see her. It was like something was trying to shield her presence from him.

It didn't take long to get his hands on her. Nobody besides Allmight could stand in his way and people such as him and Eraser were being dealt with.

All for One's frown deepened when he got his hand on the girl. A force field had tried to prevent him from touching her and she had shot several explosives at him. She had put up a better fight than most, but in the end he overpowered her defense and swatted away her attacks.

As he held her by her neck he frowned. He could tell she had a quirk but he couldn't feel it. It was like something was shielding it from him.

His frown quickly disappeared once the members of the Brotherhood appeared.

AFO (All for One): "Welcome! I've been waiting for all of you. I have a deal for you, give me Senju and I'll return this little girl...Eri to you."

He of course wouldn't let her go. There is only one quirk that he couldn't take by force OFA (One for All) she had become the second. Of he couldn't take her quirk he would twist and break her. Who knows he might keep the other members of the Brotherhood alive for her to experiment on.

The Brotherhood froze. They seemed to even lack the ability to breathe as they looked on in horror. A twisted smile crawled onto his face as he watched them freeze up.

AFO: "So...do we have a deal?"

Their response was not what he expected. In perfect union they spoke.

Brotherhood:"Oh you're so fucked."