
The Chronicles of Illis - Book 1

The story is set in the fictional/ fantasy world of ILLIS and follows the journey of a boy named Kai and the many people he comes across. THE STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANY PERSON, CAST, CREED OR RELIGION DIRECTLY

Rediah · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Kai had a small room; it had a wooden floor. Housing only three ornaments of furniture the room appeared quite spacious. A small bed, A polished desk and a simple chair along with these, there also was a closet fixed to a wall. A window positioned right beside Kai's bed through which the sun always faced in. it was a cozy little room.

Kai had just walked in when he heard a strange siren sound.

"Wonder what that is," Kai mused aloud.

"Sounds like a warning, rather an alarm." Spoke a familiar voice in Kai's head.

"Obviously... I wonder what it's for...wait a sec..."

"Yes, what is it."

"WOOAH! It's you ...isn't it?"

"Whatever do you mean" the voice replied smugly.

"You're the... the elder demon uncle mentioned."

"Err not quite,"

"why" said Kai his head spinning.

"Hey, don't pass out on me again, hey..."

"I asked why" repeated Kai steadying himself against the chair.

"I quit withs the elder demon stuff, that's why"

"and you did that because?"

"I found you" the voice said sweetly.

"Right..." said Kai now considering he was crazy.

"No seriously, I quit because I found you. My name is Kenviar, see its Ken-we-are, When you were brought to me, I reconsidered my position and here we are, By the way you are now one of the few beings alive that know my name."

"Is that supposed to be an honor or something? And how did you quit being who you are in the first place, " Kai now completely steady, He felt quite comfortable even though he was speaking with a source less voice which was claiming to be a very powerful Demon.

"It's no honor actually it's just that mostly the beings that hear my name meet a terrible and early death." Answered Kenviar, in a matter of factly voice." What a profound question! You may be right; one probably can't change who they are."

"Wait a minute... so Uncle was telling the truth?"

"Yes, I was listening in on what he said, and he summed it up quite interestingly, although he did not mention the contract..."

"What contract?"

"I am ... well, yours to control and...

"So, wait... you are like my servant? "Kai cut him off.

"Hey when you say it like that it sounds so bad, I am or rather my being is yours via the contract"

"wow... hey... what contract?... I don't remember agreeing to any contract"

"I wouldn't be surprised you being a child and all, but the fact is that we are in a contract and that mark on you hand is proof"

"How could I have entered a contract?"

"You don't remember? you were quite a peculiar young fellow as I remember you having your entities materialized."

"My what?"

"Anyway, we are in a contract... I am yours for your life and after you die, you're mine basically, along with a few clauses like I can't cause you harm or let you die intentionally or purposefully"


"I suppose I can't lie to you either... see when you were brought to me, you were in a state near death, I was asked to save you...but you see asking a Demon to save someone in a near death condition that was you is actually damning that person"

"Aaah...so when you say you are mine and when I die My soul is yours, does that mean I become an undead servant?"

"Well in a way we would have to see how it pans out when it does," Ken took a small breath before continuing, "and then there are certain conditions"


"Well to summarize My top priority is your safety I am to do all in my power for that, then I am to obey all your orders in the given time frame, and I cannot target anyone without your prior permission. Did I mention these already?"

"So if I were to die which I eventually will... My soul belongs to you?"

"That's pretty much it, kinda stuck on that aren't you... don't worry though, you aren't going to die any time soon as long as I am around,"

"Ahaan that's comforting,"

"It isn't so bad. We can be buds."

"Anyway, I own my very own demon ... wow"

"Better believe it buddy. Oh, and call me Ken, and If you want to give me an absolute order then use my full name"

"So, if I were to say Kenviar Show yourself then..."

"I would show myself"

All the air in the room started to blow away from the center and in a moment, there stood a humanoid being... looking very much like Kai although it was taller, more muscular, had black hair with a strange orange shade in his crimson Eyes. On His torso was a complex pattern of designs. He had wings as beautiful as an eagle's but jet black in color and much larger, they very neatly folded on his back.

Kenviar had a grin on his face "Well, what do you think"

"Its... your ... wow"

"I know, right... well this is my close to human form, of course I can shape shift to anyone or anything."

"So... where are you gonna live?" Kai asked curious.

"Your head"


"No seriously your head... it a nice place. You should visit sometime"


Knock, knock, knock

Kenviar vanished.

"Coming..." said Kai.

A man wearing a white wolf uniform, the likes of which Kai had already seen earlier, was standing outside his door. He had a rather worried look on his face.

"Master Kai, Master Philip would like to have an urgent word, before you turn in," The man's voice was all official.


10 minutes earlier

Outskirts of Aube,

Allen passed in front of six assassins, all kneeling,

"Men, we are here. This is it and I need not remind you of what's at stake here. Failure is not an option."

Allen then continued to explain the plan, explaining the layout of Aube, and some important points.

You will do nothing unless you're told, when you hear the signal, you know what to do."

The men nodded, Cyer gave Allen a meaning full look.

"Ahh... yes, I advise you to remain vigilant, assume at all times that the enemy knows of your presence, if not your location. You are not to use magic because the enemy is using sensors and you will be detected immediately. You know of the emergency exits as well as where we are to meet if all goes well. Lastly I remind you. If you are captured, make sure the enemy does not get any information from you weather dead or alive ... Ok then God Speed."