
The Chronicles of Illis - Book 1

The story is set in the fictional/ fantasy world of ILLIS and follows the journey of a boy named Kai and the many people he comes across. THE STORY IS A WORK OF FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANY PERSON, CAST, CREED OR RELIGION DIRECTLY

Rediah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


Kai walked hurriedly with the white wolf soldier.

"So, what's the siren about?" Kai inquired as they entered the main hall.

"Master Kai, there are people, some outsiders who infiltrated the village, they are hostile as we understand, Master Philip will explain the situation in detail, " The soldier said urgently leading the way to the main street.

The main street was a brick lined road, the Inn was situated right beside a small square, hosting a rather beautiful fountain. The sky was gray, and the wind was picking up speed.

Kenviar snorted in Kai's mind.

"What" Kai thought.

"Oh, it's nothing important ... it's just that things are going to get interesting"

"Interesting how?"

"Don't you worry Kai, I got your back."


"Is something the matter" the soldier said looking at Kai,

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering... where is Uncle anyway". Replied Kai as they neared a turn.

"Master Philip is on the northern edge of the village with a squad of elites I think, He might make a sweep."

"What's a sweep"

"Master Kai please keep pace, we must hurry Master Philip should explain everything..."

Just then the sound of an explosion erupted followed by a small shock wave on the far side of Aube,

"Master Kai, do hurry." The soldier said with the least bit of worry, Nearing the northern edge of the village.

The soldier led Kai to a group standing near the trail that led to the forest.

Another explosion,

Heavy smoke began rising from different locations in the village.

"Master Kai put this on, it's a communicating device" The soldier said approaching the group holding out a bracelet, showing a similar one he himself was wearing.

"I don't think that's a good idea" said Ken's voice (Kenviar)

"Haan ..." said Kai aloud now confused

"Put the bracelet on, hurry" ordered the soldier

Confused a bit and not thinking much Kai wore the bracelet, as soon as he did he lost consciousness.


When Kai opened his eyes, he was still too weak to move; on top of that he seemed to be tied up. His eyes were unable to focus to the new lights everything was all fuzzy.

"Ken, Ken" Kai thought desperately but to no avail.

Kai heard voices along with a strange whistle sound in his ear.

"I say it again, this was too easy, Allen"

"I agree Gus, perhaps we were lucky or perhaps this was some sort of a trap"

"But why risk his life, if this were a trap?"

"Good point, but as I showed you, his life is not at risk, the chances of him dying are the same as lightening striking ten times on the same spot."

"This is troublesome, quite troublesome indeed."

"I agree, well, untie him. It's not like he has the energy to move." Allen said to someone.

Kai felt someone approaching, hearing the sound of footsteps on dried leaves, it seemed like they were in the forest.

Untied, his eyes had adjusted to the lighting. The place was rather dark. A man sat facing Kai. He looked strange.

"Well, I am sorry for the roughness, but its standard procedure, By the way my name is Allen and you must be Kai" Allen finished his voice surprisingly friendly.



Kai was in a forest abducted by people of whom he had no idea. For reasons he did not know, a man named Allen introduced himself,

"haanh!" Kai tried to speak but felt too weak, his consciousness rapidly growing but he still couldn't think straight.

"Right... well Kai it would seem like you have an old buddy of mine looking out for you." Allen said his gaze now going over Kai.

"Kai, Kai are you ok, Kai !!!" came Ken's voice in his head.

"Uhh... yeah, Ken I think I am. What happened?" Kai now semi alert.

"Well when you put on these drainers, you lost consciousness, these kind men tied you up and brought you here, but don't worry. With me around no one can harm you, so ... want me to take em out."

"Hmmm... no I want to know what's happening, and who they are" Kai thought now stable. He looked at the bracelet it had a gem which was glowing purple.

"That's enough," Allen said, " Ah, so your stabilizing Kai good ... good" Allen said his eyes on Kai's bracelet.

"Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want?" Kai asked the series of questions looking at the surroundings, they were in a camp site in the middle of the forest. Snow covered most of the terrain. Several people wearing similar cloths to Allen were walking here and there.

"I already told you my name is Allen, as to why you are here, well that would be because I have been tasked to err ... rescue you from the white wolves and lastly what I want, well for now I want a cup of tea and something to go with it" Allen said the last part aloud, a man standing a few feet away looked at Allen and nodded.

"Who tasked you, and why am I being taken away from Aube?"

"Well, I have been tasked by the organization that I am presently working for, it's called frateco de Garuda, the brotherhood of the Garuda that is, and Kai you are too much of a potential to be left in the white wolf's paws."

"I don't understand."

""Of course," Allen casually spoke indicating with his hand as he did, "In any case Kai allow me to ask you a question now."

He continued without waiting for Kai, "What exactly do you know about the white wolf?" Allen was looking at him directly in the eye.

Kai slightly lowered his head, "The white wolf is an organization that restores the war-torn parts of Illis and strives to bring prosperity to the lands"

Kai calmly spoke the almost mantra like answer that you could find most people repeating in one form or the other.

"Naturally that is what they would have you believe, now Kai, what do you think happens to those people who refuse to be a part of this," Allen had a thin smile on his lips as he finished, "prosperity".

"I... I don't know" Kai answers was hardly audible.

"Glad to know, Kai, it means you are not blind even if you have been kept ignorant," Allen changed his tone to an almost teacher like, "let me explain, the wolf does not accept that any, but they are on the right path, at the very least they are fanatics and on the other extreme… well I hope you don't find out"

Kai remained quiet, trying to contemplate what this man was saying.

"Kai, you have lived in the heart of the wolf territory I assume; you don't know much about the principalities?"

"You are right." Kai was realizing the extents of his own ignorance but still wanted to believe in the wolf.

"Kai ... what I am saying is that the white wolf is just that, a wolf, a monstrous animal, not bound by rules or norms but what it itself wants to abide by"

"I … I don't" Kai was trying to frame his own thoughts.

Allen realizing that he was overloading Kai with information, so he relaxed his shoulders and stepped back,

"Let's just say that the white wolf are not the good guys, although neither are we" Allen finished with a sigh

"I think I will decide that for myself," replied Kai definitive in his own mind, looking down at his bracelet, "by the way what exactly did you do to me?"

"Oh, don't worry about the bracelet, it's not dangerous to you it seems."

"Really?" said Kai, his tone sarcastic

"You see I was tasked to abduct you, and if not possible, kill you. I would have tried to do the later the moment we caught you, but I found Kenny and well I didn't really want to do it either when I saw you. Oh, he and I are old buddies." Allen added partly answering Kai's surprised look.

"Well because of that I couldn't kill you. I can though but it's not worth the trouble."

"Ahaan," Kai was disturbed by how frankly Allen was talking about not being able to kill him, He seemed to act as if they were old friends. Kai shifted his weight.

"Anyway," Allen continued, "I decided to abduct you, that's where the bracelets come in, see they are embedded with gems from a legendry crystal, they drain almost all of all your energy, so they really knock the breath out of you. See, I am wearing one too. Allen showed Kai the bracelet from earlier. As you get stronger, what they consume of your power also increases. Well, I think you get the point. These are excellent for training purposes. I was hoping that you would remain out cold for the rest of our trip, but it seems that Kenny doesn't share my hopes. It doesn't matter though. The white wolves are quite serious about keeping you."

"Why am I so important. I mean how much? I mean why..."

"Kai, slow down... See, its simple. The organization I am presently working for fear you, or rather what you can do. They even tried to kill you when you were younger, after they came to know about you. Well, the brotherhood almost succeeded too if it weren't for Philip..." Allen was reminiscing about old memories his eyes wandering off, as he spoke lost in his own thoughts. Almost immediately he looked back at Kai,

"Don't worry I mean you no harm anymore. Trust me, I am a nice guy, or so people say. Actually, I don't really want to abduct you either anymore. So, you need not worry anymore."

Kai studied Allen; he had a pleasantly sincere smile on his face.

"Just sit tight and enjoy the ride. Oh, now I feel sorry for dragging you all the way here for nothing. You know what? You keep the bracelets as an apology. The other one is on your ankle, oh and when you talk to Kenny tell him I said hi."

Allen stood up and walked towards a table surrounded by Assassins, placing a hand on his temple.

"Allen this is Cyer. They are here. I am with the advance party. There are thirty of them, scouts by the looks of it. Should I engage" the voice issued from a device on the table.

Allen leaned in, "Go ahead, enjoy. But be quick. We need to leave."

A man beside Allen pointed towards Kai, "what about him?"

"Leave him Gus. This mission has, I hate to admit, failed on that part. Now prepare for our departure."