
The Chronicles of Elijah

A young spec ops soldier reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. I do not own Marvel or any of the characters except my OC . Nor do i own the cover.

HAIZTAM · Movies
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78 Chs

New power and the truth about Skye


Elijah was busy looking through some DNA sequencing while Natasha was next to him.

He had decided to use a chamber that he created using several technologies that could grant people powers similar to those of mutants and inhuman.

Natasha:" So what should i do ?"

Elijah showed Natasha a thub-like chamber: "You need to lie here and bear the pain. The power you receive will be something which you are more attuned to."

Natasha nodded and took off her clothes and rested in the chamber then signalled to Elijah that she's ready.

Elijah looked over the parameters one more time before he activated the machine. After a while a searing pain enveloped Natasha. Despite her high resilience, she wanted to scream but she held it in. After more than 10 minutes the pain subsided and Elijah confirmed the success of the operation and waited for the result of the scan to reveal the power she got.

Natasha got out and Elijah helped her. She looked fairer , her skin looked almost as white as Elijah's and when he touched her skin ,her temperature seemed very low. Elijah guessed she may have cold related powers.

After few moments , the results got out.

After looking over them, Elijah said:" Well congratulations, you have gained the power to manipulate ice and cold. Try to think about a small construct of ice and try to manifest it ."

Natasha nodded and concentrated then a small cube of ice formed in her hand albeit Elijah could feel her energy a bit more chaotic needing more training and power assimilation.

Natasha looked elated at having more power to protect herself and her brother.

Elijah kept performing tests until he was assured that Natasha is more than fine and she only needs training.

Elijah:" You will be staying in Inselheim to work on your powers, get used to it and try to see what are the limits of your powers."

Natasha nodded and after talking with her brother for a while, she left to the coldest area in Inselheim as Elijah stated that like him she has cold immunity and she could strengthen her connection to cold and ice there.


Elijah decided to oversee S.H.I.E.L.D while Natasha was away. It was a transition and Elijah needed S.H.I.E.L.D to serve its purpose in helping him protect the planet from outside or inside threats.

Elijah was sitting in the director office listening to Victoria Hand's report . She was a diligent woman and with her help, the transition went smoothly.

Elijah:"is Coulson's team ready?"

Victoria:" Yes they are . Like Director Müller instructed, we assigned agent Bobby Morse to them."

Elijah :" Please call them in. I need to talk to them about important matter before they go in the field."

Victoria nodded respectfully and called team Coulson in. They came in after a few minutes.

Coulson :" Sir, agent Hand good morning."

Elijah and Victoria nodded while Elijah said:" Agent Coulson. Good morning, please come in , your team too."

The agents came in and stood in line while most of them had twinkle in their eyes upon seeing the legendary Elijah Müller , the smartest person alive and the most handsome celebrity.

Elijah began reviewing their file and resume then said :" the work that Fury assigned you before HYDRA uprising was fitting for your team and your work was exemplary except some mistakes that needs to be avoided in the future. It was decided by me, Natasha and agent Hand to reassign you to the new BUS. It will serve as a mobile command center for your team. You will be travelling the globe and will be dealing with high risk missions and alien investigation as well people with power that you will be assigned to investigate.

Now we need to deal with one problem in your team , Skye aka Daisy Johnson."

Skye suddenly went stiff, she was afraid ever since the new S.H.I.E.L.D began , she was scared that she will be booted out by the new management.

Coulson stepped forward and tried to defend Skye:" Sir, she may be new but she has good skills that could benefit the agency. "

The rest of the team all followed in defending her while Elijah looked stoic as ever.

Elijah just looked at them then said :" as much as i admire your team spirit, we need to clear things about you Miss Johnson. You joined the agency so you can find more about your parents?"

Skye:" yes sir , the only thing i found about myself is a file in S.H.I.E.L.D."

Elijah:" If you want to know about your parents, i'll be more happy to provide with the information . " at this Daisy almost teared up . Elijah continued:" But believe me it isn't anything that you want to know."

Coulson :" Sir what do you mean?"

Elijah sighed and said:"If i was in her place, i wouldn't want to know. "

Skye:" It's okay Sir. I worked all my life to try and find them."

Elijah:" Do you want me to tell you in private or in front of your team?"

Skye :" Sir i trust them. They always helped me."

Elijah nodded and began:"your father was a brilliant doctor, he used to work at Doctors without Borders but now he's a lunatic and a monster.

Your mother was a villager from Hunan, she was in her twenties by the end of the world war II. She was captured by HYDRA and forced to touch a dangerous object after which she gained life force absorbing powers. She worked alongside your father before she was captured again by HYDRA and experimented upon leading to her apparent death but in fact her body was stitched back by your father after that they began looking for you after you were taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D. leaving a path of carnage in their wake. Now both of them could be considered monsters in the eyes of others."

Skye was in tears after hearing the history of her parents and all people present felt bad for her.

Coulson:" Sir are they still alive?"

Elijah:" Yes Jiaying is the leaders of inhuman on earth. She hates humanity and wants to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D . Calvin Johnson is still kidnapping and experimenting on people, he has created a formula that made him turn into a humanoid monster enhancing his strength and resilience but with the side effect of extreme anger and insanity."

Skye said in tears :"Can i meet them?"

Elijah :" Yes , you should meet them but you're not ready. Even if they are still looking for you, they can kill you easily. And of course you should meet them to convince them and specially your mother to relent on her plans because I don't want to go around killing inhumans if they pose to be a threat to humanity."

Leo :" Sir , what's inhuman?"

Elijah:" Agent Coulson will be filling you in on that. For now i need you all to return to work and please train miss Johnson to be a field agent. "

Elijah looked at Skye then said :" If you prove to me that you can protect yourself and your teammates. I will be giving you the location of both your parents."

Skye nodded in a determined face.

Elijah sent them out leaving only Coulson.

Elijah :" Good job on your team dynamics. Keep up the good work . Your first mission is here."

Elijah touched the desk and a view screen appeared showing a file on Carl Creel, a man with absorbing powers.

Coulson:" John Garrett was sent to kill him sir. I guess he recruited him into HYDRA."

Elijah:"yes but he was brainwashed similar to Sgt Bucky Barnes.

I want your team to be on the move and apprehend him."

Coulson :" Yes sir."

Coulson then left.

Victoria:" Sir , can she be ready to face her parents ? From what you told me , her mother will try to kill her if she doesn't follow her plans."

Elijah :" she will be ready. Miss Johnson is stronger than what it seems."