
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Teacher of a monster (2)

>>May I know your name as I will teach you dark magic as per the agreement, I had with your uncle<< Jack asked, trying not to show any form of emotion to the child.

The ghost-like voice and figure clenched onto Jack, and many more appeared. Those were the things that he had to go through, and he would always go through them alone.

>He also can't see them< like many before him, because none saw the vengeful things of his past, which is why he already believes these things to not be real but just part of his imagination to make him go in a deeper sense and lose the very thing that makes him, himself.

>>Ri'kemo but just call me Ri so it is easier to pronounce for you<< Jack nodded to Ri's request.

>>I understand, Ri, now what I need for you is your nails to cut my arm's wrist<< He then held his wrist close to Ri, who had his eyes wide open at the sudden request. >>I should what human?<

Ri asked Jack as if the request that Jack had made was something only someone dumb would ask, but Jack did not change his way of speaking and said the same request again.

>>I asked you to cut my wrist open I require my blood so I can show you what as a dark magician you need to learn and the best way is to use my blood to also demonstrate to you what you as a dark mage can do<<

The cold face of Jack the way how it seems all sense of life had been sucked off from him each second his eyes became emptier his movement more like a machine and what Ri saw around Jack was a full fledge aura of darkness all these small balls of light that he would see were not bright enough this aura of darkness that was around Jack.

That was stronger than even with corpses that he had seen in the past were not that much it was a sense of discomfort he felt like something was right there with him a force of something was there that made it like an instinct for someone like him that this darkness around him was dangerous.

Ri, using his nail, cut Jack's wrist open, and blood spewed out of Jack's wound. There was no hesitation; Jack not showing any sign of pain, like bleeding, was meaningless to him.

Using his nose, he drew a triangle on the ground with a circle around it, with the circle touching the points of the triangle.

Ri watched how he drew a triangle and circle with his nose alone, and it still seemed nearly perfect.

>>Now what I need you to remember is that symbols and words are powerful things. Even other dark magicians I met in an adventure guild said the same that we dark mages especially need to watch out with our words as our words may take effect even if that is not our intention, like when we curse someone out of anger and the curse happens in the end<< He then pointed to the triangle points.

>>The symbol of the triangle on its own is entirely meaningless, as is the circle. What you need to do is give it meaning. I tend to give the triangle the meaning of a trinity, with each point representing a thing, with the things I'm using being life, death, and the living, with the circle connecting the three<<

Ri heard the things that Jack used, then asked a question: >>Is there something different with living and life? <<

The two accepted their roles. Ri did not ask any questions about why a human was teaching him dark magic because his uncle brought the human to him.

He saw how the human missed an arm, but he didn't need to know why he was missing an arm. He had an agreement with his uncle, and he felt the divine power of his uncle in Jack's body. That was all he had to know right now, and nothing more.

>>Something can have a life force in it; however, the living can have a life force or a death force in them. The death force has a dark color, being black, while the life force is a ball of light, which you should always see around you<<

He looked at Ri, who nodded, and Ri spoke: >>Indeed, I do see a lot of balls of light around, so that is just the life force that exists?<< Ri seems to understand slowly that this black aura-like thing around Jack is the force of death itself; it was a thick mass of it.

>>And not every living requires the life force to live as dark magicians we can utilize what is necromancy which is the resurrection of the dead and the way a dark magician does that is by using the death force to move the body of the undead which is why dark mages even when they are what would be called advanced ranks of necromancy would still be unable to resurrect undead that have a mind of their own<<

>>However, liches have the power to make the death force act like the life force with that granting their resurrected beings even sentients but bound to their summoner<<

He then stopped at his talk looking at Ri in Ri eyes not speaking thinking for a moment but then he spoke once more: >>Now I want you to try and make also a symbol you can also copy mine and copy what I did and use the same meaning if needed<<.

Ri cut his wrist and used his other hand he did use the same symbols as Jack used, he was first thinking of using the symbols and the meanings he gave them the blood of Ri was black.

Pure black the pain that came from cutting his wrist was nothing for Ri it was not something that a raco would flinch even. When Ri drew the same thing as Jack when it was done Jack started to explain the next step.

>>Imagine this also as a form of medium something that is there to help you to manipulate the life and death force that is all around us I will help you to insert your life force in the symbol you drew and with that I want you to concentrate and manipulate all the life force around you<<.

He held the hand of Ri he was surprised at first of the sudden holding of his hand but did not punch Jack out of reaction.

Jack moved Ri hand to the medium he drew and holding his hand he guided him to insert his life force into the newly made medium Jack in just mere seconds Jack saw how the life force of Ri was entering the medium.

>>Good now I want you to imagine these life forces as tangible things that you can manipulate with your mind alone. Think of your mind as another arm that you can use to grab the life force and death force that you can freely move<<

Even though the explanation was short and did not have too much in detail Ri understood how he should do it as part of the village he also trained physically it was obvious from his body and well-defined muscles he did not skip a single part of his body having trained it all with all the other raco's.

Jack saw something he was not seeing all the life force anymore he had stopped concentrating on it to view the life death force at the same time as it was too tiresome, he was also not talented like others just someone that learned well.

He concentrated again to see the life force with his eyes open and what he saw was not the life force only but how they were moving as Ri interacted with each and one of them. He moved the life force already a genius of a dark mage is the only word to describe Ri.

>Someone like him with that much talent will become a great dark mage in the future< There was a small feeling in Jack, but that feeling was gone when an old voice came out speaking in an authoritative voice that spoke which anger in it.

>>Look at you even after so many years only knowing one rank 2 spells of the dark arts with it having taken 4 years to even manipulate the life force without using a medium for you. Why bother teaching him even properly, in the end, he will surpass you, won't he? So, don't be nice be ruthless in your teaching be selfish<<

The voice was that of a man no it was not any man but a ruler that he once knew the eyes of Jack became emptier the sparks of emotion or what he had even remained were going as the ones he knew in the past all came back.

The more Jack lost the sparks of his eyes the thicker the force of death was around him the more Ri saw how he acted like a machine the explanations became shorter but more understandable his movements were stiff when he spoke it felt monotone as if he read the words from a piece of paper given to him. In just an hour, Jack finished the lesson, Ri learned it all.

>It's done< the single thought was there, and Jack stood up he finished his part of the deal he taught everything he knew even necromancy which took him years to learn Ri learned it all in mere hours.

That was what it feels like when a non-genius meets a genius.

>>You are a good teacher human<< Ri complimented Jack but he did not listen to all the sounds outside were defend he could not hear anything.

He walked out and left Ri all alone, he did not look anywhere as the noises were not hearable, the whispers of the spirits all around him were in his ears, he heard only them, the whispers, their touch, and their hatred.