
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Start of a catastrophe chapter 2

Ri walked out of the cave; he saw Jack leave for the woods. He did not go after Jack; he was a human while Ri was a monster. The two could not become close friends, at least not in this time of the world.

Ri took a leap, but he restrained himself to not cause the air to hit each other to a degree where they would cause a sound of explosion because of the speed at which he moved. He took multiple leaps, reaching the village in mere seconds

. He saw his uncle there and landed in front of him. His uncle looked at him and had a smile around his face. He saw the junior goblins all around.

>>Uncle, the human you had sent, taught me everything that he knew<< Ri reported this to his uncle.

Even if the two were related, there was still a hierarchy in this village, with his uncle being the head and the 12 leaders being a rank below him, but the only thing where his uncle has more power is in the final sign; otherwise, the power of authority is close to being the same across the 13 of them.

>>I see you seemed to have learned it all well, didn't you? Did you memorize it all immediately, like you always tend to<< His uncle asked, and Ri nodded.

Ri had a blessing from their god: the blessing of an intellect that cannot be compared with the others of his species. He can learn anything faster than the others; they could not come close to how fast he understands something.

He tends to act like he needs some time, but things that are on his level, he can understand instantly and use them to the fullest.

>>Tell me then, did you notice anything suspicious on that human?<< the uncle asked his nephew with an ominous smile.

Ri, seeing that smile, knew that the question, while seeming innocent, was not that innocent; he was testing Ri right there, right now. His uncle and the 12 leaders had high expectations of Ri that he would succeed and become the new village chief.

That is why they went to look for dark magicians around other monsters, but they were the only ones who lived in this forest, and thanks to Jack, they had found someone to teach Ri dark magic.

>>His eyes...<< Ri said.

>>What about his eyes?<< his uncle asked, as if he did not know it already.

>>His eyes seemed empty, and not only that, but this dark aura that I would see was what he called the "death force," and this death force was all around him; it was thick and strong, and sometimes I felt like I could grab it with my bare hands and feel it.<< He stopped speaking for a moment thinking of what to say next first and choosing his words wisely.

He then continued speaking: >>I was not afraid of it, as the entire death force was all on the human, and his eyes became emptier. Instead of feeling like a being that was alive, he resembled over the hours more like a machine, until in the end he was just a machine. I even had glimpses of him; it was like there were other humans around him, but they were transparent, like the spirits I would see, just much more transparent, as if they could not hold themselves in our world<<

That was a lot of information; he did not expect that his nephew would learn this much being around Jack. He smiled; he liked how his nephew was catching all the details and, with his blessing, seeing the things that he himself would need divine energy to do so.

He had patted his nephew's shoulder and spoke in a praising manner: >>You did a good job in your observations. << He nodded to it, and his smile became wider.

His uncle then opened his eyes, and Ri smelled something he did not expect to smell sudden sweat coming from his uncle, but it was not a normal amount of sweat.

He understood that it was something more than what his uncle was feeling; he had also sensed it was a shudder of fear.

>>Uncle?<< Ri asked his uncle, but his uncle then ran off, leaving Ri needing to run after his uncle. The goblins that were around were all confused about what had suddenly happened; they were not like the racos; they were in the lowest ranking, also called being juniors.

Ri followed his uncle into the big tent and saw his uncle on the ground. He went beside his uncle, kneeling beside him and asking worriedly, >>Uncle, what is wrong?<<

He asked and looked at where his uncle looked, and now he noticed that the statue, the small statue that would always be behind the seat where his uncle would sit, was cracking from above and a light was coming out. Ri felt immense discomfort from it.

Ri'kemo, leave the tent; this is a divination. Upon hearing this being a divination, Ri immediately left the tent and went outside to not let anyone in.

Divinations were rare occurrences, which was a good thing, as the moment his uncle got one meant something terrible was going to happen to them.

He kneeled in front of the statue and watched as it cracked open, and a vast amount of divine energy got all out.

The amount was so vast and great that he could not help but hold his eyes open. Words were being formed with divine energy.

They went all around, not readable in any way for a moment, but then the words started to reassemble, and words were being formed with him speaking to them out as they were being made.

His eyes widened, and shock with terror was on his face, and he shouted: >>Oh gods, please tell me, is this avoidable!<<

He and his village had to avoid it if they were to be pulled into this thing; they would be damned now; they may even get completely annihilated.

The message that he was seeing was the message of war happening, a war that could not be measured in this world, with countless deaths, the death count being in the billions.

The message changed into the words saying: >>The war is not stoppable; the war will start; there will be signs; the first sign is that the sun will be covered, and a red color will fall upon the sky. The second sign is that the living will grow stronger, the birth of children will increase, and the limits of all will be broken. The third sign is the corruption that will spread<<

That was the answer of the gods that he prayed to, as they were not monotheists; instead, they were polytheists, with this message being made by the four gods that they believed in at the same time.

He ran out to his nephew and grabbed his shoulders, speaking in the most serious manner, so serious that even his nephew saw him: >>Get the 12 leaders immediately because if we do not prepare now, we will all perish. <<