
The Chronicle of Secret Realm

In the midst of chaos, a lone figure emerges. Hope and redemption swell to their peak, his spirit forever changed by the journey into the unknown.

LanzCode · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Gaining Strength

After breakfast, Gramps Onel left the cave area, passing through a gate guarded by men wielding primitive weapons. Alex decided to approach one of the older children. "Hello there, I'm Alex. What's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Rod," the boy replied, taken aback by the sudden interaction.

"Nice to meet you, Rod. Do you know what's going on here? Sorry for asking, but I believe I've lost my memory," Alex said, hoping to gather information about his current situation.

"What do you mean?" Rod looked perplexed.

"I mean, why are we living in this cave?" Alex simplified his question.

"Oh, well…the tribe warriors brought us here yesterday," Rod explained, pausing with a solemn expression on his face. "My parents died when the beast attacked our village," he added, tears welling up in his eyes.

Alex put a comforting hand on Rod's back. "I see. It's okay. When we grow up, we'll defeat those beasts!" he said, trying to console him.

"Yeah, yeah! I'll destroy those ugly beasts when I grow up!" Rod declared suddenly, with renewed determination.

After talking with Rod, Alex realized that all the boys in the cave were actually orphans. 'Hmm, so we are survivors from other villages that were attacked by these beasts and luckily saved by this tribe,' he thought to himself.

At the peak of the midday sun, Gramps Onel returned with a handful of vegetables and retreated to his hut to prepare lunch. After their meal, the afternoon lesson began. Alex struggled to commit the strange symbols of the alphabet to memory. But after a week of diligent practice, he had successfully learned all the letters and their combinations. Not only did his mind improve, but his body also changed - no longer was he the skinny boy who arrived on this remote planet. Instead, his muscles were starting to develop and his physical strength was increasing. It wasn't just Alex who had made progress; all the boys in the group seemed to be maturing at a rapid pace, much faster than children back on Earth.

Feeling confident in his newfound skills, Alex approached Gramps Onel. "Gramps, I have mastered the alphabets," he declared.

"Really? Are you sure?" Gramps Onel was taken aback by Alex's statement.

Alex nodded confidently. "Then can you recite them for me?" Gramps Onel challenged him, unsure if Alex was bluffing or genuinely skilled. Without hesitation, Alex picked up a stick and began reciting the alphabet while writing it out on the ground.

"Hmm, this kid is not bad at all," Gramps Onel thought to himself as he watched Alex demonstrate his knowledge. After a series of questions and answers, Gramps Onel was satisfied. "Not bad at all. You really have mastered it. From now on, you don't need to attend our afternoon lessons. You can focus on your own activities, though I suggest incorporating more physical exercises to continue improving your body."

"Thank you for the advice, Gramps," Alex replied respectfully with a slight bow. 'This child is remarkably mature for his age,' Gramps Onel couldn't help but think as he watched Alex leave.

Just as Alex was about to leave the cave, Gramps Onel called him back. "Oh, Alex, I almost forgot. Here," he handed Alex a scroll made of animal skin. "This is a beginner meditation technique that all the boys should learn. But since you have already mastered reading and writing, you can start practicing it now."

Alex was surprised by this unexpected gift. "Thank you, Gramps. I will follow the instructions written on it," he promised before heading back to his own space in the cave.

That night, Alex followed the given instructions and began his meditation session. After an hour, he felt a throbbing pain in his head. 'According to the instructions, this means I've reached my limit,' he thought before drifting off to sleep. The next morning, he woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. 'This must be the effect of the meditation technique. It claims to strengthen mental resilience.' Just like the previous day, they went for their morning run together. In the afternoon, Gramps Onel announced to the other kids that Alex would no longer attend the afternoon classes. Some were surprised, others felt envious, but Alex was indifferent to their reactions. He was too focused on figuring out how to spend his newfound free time. 'According to Gramps, improving my physical strength is essential for my future success. I need to be prepared for whatever comes my way,' Alex thought as he noticed a tree near their cave. 'It's the perfect spot,' he decided. And so, under the shade of the tree, he began his workout routine: push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and laps around the cave. He kept pushing himself until he reached his breaking point.