
The Chosen One of the Ancients with a Game System

In an ordinary day, the life of the main character was turned upside down. He was ripped away from his familiar world and thrust into an unknown parallel world. In this world, there looms a threat of monsters invading through interdimensional gates. But in exchange for this unexpected turn of events, the hero gains an extraordinary ability—a game system with all the skills from his favorite game. In this new world, where the rules are initially unclear, the hero must survive and utilize the advantages of this game system to overcome the monsters that threaten to destroy the parallel world. His journey becomes a tale of transformation from an ordinary person into something greater, a being capable of altering the course of events. As the main character delves deeper into the world of gaming abilities and the struggle for survival, questions about the fate of his native world start to stir in his heart. What has become of the world he left behind? How can he balance protecting the new world with seeking answers about the fate of his home?

Seidakhmet_Issayev · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 4: The System's Avatar

Having bid farewell to the fading darkness, the white figure turned to me.

"Since we are alone now, it's time to reveal the final gift to you," said the white figure.

"A gift?" I asked.

"Yes. I cannot help you more than I should, but I can give you a gift that will be limited in its usage, yet can aid you in a difficult moment," the white figure replied.

"So, only in a situation where there is no escape from death?" I asked.

"Almost," replied the white figure.

"Could you elaborate?" I said.

After a brief pause, the white figure answered, "Once a week, you will be able to temporarily acquire any ability. However, there is one condition. The stronger the ability, the more time will pass before you can use it again. Conversely, weaker abilities can be used more frequently."

"So, if I choose a weak ability, there's a chance that I can use it continuously without any depletion?" I asked, excitement in my voice.

"If the conditions allow, you will be able to use the ability repeatedly, but remember that it will be available for only one hour. Also, you don't have to worry about any cost associated with using this ability," the white figure calmly replied.

"I understand. Thank you," I replied with a smile.

"Now we must bid farewell," said the white figure.

"Farewell? What will happen to me?" I asked.

"You will wake up inside the portal, but don't worry, the stone that provides the exit will be lying beside you. Just express your desire to leave, and you will immediately find yourself back on Earth," the white figure answered.

"So, I will end up in the portal from which, as you said, monsters emerge?" I asked in panic.

"Yes, but there are no monsters there anymore. So, don't worry," reassured the white figure before adding, "Farewell, I hope you fulfill your destiny."

Hearing the farewell from the white figure, I fell into a stupor, but before everything vanished before my eyes, I heard the figure's final words.

"My advice to you: befriend the system," the white figure whispered barely audible, and then I woke up.

As I woke up, I looked around. I was in a cave-like place, but the light here was as bright as the sun. Just as the white figure had said, I found the stone next to me.

The stone was small, almost the size of my little finger. It was white with multiple facets, but upon closer inspection, one could see a black core within the stone.

Staring at the stone for a while, I decided that it was not yet time to return. Considering that I found myself in such a place for the first time, and importantly, I might not have the chance to visit such a place again anytime soon. Therefore, I decided to explore the cave without fear of encountering anyone.

Perhaps some may wonder why I assumed that no one was present. If you haven't forgotten, the white figure said that there are no monsters here, which means it is safe. Plus, I need to understand how the system works.

In that moment when the thought of the system appeared in my mind, I heard an ephemeral voice. A voice that addressed me and seemed to originate from within my head.

"Greetings, bearer. I am a gaming system created by the envoy and endowed with an entity similar to theirs. Do you have any questions for me?" it said.

I stood there for a while, stunned as if lost in thought. Apparently, all the information I had received prior to this, along with this new information about the so-called system, had seriously burdened my mind. Trying to make sense of it all, I posed a question to the system.

"And where are you?" I managed to utter the question aloud.

"I am within you," she replied.

"Within me?! How? I don't understand," I said, even more bewildered.

"I cannot exist anywhere except within a soul. It is only within a soul that the forces allowing me to exist reside," she answered, her voice still ethereal.

My head felt as if it were constricting from the tension. I could literally sense it.

"If you're within me, can I communicate with you mentally?" I asked.

"Of course. After all, I am within your soul, so you can address me directly through your thoughts," she replied.

"And... what's your name, or how should I address you?" I inquired.

"I have no name, for I am merely a system," she replied.

"Then... let's call you Ever. In English, it means eternal. Since you're within my soul, and the soul is said to be immortal, you too are immortal and eternal, just like my soul," I said.

"Ever... If that's what the bearer decides, then I agree," she responded.

"Um... Regarding the word 'bearer,' let's find another way for you to refer to me," I suggested, adding, "Bearer sounds as if I'm carrying some kind of virus."

"Then how should I address you?" Ever asked.

"Let's go with my name," I said.

"Temir, the bearer?" she asked.

"Let's drop the 'bearer' and just go with Temir," I said.

"As you wish, Temir," she replied.

"That's settled then. Oh, and maybe you can tell me about your abilities. As far as I understand, you possess abilities from the game," I said.

"Just as you said. I possess abilities similar to the original ones from the game you played. I believe I don't need to explain their effects," she said.

"I would like to know more about them and how to use them, but I'm more interested in learning about you," I said.

"Following your request, should I start by answering about the abilities given to you or provide a complete explanation about the system?" she asked.

"Let's start with the system," I said, continuing further into the cave.

While conversing with her, I walked about 2-3 kilometers. The cave was bright all along the way, as if LED lamps were installed everywhere. As I explored the caves, I marveled at how beautiful it was. The walls shimmered with various colors, gently complementing one another in their iridescence. The flowers on the cave walls seemed to merge with the light emanating from within.

The surrounding environment captivated me with its mysterious atmosphere. Above my head, gigantic stalactites hung like rich crystals, sparkling and gleaming in the rays of light, creating a play of shadows and reflections. Their long, graceful forms appeared alive and unfathomable, as if beings from another dimension, bound to the cave ceiling by their magical charm.

Together, descending from celestial heights, they formed intricate patterns. As if invisible artists had composed a symphony of crystals. Some of them extended towards the ground, as if alive. Their brilliant surfaces reflected the light emanating from their bases, creating a play of shades and gleams. Along with the luminescence from the cave walls, they simulated the Northern Lights. Words cannot express how enchanted I was by this place.

I continued walking, guided by the interplay of light within the cave until I discovered unfamiliar inscriptions on the walls. Perhaps they were written by someone from another universe. Examining them, I noticed a pattern: the longer the inscription on the wall, the brighter the stalactites above it shone. Understanding this, I concluded that each line held a power, but not knowing what to do with it, I continued on.

After completing half the distance of those 2-3 kilometers, I came across a drawing radiating a mystical glow. And of course, I became somewhat entranced by it, or rather, I should say I stood frozen, immersing myself in its enigmatic presence. Realizing that I couldn't even grasp the actual image concealed by the luminosity, I decided to move on, leaving that question unanswered.

Following the trail, which seemed to have been trampled by a herd of animals, I continued onward, following the glow of the caves and the stalactites hanging down. Meanwhile, I engaged in conversation with Ever. I thought that if I didn't decide to return to Earth now, I would take another stroll to the wall drawing. Perhaps I could understand why it enticed me with its mystical light. But for now, the main thing was to fully explore the location and grasp the essence of Ever.

With such thoughts in mind, I responded to her question, saying, "Let's talk about the system."