
The Chosen One of the Ancients with a Game System

In an ordinary day, the life of the main character was turned upside down. He was ripped away from his familiar world and thrust into an unknown parallel world. In this world, there looms a threat of monsters invading through interdimensional gates. But in exchange for this unexpected turn of events, the hero gains an extraordinary ability—a game system with all the skills from his favorite game. In this new world, where the rules are initially unclear, the hero must survive and utilize the advantages of this game system to overcome the monsters that threaten to destroy the parallel world. His journey becomes a tale of transformation from an ordinary person into something greater, a being capable of altering the course of events. As the main character delves deeper into the world of gaming abilities and the struggle for survival, questions about the fate of his native world start to stir in his heart. What has become of the world he left behind? How can he balance protecting the new world with seeking answers about the fate of his home?

Seidakhmet_Issayev · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Chapter 3. The Game System?

When the terrible laughter subsided, the voice of the white figure addressed me.

"You've already heard it, but I'll have to create power for you myself. However..." The voice paused and then continued, "I cannot create something out of nothing; only one being across all worlds is capable of that. I can offer something akin to replication. But if I copy something from the bestowed powers, it can also harm the balance of forces. So I approach you with a proposition. I will give you abilities similar to the ones in the game you played when I brought you here. Will you be able to withstand the threats that stand before humanity with those abilities?" asked the white figure.

"A game? You want to give me abilities from a game? Seriously?" I blurted out.

"Yes," the white figure replied softly. "But not for free," she continued.

"Not for free?! How am I supposed to pay? You literally stole me from my world!" I shouted, although in reality, it was all in my mind. I couldn't utter a sound.

"I heard you, but you won't find any world where you're given something without asking for something in return. I will give you powers, but you will have to fulfill missions bestowed upon you. Such as saving people, killing monsters, and performing good deeds. For each of your righteous acts, you will receive something akin to energy. You can use it to enhance your abilities, characteristics, and even acquire items, but it will be limited to what exists in that game," the white figure spoke unhurriedly.

"Wait. What about the balance?" the voice from the darkness smirked and asked.

"It already exists. Only by doing good will he gain power. Isn't that balance, considering you took away what he could have had?" the white figure replied with a hint of aggression.

"I admit, we did something, but that doesn't negate the fact that there is no balance. Here's my proposal: for each of his acts that result in evil or cause harm, I will take away the energy necessary to obtain those abilities," the voice from the darkness said.

"How exactly?" the white figure asked.

"It's simple. The worse the consequences of his actions, the more energy I will take away. And if there isn't enough, I will take away existing abilities. How about that?" the voice from the darkness asked the white figure.

"But then he will be limited in many ways. After all, humans fight among themselves, and the harm he inflicts upon them will also be considered a sin. Will you take away his energy in that case too?" the white figure asked.

"It's hard to say. But if they attack him first, perhaps I won't count it. Though, who knows? After all, I'm not like you," the voice said to the white figure.

"And how can I trust you? You can always take away his energy, deeming his actions evil or deciding that the outcome was harmful," the white figure said.

"Then you can give it back to him; after all, he wants it himself. Isn't that right, human?" the voice from the darkness said.

When he asked that question, it felt as if I broke free from my chains and screamed in agreement in my mind. But unfortunately, the white figure decided to do things differently, agreeing to the conditions set by the voice from the darkness.

"I agree, but in return, I will give him a reward for what he lost and compensation from you for what you destroyed – his existence in this world," the white figure said.

"Compensation? For what? He was summoned here, shouldn't he be grateful for being able to use abilities unavailable in the real world? And you can give your gift, I don't mind," the voice from the darkness spoke in a displeased tone.

"You are obligated to do it, especially since you yourself saw that he is not pleased with all of this. Considering that your actions have affected the balance of the entire world, the compensation must be appropriate. You will have to sacrifice your energy, which you have been accumulating for at least 30 years," the white figure replied.

"30 years? Isn't that too much? Although, if after that you fully agree to my condition, then..." the voice from the darkness trailed off.

"Then I will agree," the white figure responded.

"So the deal is in effect. 30 years. I wonder how quickly I will be able to retrieve them from him?" the voice from the darkness said, followed by a hearty laughter.

"Now that we have all decided, it's time to create her," the white figure said and started shining incredibly bright.

After a dazzling flash from the white figure, it seemed like a piece detached, which was just as radiant as the figure itself. The bright piece of light flew into me, while from the darkness, an incredibly dark and filthy clump of something flew out, which began to change its color upon contact with the light, transforming into something between a bright sunlight and a blue sky. The bright blue clump entered me, just like the previous bright piece of light.

After those clusters of light assimilated into my body, I felt something extraordinary. It was as if my body had been filled with immense power. Is it possible that I have become stronger than many people now? If I use this energy for abilities, will I feel a loss of strength?

"As long as the abilities are with you, the energy within you will affect you," the white figure uttered.

"And now, is it time to create?" the voice from the darkness asked, followed by an addition. "Interesting. How much energy will you give to create the system I decided to bestow upon him? 100 years? 200 years? Perhaps even 1000 years? Though, it's none of my concern," he finished with a laugh.

"You don't need to worry about that. He must be there. And he must do what was intended for his earthly self. Therefore, I will have to give as much as necessary," the white figure calmly replied.

After that, I felt as if something was pressing into my head. The pain was incredibly intense, stronger than anything I had experienced before. I was almost closing my eyes due to the agony when I saw an incredibly black beam shooting out of the darkness towards my head, despite the white figure's attempt to stop it.

"What have you done?! We made an agreement!" the white figure shouted, losing all the grace it had before.

"You thought I wouldn't do anything? That's amusing. Although, you should calm down. I simply decided to add something there. And in exchange for this interference, I have also left a gift," the voice from the darkness said.

"I will erase completely what you have done. I would rather create the system again than allow your interference," the white figure said angrily.

"You can, but I think you won't be able to create something the same. But in acknowledgment of our long acquaintance, I will tell you what I did, but not entirely. Let's say I will do something to the first person you kill, and in return, I will leave you the energy you have been accumulating for 10 years," the voice from the darkness replied.

After a brief moment of reflection, the white figure responded, "Knowing you, you will probably take him under your control. It won't greatly affect the fate prepared for him. Then I agree to leave everything as it is."

"Then farewell, I have other matters to attend to," the voice from the darkness said, after which it seemed like all the darkness in the room vanished, and in its place, the room became completely white, making it difficult for me to see where the white figure was standing.

"I hope we never meet again," the white figure said, as the disappearing darkness responded, and then turned to address me.