
The Chilling Adventures of Set

A man wakes up in the slums of The Hidden Leaf Village. He had nothing to his name except a mysterious and the power of Absolute Ice Maker. The multiverse is in for a freezing revelation. This is a pretty chill fic, nothing dramatic or anything of the sorts. No amazing plot twists, just a fun little read where we might encounter some questions about life, love and learning. It's fanfic still, so expect what you know to expect, but there will be mostly a fun time. NO harem collector, or God-level power spike that then turns into a worldwide slaughter. Just a cosy little read. A/N: I do not own anything except my own created character. Go and support the original work before you read this fanfiction. Remember to be kind to each other and to take care of yourselves. There is a tomorrow.

Vallori · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: More secrets and God nonsense.

So it is officially confirmed. Shopping here sucks.

You want flowers, that's in the centre of the village, easy to find. You want books or weapons. GOOD LUCK FINDING THE FREAKING STORE! It's located in NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE WHATEVER SQUARE!

My classes start in four months when the trio has finished what was to be their second-to-last year at the academy. Now they're going to spend the year before their genin test with me, and my instructions are to just make them into whatever will make the most efficient shinobi.

My original idea was just to open up a small school for the everyday person to get a steady academic foundation to build off of. Now it's turned into me bearing the responsibility of shaping the legendary Sannin into proper shinobi.

The entire day I've been out trying to find the right store for the things I need. The space I got for my classes isn't outfitted with anything. I need benches, equipment, books. Basically everything a teacher would need. But there is always the possibility that this world doesn't have what I need.

This would mean I would need to write several books or one massive one detailing everything I plan to teach them. I could do it all just from word of mouth, but giving them texts to reflect upon would be so much easier.

I still have at least one week before I need to start planning the year and the material I want to go through. I don't plan to teach them how to kill in the most effective way. I will spar with them and hopefully, by then I will have some control over my body. Sparring when going off previous Gods' muscle memory could end badly. What if I accidentally kill one or all of them because they triggered some hidden survival instinct I inherited.

Anyway, the entire year will mostly be dedicated to teaching them how to create a solid base of information and then twisting and turning that until you have squeezed out every useful option.

From the curriculum that Hiruzen provided, I know that the academy only makes them listen and take in the information regardless of its accuracy. I am not that kind of teacher. I encourage questions and I will teach them how to ask questions.

I will try and make them into people that can win the battle before ever grabbing the blade. They will win, not just because they have crazy amounts of chakra and skill, but because they will know a hundred different ways to apply those skills to any given task.

Who said nerds aren't dangerous? I'm about to create three world-destroying nerds. But I probably shouldn't call them that if I want this year to go smoothly. Why is there a stigma on that word anyway? Nerds... Without them, computers would not exist. We rule the world, and that's final.

Now comes the last shop of the day "Power without knowledge is emptiness." It's what's written just above the door into the only bookstore I could find.

"Hello there, youngling." There was no sound or anything, the little shopowner just appeared behind me. It was a small man, tiny and scrawny with enough wrinkles to hide his own eyes. He looked like he was actively melting down.

"Good day. You were the only bookstore I could find around here. I'm looking for literature, especially in the genre of history. Shinobi history, the warring period, and anything after and before it if you have it."

"Come on inside, youngling. Have some tea as well, it's been a while since I had any good sensible company." He walked inside and I followed. A lesson I learned during my life, never disrespect your elders. Most of them are wiser than you will ever know. Want to know the meaning of life, ask someone who's lived theirs.

"So why are you in the market for history books? You're not an academy teacher are you?"

"I'm starting my own little thingy in a couple of months. I have a few students lined up and I'm going to try out a new curriculum on them." Should I be telling this bookseller all this? No idea, probably not.

"Ah, never heard of that before. Sounds interesting. So what're you gonna teach them? History? They already learn that at the academy."

"It's not so much as switching out the subjects, it's more about how I'm going to teach it. I'm trying to prove that one year with me is more effective than a couple of years at the academy." He looks shocked. Understandable.

"And the Hokage is okay with this?"

"He is the one that handled the location, the students and pretty much everything else. So you could say that he is positive about the idea. He is actually putting a lot of faith in me and it's a little nerve-racking."

His somewhat shocked expression turned into full-blown laughter, which I was not ready for. I almost fell out of my chair I did. "That's just like little Third, always excited about school. You shoulda seen him when he was young."

"Do you know him? Personally, I mean." There was a clear familiarity in the man eyes.

"Sure, he's my baby brother." Never have I done a spit-take in my life. Well... Now I have.


"No worries. Not surprised, really, it's a well-kept secret. Only a handful of people know. And now you. So count yourself lucky youngling because not many are privileged to that information." Again with this shit. So trusting, why are they so trusting?! It's getting freaking creepy! Is it their family that is just so weird?

"Okay. I gotta ask because it might just be something wrong with you and Hiruzen. Why are you so trusting in me? He is the same. I only arrived in this village a week ago and Hiruzen has already granted me a massive favour that pinned him against the entire council and more."

His response was just to smile. "It's easy to be around you. Haven't you ever met a person where it just felt right to spill your deepest secrets?"

"Because that's you, youngling. Hiruzen might have given another excuse seeing as he is still the Hokage. But I bet my remaining arm that Hiruzen noticed something odd about you as well."

Now that he mentioned it, his right sleeve was just kinda hanging there, clearly not having an arm underneath it.

"Shouldn't take make you even more suspicious though?" This is starting to sound more and more like some God nonsense.

"Maybe, but I don't feel that way. I feel like you are genuinely trustworthy. So what's your secret? It would be great for me if the ladies didn't go running as soon as I approach."

"I am just as confused as you. Maybe I did good in my last life and this is how the universe rewards me. I have no idea." If somehow my status as a soon-to-be God is surrounding me with an inviting and trustworthy aura I might just survive this world. I doubt my personality is good enough to make people so trustworthy, so let's go with God nonsense.

"One can only guess. But hey, I've seen stranger things during my life so this doesn't bother me much. When you get to my age you stop caring about the small things. Worrying about things is little Third's job."

"I like you, old man. I sense a great friendship might come out of this still. I'm Set, by the way." I smile and we share a firm handshake.

"Set? Strange name. But again, no need to bother with the small stuff. I'm Haruto Sarutobi. Nice to meet ya, youngling. Now should we get you those books?"

"Let's see what you got, old-timer."



Have a Wonderful Day!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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