
The Charlatan(continuation of the first version){ARCHIVED}


The_Biblioteka · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

CHAP 38: "Treatment"

As i got back to my temporary base, i immediately fell on the sofa, feeling an metallic taste on my mouth, my whole skin was itching, and i was feeling the second worst headache i ever felt. I got up, ignoring the nausea, and looked through the supplies i had acquired, finding some analgesics, i took the whole bottle, i knew this wouldn't help so much, but it was better than nothing. When the pills took effect, i exited the building, heading to the hospital. I considered exiting the dungeon and asking Samantha for some help, but there wasn't much she could do without having to go to an hospital, and i didn't want to be out of commission for so long, so i had an plan.

I had taken samples of the cocoons in the power plant, and the hospital was big enough to have an lab on it, so it was time for some research. The sun was setting, but i couldn't be postpone my treatment any longer, so i went ahead, even if i had an feeling the zombies would come out at night. The nausea i was feeling made it impossible for me to really run, and fighting was even harder, so i would have to approach things stealthily.

After some good 30 minutes of walking, the sun had already set, and my hypothesis about the zombies was correct, sadly. The amount of big hordes that passed by me in the relatively small time i walked was bigger than what i had encountered throughout the whole day, and i'm pretty sure they were bigger than before, what i don't understand is where those zombies were hiding during the day, i had entered some of the buildings and they were mostly empty, only some had 1 or 2 in them. Hiding from the hordes made me take more time to arrive at the hospital, and my nausea was worsening by the minute.

By the time i had arrived at the hospital, it was past midnight, and the analgesic's effects had wore off. I lockpicked the main door and went through it, looking at the corridors, there were some signals of human resistance, the doors to the rooms the patients were in had been blocked, the elevators weren't working, which means the emergency generator was deactivated, either by the zombies or by humans. I looked at the map of the place, and saw that the lab was on the underground, beneath the parking lot. I took the stairs, and in my haste, fell down. I didn't die or get knocked out, but i did hit my head.

Getting up, i leaned on the rails, and slowly went down the stairs. When i arrived at the lab, the door was jammed, i kicked it with all the force i could muster, but it didn't budge, so i tried again, and again, and again, until it finally fell down, and i did as well. I was very exhausted, but i couldn't stop, not now. I got up, but the leg i had used to kick the door was hurt, so i had to limp through the laboratory, i went over to the genetics aisle, put on some gloves, and put my samples on an petri dish, i took an part of my own flesh with an scalpel and put it in another dish, took an syringe and inserted the pus from the sample on my flesh, there was no apparent change.

There were some other samples already on the lab, concentrated white globules, which i put on some infected blood, and it showed no signs of coagulating. There were samples of blood from different types of animals, and infecting it made the quantity of blood rapidly increase, so i think the virus somehow makes cells divide even without the necessary nutrients with no apparent decrease on quality.

After some pondering, i decided to take the risk. I was already infected with multiple types of zombie viruses, what could one more do? I had ran an analysis on my normal flesh and the one i had infected, and while the DNA on my flesh had been heavily deteriorated, it was fully integral on the one that had been infected. I inserted the syringe on my arm, and injected myself with the virus.

|You have been infected with an still unidentified virus|

'If this thing kills me, i'm getting back and destroying this whole dungeon.'

|{Sheer fucking will} has activated.

Host's mental faculties will be momentarily deactivated by the actions of the virus|

I blacked out.


An creature traversed the top of the buildings, launching tendrils to take even more momentum, rapidly arriving at an entrance of the city's sewer. It entered the underground, walking on all fours, ripping apart the zombies it encountered. It's appearance was monstrous, with bones sticking out of one of it's arms, while the other had what seemed like an claw, it's mouth opened Predator style, and it had an alligator-like exoskeleton.

After an long run full of destroyed zombies, it arrived at the treatment center, or that's what it used to be, now, it was nothing but an hive, an place for the zombies to evolve, hide from the sunlight and take their acquired prey, this was the monster's objective, it used it's tendrils and got to the highest ground it found, where it roared loudly, the zombies responded with roars of their own, but this was their last mistake, the monster now knew their location, what proceeded was an massacre. It used it's tendrils to pull the zombie to itself, where it would smash them on the ground, claw their insides out or stake them in his sharp bones, it killed hundreds of zombies, and then it went of the center of the treatment station, where there were cocoons, and proceeded to rip every single one of them apart, when it was done destroying the hive, it went ahead to the next one, doing the same thing.

And that's how the night went.

I didn't really like that 3rd person POV at the end, but it was the only way to make the scene make some kind of sense, so sorry if it didn't meet your expected standards, and know it didn't meet mine either. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed as always.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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