
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

JMore · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Tanasake Yura's perspective {she should be the protagonist ... should}

Many things have happened in one day but if something is certain in this life it is that I should never have sought information from the supreme, and when he said never, it is NEVER!

If right now they offered me immortality or never having opened that book, I would definitely choose the second one.

At that moment a translucent screen appeared in front of me, it said.

‡‡‡‡‡‡ ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡

"God Zac wants to question your decision"

Choose (1) to obtain Supreme Grade Immortality

Choose (2) to erase all the history I have written so far

(1) (2)


Tanasake- {What kind of joke is this?} <Press the button with the number 1>

God Zac -... <now if he screwed up ... again>

Well after pressing the button the screen disappeared ...

Changing the subject something serious is happening right now, just three hours ago I found out why my father and his subjects are so moved.


Everyone was moving around a lot but after having spent three hours after our arrival we all returned to the room where this Dullahan is, at that moment the cat girl started talking to Set and shortly after the cat girl left with a couple of corpses in her shoulders. When he left, Daddy's subjects began to make a report, while one of them began to heal Satou when he recovered his arms I gave him back his head, during the exchange I gave him a kick in the crotch ... although he did not need to One reason to do that, that idiot earned that freehand kick.

While giving his head back I heard something ... "interesting"

Tanasake - <kicks the noble parts of the Dullahan Makasu> since when have I been this idiot's fiancée!


That's what happened ...

<Sigh> I close my suitcase, I'm ready, I'm sorry father but I'm not getting married, I don't care if my fiancé is a Supreme or a God. Currently I am in my room in my father's castle and I go to the door of this, put everything I could in the suitcase that I carry in my hand and prepare to leave.

Prepare a note where I explain to my father that I will be going out for a time that does not wait for me before 100 years.

With all the preparations made, I leave my room and walk to the exit of the castle.

I am very angry, Mina was the only one who opposed it and I am sure she opposed it because she feels guilty about having pierced my chest with her fist, I don't know why but everyone knows something that they are not telling me, I am 10 years old but I am no longer a kid! (yes, she is). Turn right at the penultimate corner, just one more right turn and leave this castle ...

Cataplam! Zaz!

Ouch, that hurt I rub my head as I try to see what it will crash into, I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a headless armor on the ground. Apparently Satou is also going out the back door.

I stand up and pick up my suitcase ... huh ?! Why there are two suitcases, no, rather what is my suitcase?

Makasu- Hey! that's my suitcase

In silence I put down the suitcase that I took and took the other suitcase, the one that should be mine. I turn around and ignore the Dullahan who has already gotten up after a second of awkward silence I put my hand on the doorknob, or I try, I bump into Satou again since he also tried to take the doorknob ...

Makasu- ... you know there is another door a few meters over there <points to a door not too far away that also leads to the outside of the castle> ...

Take- ... thanks but I'm going to leave through this door whether you want it or not ... <Menacing look>

The situation is complicated, I am a little curious to know why it does not stop me if it is obvious that I am leaving the castle, but more than that it bothers me that he does not want to send me to another door.

Makasu- ... Look, I don't know where you are going with that suitcase, but I won't be in this place for another second, your father is obsessed with the wedding ...

Take- If you also understand it, take your hand off this door

Makasu- remove your hand first ...

Take- <threatening look> oh? and who are you to give me orders, let me tell you something I order you to let me out first [sovereignty ability of the ruler activated]

Makasu- What the hell ?!

Take- Thank you ~~ ♪

Makasu- wait! I don't know what you did but this game can be played in pairs. I order you to stop and let me out first [blood pact ability forces the demon to follow your will]

Take- eh ?! What did you do to me <back off and give way>

Makasu- if this is my chance <tries to get out the door but can't> huh?

Take- idiot my orders can't be denied <tries to get out but can't> ... remove your order is an order.

Makasu- I withdraw my order, wait a second! I order you to withdraw all the orders you have imposed on me and to let me leave first.

We continued in this vicious circle for another fifteen minutes until my father entered the door that was a few meters away, accompanied by two of his subordinates, both of whom seem quite concerned, but not as much as my father who is biting his nails while holding two notes. In his right hand, I recognize one of them as the farewell letter that I left in my room ...

Makasu -...

Take -...

We both suddenly shut up, at this moment we are both on the ground because of the orders that have accumulated ...

The trickster demon Philip is aware of our presence ... {I'm in trouble}

Philip seems to be silent for a second, but the truth is he is irrelevant, my father has already noticed us.

Makasu- I ordered the demon king Muraya Yura and his subordinates not to follow me or seek me out. There <now he's heading to Take> I have a proposal for you, I need to get out of here as soon as possible if you withdraw your orders, I will withdraw mine.

Take- but ... <is interrupted>


Take- <shudder> I accept if you help me escape from my father.

Makasu- Muraya Yura ordered you to let your daughter escape, but first stay still you are getting too close now comply and withdraw your orders.

Take- your orders can be withdrawn, I need a bigger guarantee, I have a hidden ability called "oh ink, please be magnanimous this time" that allows me to create an unbreakable contract based on the words that I say when invoking it so. ..

Muraya- SA-TO-U !!!

My father started to move defying Satou's order ... ok that's very scary ( ◎ ﹏ ◎ )

Take- oh ink please be magnanimous for this time believe ...

Muraya- IT SEEMS THAT WE HAVE SOME BAD CHILDREN AT HOME. MUA HAHAHA <he gets closer, the stone floor breaks at every step>

Take - <continues the activation in a careless way while speaking too fast> oh god, by this contract I want us to get out of this castle and that my father cannot interfere in any way while we escape, I also want to stay in such a way that both I as Satou can eh ...

I said all that in less than five seconds but still lacked something to create the contract

Take- since this is all Satou's fault, he must compensate me

A majesty light flooded the room, and in the air appeared a contract with so many pages that it could be a book, this contract emitted a divinity that forced my father to retreat

Take- Quick Satou signs the contract, sorry if it ended up being more powerful than expected, but that implies that whatever is written in it will be fulfilled

Makasu- do you expect me to read this ?! There are 600 sheets with ant letter!


My father said as he emanated a dark aura that tried to reject the divinity of the contract.

Makasu- Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen?

After saying that, he signed the contract with a light pen that appeared in his hand which he could move, and he handed me the contract which I was quick to sign.

When the last stroke of the contract was finished and the whole aura of divinity disappeared into the air as if they had never existed, even my father's evil aura disappeared and my father is silent to the ground like a bag of potatoes ...

Makasu- I can now move my hand ...

Oh I can too ... ! I stand up quickly, take my suitcase and take the doorknob- Makasu gets in my way again. But this time Makasu's hand withdrew and ... I opened the door b-b-but I didn't go through it if not-I gave way to her, as if I were her servant.

Take- <whisper> a-was this in the contract? [The god Zac responds- yes]

After leaving we started running in opposite directions, but something else happened, is that perhaps God hates me. As soon as we were 10 meters away, a translucent rope appeared at our waists, it stretched a bit and then, umm, I said that God hates me.

Makasu-I'm sorry Take, I understand your suffering, it must be horrible to kiss a corpse but I don't think filling your mouth with dirt is going to change the taste, the only thing you do by doing that is damaging my poor heart

Take-PUAJ- PUAJ- IDIOT- PUAJ- PUAJ Damn I hate this.

Makasu. And this happened through?

Alternate Voice of Fun (AVFUN) -Do you want me to read the closing?

Makasu- forget it

King-whit a scar in his face- and what do we do next?

Makasu- run away, run as far as possible ... wait ... who are you?

King-whit a scar in his face- I've always wanted to star in a getaway so let's start running.

After saying that, that guy in fancy clothes rolled up his sleeves revealing muscles the size of my head, he took me and Satou and made us on his shoulders like we were bags of potatoes and started running in the direction of a caravan. of and then a lot of soldiers began to run after the subject with the appearance of King he commented very excited.

SCAR- and since he could not miss in a flight, you have to flee with the prisoners, get ready

After saying that, he jumped open the prison carriage, he threw us both inside, closed the door again and caught sight of how Scar took the reins of the carriage and carried the horses to flee ...

By the way the carriage was already occupied ...

-----Hall of the gods after the announcement of the guilt.

Zac- well enough to blame, what we are going to do is:

First give a kitten to every child in the world

Second make kittens the most powerful creatures in the world

Third make all non-combatants stronger than combatants

Fourth make the monsters more difficult

Fifth the evil demigods will decend.

Sixth the gods of this room (20) must send at least one apostle.

Seventh the gods of this room must decend that world

Eighth tacos will become the official food of this world

Well that.





Fun fact: Take only knows the sacks of potatoes and does not know that the sacks can contain other things ... he never thought too much