
The Chaos Era of Zac the Destiny Maker

You know when you do one thing and you get a completely different one, well that usually happens, they are things that life has. Anyway, I think I should introduce myself, I am the god of destiny Zac, and I have a beautiful daughter. She is the goddess of chaos and she has never created her own world ... or so I thought. While I was in the middle of my work I discarded a lot of freaks in a random world that I found myself there only to realize that this was my daughter's world. She has always been a tender and loving girl who loves stories, she created her own world because she wanted to create her own story. And, well, I think it is an opportunity to develop a beautiful and entertaining story ... right?

JMore · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Before the wedding

Continuation of the story of Fany .

The system Fun and Fany went down into the world, they both appeared in the middle of a road ... or so it should be ... let's say ... they had a wedding to attend ...

Both appeared right in front of a caravan, that caravan was heading to a castle, to be more specific to the wedding that I am determined to do since I made him say those words.

Expiravit - "Then, in the middle of a boring trip a blinding light overwhelmed my sight and in the middle of the road a couple appeared in the middle of the road, those beings were incredible"

(FUN) ( Functional Until Now )

Fany - wow with that outfit you look like a real man hehe <he wipes the saliva that dripped from his mouth>

Fun - you don't look bad either < Fany puts a bright smile on her face>

As that pair conversed they were surrounded by the soldiers of the Specter King, after receiving the latter's approval , they were kindly escorted to the back of a carriage used to carry suitcases.

royal gurdia <tired tone> - don't try to escape, the whole carriage is reinforced, you can't use magic or abilities inside <sigh> plus their strength ... <sigh> just don't try to escape.

After saying that the guard closed the armored carriage, carriage which incidentally was a hundred times more certain that the high security prison of the kingdom.

Fun and Fany were frozen, not just literally they hadn't moved an inch in this entire scene.

Fany - yes well ... who is hungry?

Fany was the first to break that awkward silence ...

Everyone -...

Inside the carriage you could see three people, Fun , Fany , a cat girl who appeared in that place out of nowhere ... there was also a boy who was in a suitcase but he is gagged and crouched inside so it doesn't matter much ... they just had to ignore that suitcase that was shaking intensely.

The cat girl looked up a little, she was in a fetal position until that moment with her knees on her chest and her head resting on her legs.

Fany - the cat-eared boy over there asked you a question, answer it.

Shizuca - the truth is if I'm hungry ... <counting with fingers> one ... two ... three, I haven't eaten for three days ... by the way I'm a girl.

Fany - ignoring the cat girl's awkward comment, Fun that wasn't a question  ̄ へ ̄It was a reference!

Fun - ok ... TT

Fany -... TT

Shizuca -... TT

Valise- H ... e ... l ..... p (゚Д゚) w

The suitcase opens slowly revealing that there is a boy inside, he is Kuroro Lucifer . He is gagged and tied up with a bondage- style cure , he twists trying to get out of the suitcase, with a fast movement and almost imperceptible to the eye (everyone in the carriage saw it) Shizuca threw a dagger that bald in the suitcase turning it back to close.

Shizuca - you can stop bothering ...

The awkward silence took hold of the carriage again.

Fany - T-Then c-at girl < Shizuca looks one second > What is going on ?

Shizuca - in short ... the world is crazy, an undead appeared, I killed the demon king and the hero, I had to take the corpses to his majesty, by accident I attacked his majesty, I fled , they found me, they condemned me to death , your majesty forgive me for being "a cat girl" they put me in this carriage, along with that garbage there that did not stop bothering and now we are on our way to the wedding of that undead.

Fun - by pure chance that undead, was he a Dullahan named Makasu ?

Shizuca - do you know that guy?

Fun - yeah

Fany - Makasu , huh? ... his name sounds familiar to me ... I already remember him, he's the one who lives in sector D, he's a boring person, really, now that I think about it, isn't the one with the suitcase also a supreme ?

Fun - if, if his name is Kuroro Lucifer, the was the second to appear, and well you were the last to arrive.

Fany - ok ...

The awkward silence took over the place again, a few minutes passed and then Fany began a whispering conversation with Fun .

Fany - our goal is to know the world and make friends but ... what do we do now ? What course of action to follow? Someone tell me what to do!

That whisper quickly turned into a desperate cry, because ... to be honest what an unemployed and powerful person wants to do in a free world, Fany always moved within the laws because they limited her actions, with the willingness to do What you want without limits, many people despair, and although their primary objective should be to escape from that carriage.

But it would be rude not to attend the wedding of an acquaintance.

Shizuca - you can keep quiet

Shizuca speak in a calm tone, normal and even a little carefree but was clearly impressive, she was the person more strong in that carriage.

If we take the system of the highest level this would be your level:

- Makasu - Nv 20

-Hero- Nv 30

- Shizuca - Nv 15

-Demon King Muraya Yura - Nv 60

- Fun , Fany , Kuroro and other supremos- Nv 1

-King Expiravit - NV 10

-The real guard- Nv 5 - Nv 10

-Acompañantes of the hero Nv 15 or higher

-Civil Population- Nv-0.01

-Usual combatant strength- 0.1

These latest data demonstrate the potential of this world, for example the power of a human in a world like earth, would be: 0.0000001

And he would be virtually impossible to acender a supreme being , ( Well ... once there was one ... but he was already broken before he was the bastard son of a mischievous god and despite all your skills to explode about to become a supreme being)

I deviated a lot from the topic to be discussed but beforehand I must also explain that the difference in levels becomes more noticeable as the levels advance ... or rather they descend, the difference between a Level 1 and a Level 2 is abysmal (only the strength is abismal but not too complex to increase level, to give a graphic example, a level one would like a newborn for a two level, while anyone with a level lower than one would be less than an ant, those of the level 0.9 would something like a poisonous spider, you can crush it but if you are careless you can die) contrary to the above a level 80 can fight, at a disadvantage but at the end of the day giving it a fight. So the level difference is more small while the level is higher.

After such a big detour, I have to say that it was Fun who explained all the above (to Fany of course ) after killing that time, the castle of the demon king Muraya Yura arrived at their destination, the castle where the wedding was held.